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7 causes of headaches in children

Parents are usually not alert when a child complains of a headache - if it is accompanied by colds with fever and severe fever. Usually, with proper treatment prescribed by a doctor, lost all symptoms, and with them ceases to hurt and head. But how to relate to the fact that the boy complained of a pain in the head, while being perfectly healthy? How to perceive it – as an alarming symptom or just a children's fiction?

Why would a healthy child suddenly headaches? Parents often believe that it is purely "adult" disease, but in children this is simply not the case. Mistaken.

In fact, the head can hurt, regardless of the number of years. Suffering from it and very young children, and adolescents, and people of Mature age. According to the international classification, there are 13 major groups and 162 types of headaches. Surprisingly, many of these species are not connected directly with the problems head.

It is therefore very important to correctly determine the root cause of an ailment to fight with her and not with pain. Of course, it is impossible to consider here all the reasons, but quite possible to identify several of those can cause severe headaches, appearing seemingly out of nowhere.

The content of the article:

Vascular disorders

Of all cardiovascular diseases in toddlers is most common hypertensive disease. The term is derived from two Greek words "hyper"and"tonos", literally means "excessive voltage".

Hypertension occurs as a consequence of impaired circulation in the brain. Under strong pressure jumps, blood vessels constrict. No matter, this phenomenon is permanent or temporary – it is important that the various systems of the body thus insufficiently supplied with blood. This has a negative impact on them; especially the brain suffers. The reason for the diagnosis of "hypertensive heart disease" it becomes systemic (within one month – more than three times) increase in blood pressure.

Factors that provoke the development of hypertensive disease, can be hereditary,weather conditions, sleep disorders, etc. Therefore, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and regular daily routine is very important as a preventive measure against hypertension.

Do not rush to give the child medicine – for starters take him a little walk in the fresh air. Against this type of headache is also effective calming tea with chamomile or mint, an infusion of hops, cloves, flowers of the red clover and geranium (1 tablespoon pour a glass of boiling water, insist before cooling. Take a quarter Cup before eating) and beetroot juice (one-third Cup 3-4 times a day)

If hypertension is present the child has a mild headache quickly terminated. In more severe cases without drugs can not do. Without proper treatment, hypertension can lead to pathological changes in the vessels and internal organs.

Improper diet

Headaches in children under the age of five often are provoked by eating certain products. For example, hot dogs, sausage and other products made from processed meat can contain nitrates – preservatives that stimulate the vasoconstriction. For an adult this dose poses no danger, the child's body is not able to react to preservatives. Headache causes the substance tyramine, contained abundantly in nuts, yeast and some kinds of cheese.

Food additives, which are composed of chloride and sodium nitrite and aspartame, can also cause pain. Dangerous and overdose of vitamin A. in addition, the state of the baby is affected by the diet of his mother during pregnancy. If it is while waiting for baby, especially in the last trimester, ate enough, it could lead to low sugar in her blood. This adversely affects the brain function of the child and leads to the fact that immediately after birth he will suffer from headaches.

If the reason really in the wrong, the headache is often accompanied by severe vomiting or upset stomach. Give your child as often as possible to drink, otherwise can occur dehydration. Useful give your child to drink green tea with peppermint, elder flowers, or St. John's wort. And remove the attack of pain will help the infusion of birch leaves (1 tablespoon, pour a glass of boiling water for a couple of hours and drink necessarily cold).

If the baby is prone to bouts of pain, it is important to give him at least five times a day in small portions, and avoid carbohydrate-rich foods. All the necessary vitamins and supplements can be prescribed only by a doctor. It is important to observe the dosage, in any case without exceeding it.


Experts believe that migraine causing gene is hereditary and is transmitted through the maternal line. So if the mother suffers from migraines, then this disease will likely be transmitted to her child. Migraine is due to an insufficient production of serotonin in the brain (this substance is directly related to the headaches). A migraine is characterized throbbing pain in one side of the head that is accompanied by dizziness and nausea.

To completely cure the migraine is not yet possible, but it is really to remove her attack. Block only the beginning of the attack will help to sleep in the open air or in ventilated room.

  • Freshly squeezed juice cranberry or black currant is also an excellent remedy for migraine.

  • You can drink a decoction of Hypericum perforatum (1 tablespoon dried herbs pour a glass of water and boiled for 10 minutes on a mild fire, and then insist under the lid; drink a tablespoon before meals) or potato juice (twice a day for two tablespoons).
  • It's good to massage your head before bed. The massage is done with both hands, starting from his forehead, gently taking the back of his head.

Neurological problems

Headache neuralgic character occurs in lesions of the trigeminal nerve. A characteristic feature of this type of pain is repeated with a small time interval pain, sharp and short, like an electric shock. Sometimes the pain is worse when coughing, sneezing and even a sharp movement of his head. Sometimes it is accompanied by involuntary contractions of the facial muscles. Causes of pain neuralgic character, mostly colds and certain types of infectious diseases (mumps), as well as problems with the cervical vertebrae.

In this case, pills can only give temporary relief. Neuralgia well-treated with heat, therefore, a good effect can give warm (Solux, UHF, sandbags, etc.). A sharp pain shoots warm compress of cabbage leaves (instead, you can take the leaves of plantain) and radish juice.

You can also give baby an infusion of wormwood or yarrow (1 tablespoon per Cup of boiling water, infuse until cool and drink 5-6 times a day a tablespoon). To prevent problems with the cervical vertebrae, it is important to monitor the posture of the baby. Do not place it on a soft bed, and pillow use a special roller to maintain the neck.

Head injury

In children is quite frequent head trauma that can cause brain injury. The most noticeable symptom of head injury is loss of consciousness after a fall. But sometimes the visible symptoms is simply not the case: the child fell, hit her, cried and calmed down. Everything seems to be fine. But if after a while the child became fretful, complains of headache and dimness before the eyes – this should alert the parents.

Very young children can throw back his head and constantly arching his back, they are slightly swollen "mother spring" is a sure sign that the blow or fall was not without consequences.

Immediately after the fall should put the baby on the bed and turn the light off if it is too bright. Then RUB the injury site – this will help prevent the formation of swelling and bruising. You can just gently massage with your hands, but you can apply a cold compress (or ice water). A few days after the fall of the avoid noisy and outdoor games with the baby, and if he can show signs of concussion, such as dizziness or vomiting, go to the doctor.

Psychological problems

A child's emotional state is directly related to how he is feeling this truth for many years. Stress, psychological overload cause children significant stress, and with it comes the pain. In the stress sensitivity to pain in a child is reduced because of the reduction of serotonin and endorphins in the brain.

No need to think that stress can only cause negative emotions such as depression after the separation from parents in kindergarten. Too busy day or a noisy, active games before bedtime can also cause the baby a headache. However, sharp and strong, it will not, but the monotony and the length is also not the best way affect the child.

In this case pain relievers will not help, and the emphasis is on light sedation. Overexcitation and the subsequent headache relieves tincture peony (twice a day on a teaspoon). Of course, it is impossible to protect a baby from all the stress, but you can teach him to develop a defensive response. It is very important to apply the correct example. Child to imitate their parents, so if you show him that is able to maintain self-control and restraint even in the most difficult situations, the baby will learn from you this.

Talk with your child about his fears, doubts and worries, teach him not to keep them to yourself. If you repeatedly explain to him that his anxiety is groundless, he will trust you and calm down. It is useful from an early ageto teach a child to sports. You can try modern relaxation techniques such as massage or breathing exercises. And, of course, try to give the child positive emotions is a good compensation for the stress and a powerful incentive for discharge.

External factors

Headache in infants can be triggered by a number of external factors, which an adult might not pay attention. It's too bright light, lack of fresh air, loud noise. A very young child is not yet able to communicate with the outside world by means of words - he expresses his displeasure through crying. And parents should be able to determine the root cause of the crying and time to resolve.

If the baby during crying he blinks, turns his head as if beating her on the pillow – may have the irritating factor, because of which the baby has a headache. In the first three months of life the child may experience convulsions.

This kind of pain well eliminates sleep in a ventilated room or to fresh air (e.g., while walking). The child should be comfortable. Some children like "background support" to the TV, but still try as little as possible to turn it on. Artificial light in the room of the baby should be soft and muted, the lamp should not Shine directly on it. Ventilation is very important – especially in winter when Central heating makes the air dry.

Do not use if child is currently popular candles and aromalamps. These funds are considered soothing and relaxing, but aromatherapy has a powerful effect, and it is unknown how it will affect the delicate child's body.

P. S. All of the above remedies for relieving headaches have contraindications. Before to use them, consult your pediatrician.