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Headache during pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most exciting and joyful time in every woman's life. But this complex hormonal process entails great changes in the female body. These changes are not always noticeable. Causeless anxiety, insomnia, stress, sweating, sickness, headache, and swelling – these symptoms often become companions of the women throughout the three trimesters of pregnancy.

It is impossible to predict what pregnancy will be a headache, however, most often this disease begins to torment the mother in the first and second trimesters of the carrying a child.

Especially unpleasant "guest" for any woman, especially pregnant, is a migraine. Arising at the most inopportune moment, it affects the psychosocial status of women, causing depression and irritability. Thus, migraine has a negative impact on the physical condition of the pregnant woman. The situation is complicated by the fact that migraine medication can take: many chemicals may harm the fetus.

If you constantly suffer from headaches, you must consult a physician to determine their causes. What can cause headaches during pregnancy?

The content of the article:

Causes of headache during pregnancy

  • High blood pressure is one of the most frequent causes of migraines. The body of the expectant mother now need to work much harder – because now we need to give nutrients to the baby. As a consequence, the pressure on the walls of blood vessels increases, the blood flow weakens and the brain of the pregnant woman is not getting enough oxygen and carbon dioxide. The lack of oxygen affects the General condition of the body during pregnancy, causing migraines and making them periodic phenomenon.
  • Low blood pressure – another cause of headache. When hypotension is a violation of the quantitative and qualitative composition of the blood as a result of impaired blood flow. The shortage of oxygen in the body, all its internal systems do not get enough vitamins and minerals, and the brain is not enough saturated.

  • Stress. During pregnancy a woman becomes emotional and restless. Itmental state changes all the time, with her on any occasion happen tantrums, she cries all the time. This behavior during pregnancy is easy to explain. The farther, the more the expectant mother thinks about the upcoming birth. Women have fear of a failed delivery, she cares for herself and her child, always thinking about his health. Working pregnant women are exposed to occupational stress, and constantly changing not for the better figure is also a concern. The combination of these factors leads to stress, which are the cause of headaches in pregnant women. To defeat them, the mother needs to be protected from all possible disturbances, to continually lift her spirits and compliments to set to positive thinking by talking about a prosperous future.
  • Professional stress. Most pregnant women up to a certain point works. Some do it almost to the birth. Of course, colleagues at work, trying to be gentle, compliant and not to expose pregnant excess stress, the solution to professional issues, not canceled. A woman does not want to be a burden in the team and doesn't want to shift their own job tasks to colleagues, the more they will resent. So the woman focuses on work and tries to do it faster and in large volumes. Naturally, when she's nervous – hence pain in the head.
  • Dehydration and malnutrition. During pregnancy a woman needs to watch carefully how she eats and what water to drink – because poor diet and the consumption of water of poor quality may also cause headaches during pregnancy. Disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, disorders of stool, irregular or too frequent urination should be a signal to reconsider the diet. Should eat little, several times a day, and consume more "correct" foods: fruits, vegetables, lean meat and fish. In addition, you should abandon junk food, overcooked, too salty and spicy food. These measures will help to overcome the headaches caused by improper digestive system.
  • The change in the proportions of the figures associated with weight gain. More recently, the figure of a girl was perfect, but now everything has changed. Heavy Breasts, enlarged waist and increased stomach constantly oecause hands and feet – all this cannot but worry the mother. Besides, pregnancy is not the best way affects the skin: it becomes inflamed, appear inflammation and acne, face swelling. Most women are very sensitive to their appearance:if pregnancy is the cause of depression a single pimple or a slight weight gain, what stress she must feel when her appearance changes almost every day! Hence the headaches.

Treatment of headache in pregnancy

How to treat a woman "in the family way", suffering from headaches? About it can tell only the doctor after will determine the cause of these pains. Therefore, you should not self-medicate using normal methods of healing: it can be dangerous. The body of each person is individual and to assign effective treatment requires complex approach; a pregnant woman is a special case. To solve the problem of headaches, just take the pill like everyone else, she can't, and therefore, the situation is complicated. Therefore, for the physician in this case it is important to recognize the real cause of headaches during pregnancy.

  • Strong and healthy sleep – the best remedy in the fight against many diseases. These drugs are perfectly safe and available to anyone. So it is often "prescribed"for pregnant women against headaches. Rest allows you to relax and restore the nervous system – so women"in position" it is important to not only have a night's sleep, but also relax a couple of hours during the day. Moreover, during sleep the spine relaxes, unloaded all systems of the body, and thus, increases blood flow to the brain, which contributes to its saturation with oxygen and minerals. Thus, only a full night's sleep and small breaks during the day, during which the woman will relax, can get rid of headaches when carrying a baby. It is the most affordable way to get rid of the disease plaguing such a pleasant period in a woman's life as pregnancy. Besides, this method brings a sense of peace and tranquility.
  • Another effective remedy for headaches in pregnancy – constant exercise. You can attend special classes for pregnant women, and it is possible to carry out a complex of medical physical culture at home. Exercise increases overall body tone and increase the blood flow to the brain, and thus relieve acute migraine.
  • You can get rid of headaches during pregnancy, and protecting yourself from stress. The most important thing now is health, and your unborn child, so think about them is by getting rid of other unnecessary disturbances.
  • You need to try to maintain the correct posture. Of course, to "hold back" in the third trimester, when the growing abdomen shifts the center of gravity is not so easy. In this case, can help special corsets for pregnant women.
  • Of course, effective prevention of headaches during pregnancy will proper nutrition. Balancing and regulating your diet, the expectant mother can achieve tangible results.

Severe pain does not happen by accident. It may indicate future serious problems in the body. Therefore, the more vigilant will be the woman during pregnancy, the closer it will be to treat your body, the more chances to avoid more serious consequences, both for her and for the unborn baby.