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Types and symptoms of glaucoma

What is glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a large group of eye diseases, in which increasing intraocular pressure. The cause of glaucoma is pathology of the outflow of aqueous humor from the eye. If you start treating the disease in its early stages, it is possible to stop its development or to retard it. Glaucoma is called elevated eye pressure, if left untreated, the disease, the possible destruction of the optic nerve. Therefore, the patient permanently loses his sight.

Types of glaucoma

Open angle glaucoma is the most common disease, in comparison with other forms of glaucoma. The front part of the eye in this form looks standard, but in the eye accumulates a lot of liquid, which is an increase in eye pressure. This happens due to the fact that the fluid does not find it necessary outflow. Usually, the treating specialist will prescribe medication to lower intraocular pressure, but it does not always help. In this connection it is necessary to perform the operation using a laser or other surgical devices.

Angle-closure glaucoma is glaucoma that occurs in violation of some of the anterior parts of the eyeball, and this leads to severe pain in these places. It is also observed narrowing of the space between the iris and cornea of the eyeball, and the liquid inside the eye finds no outflow. If the outflow is impossible, there is a very strong intraocular pressure. When angle-closure glaucoma the patient experiences severe pain in the eye, and open angle when the patient is not experiencing any pain. In this form of the disease occur headaches, nausea, vomiting, iridescent circles in front of the eye, its redness. Acute glaucoma attack is an emergency condition that requires immediate start of adequate treatment. If not treated, a person can lose vision for a few hours.

Secondary glaucoma is glaucoma, which appears due to such causes as inflammation, trauma, surgery, diabetes, tumors and some medications.

Congenital glaucoma is a form of glaucoma, which is fairly rare and occurs in children. Treated by surgical intervention.

Symptoms of glaucoma

Symptoms of glaucoma usuallydid not occur, and the patient does not feel any discomfort in the eye area. Usually this disease is detected in a patient only after a regular examination by an ophthalmologist. Only when angle-closure and congenital glaucoma, there are certain symptoms:

- extremely strong pain in the eye;
- sudden vision loss;

- headache (pain often half of the head from the patient's eyes);
- nausea and vomiting;
- photophobia.

Born symptoms of glaucoma:

- lacrimation;
- photophobia;
increase in size of the cornea and the whole eye.


Sometimes patients with glaucoma, it is sufficient to use drops that will be prescribed by a doctor, and glaucoma will already be stopped. Drops is the first step in any glaucoma. In a more serious form of the disease is assigned to the operation. In glaucoma there is a lot of operations. They are produced with a laser or dissection of the eyeball.

But glaucoma can't be cured by surgery. And the operation only lowers blood pressure, a disease remains for life. After surgery is necessary to constantly carry out supervision of doctor, since the disease returns.