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Glaucoma treatment folk remedies

Glaucoma treatment folk remedies can always be combined with the appointment of the attending physician. Here you will find the most effective folk methods and means of treatment of glaucoma of of alternative medicine. Glaucoma is a large group of eye diseases, in which increasing intraocular pressure.

Glaucoma treatment should be complex. Therefore, it would be better if, together with folk remedies take treatment of glaucoma with herbs, thanks to which you will accelerate the healing process.

Grass multiped drove glaucoma

Doctor one woman found glaucoma. Eyes get tired and sore constantly. The woman could not even TV to watch the movie. The doctor advised to treat glaucoma folk remedies, for example, use the grass woodlice and do gymnastics.

The woman has collected 8 kg of lice, washed her , dried and skipped through a meat grinder. Then through the juicer squeezed juice and strained it through 2 layers of cheesecloth. In the end we got 6 liters of juice. Added the alcohol at the rate of 1 liter of juice 100 ml of alcohol and put in the fridge. Took 50 ml for 20-30 minutes before meals 2 times a day. Juice taste unpleasant, so the woman refilled with 100 ml of hot water.

Drank it for two months. Now she can watch normal TV, read and knit.

Duckweed glaucoma

Take duckweed – grass that grows in water, for example, on a pond. Wash and puree in a blender, merely crush it. Then pour two hundred grams of vodka and hold it for four days. Consume three times daily one tablespoon with a quarter glass of water.

In winter, this medication should be consumed constantly using raw materials harvested grass in advance. In the summer you can use fresh duckweed. You need to mix the grass mixed with honey and eat one teaspoon twice a day.

The infusion will help with glaucoma

Take ten grams of coriander, cumin, dill, anise fruit and pour half a liter of boiling water. Let stand for 120 minutes, then pass through a sieve. Drink half a Cup three times a day. You can still make compresses: moisten the bandage andapply for ten minutes.

Treatment is quite complicated, a lot, but after him, the glaucoma does not develop any more.

Glaucoma treatment herbal

As quickly as possible to defeat glaucoma use prescription medications your doctor, but, of course, do not ignore traditional medicine. Narva nettle, are best suited the may nettle, as it has the best healing power. And one tablespoon of chopped nettle, fresh or dry, pour a glass of boiling water. In an hour you can drink one third of a Cup 3 times a day.

To reduce intraocular pressure you need to apply special infusions. Mix together one teaspoon of birch leaves, cranberries, plantain, knotweed grass, succession, horsetail and nettle, 3 tablespoons fruit of mountain ash and rose hips and 2 teaspoons of the herb St. John's wort. Take 2 tablespoons of the mixture and pour three cups of boiling water in a thermos. Should insist all night. During the day you need to drink the entire infusion. And so drink to recover.

Also suffering from glaucoma should eat less salt and drink the liquid. Good to eat watermelons, grapes, pumpkins, dill, ashberry, currants, and drinking birch juice. Eat pollen.

Aloe in the treatment of glaucoma

If you have glaucoma, we use the following folk method. Take two hundred grams of water, pour them a couple of aloe leaves and boil six minutes. Pass through the mesh. Also can you do all this in another way: to dilute aloe Vera juice in the proportions of one to ten with distilled water or cold water.

After spend two or three course of washing the eyes with this extract, using the scheme of 4-5 times a day for two weeks and then do a 16-day break. When you use this popular method, you might be feeling a slight stinging sensation.

Also aloe can be cured and diseases such as blepharitis, and optic nerve atrophy, cataracts in the initial stage, suppurative inflammation of the eye.

Treatment of glaucoma with herbs

One teaspoon of fennel seeds pour a glass of boiling water, put on the gas and boil for a few minutes. Then insist hour and strain. You need to drink a quarter Cup 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. Course nationalglaucoma treatment lasts approximately 3 weeks. After the course is repeated after ten days of break. Also helpful is to rinse with infusion of anise. One tablespoon of herbs of anise pour half Cup of boiling water and infuse until cool. Flush eyes recommended 3-4 times a day.

Other recipes the herb can be found in the article on treatment of glaucoma with herbs.