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Headache in the forehead

Probably every person in my life ever dealt with such a thing as a headache in the forehead – this type is most common. Agree, a feeling of heaviness in the forehead and pain as if small hammers down in his temples and pressing on the eye – not the best feeling?

Perfectly healthy people, never ill with anything more serious than the common cold, headache in the forehead, too, does not shy away from. That's what this kind of pain is different from the rest. Figure out where it's occurring, let's consider the possible reasons for its occurrence.

Why headache in the forehead?

There is no single answer. The reasons for this pain – a great many. All of them are different. Let us first consider the main diseases that cause headache in the forehead.

  • It can trigger sinusitis – inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses. Sinusitis can also occur as a complication of other infectious diseases, and as a result of problems with the roots of the teeth. Headache in the forehead, and a runny nose at the same time does not pass? Bend down and tilt your head. If there is a feeling of heaviness and tightness in the sinuses, you may have sinusitis. Consult your audiologist and find out your diagnosis.

  • Pain in the forehead, causing sinusitis (sinusitis). It is an inflammation of the frontal sinus. It often manifests as a headache, which occurs in the morning and disappears for a while after emptying the sinuses. Treat sinusitis vasoconstrictors – they are dripping in the nose and lubricate the mucous of their nasal passage. In addition, use of aspirin, analgin, warm up the UV lamp and inhalation. In severe cases, prescribe antibiotics intramuscularly and sometimes may require surgical intervention.
  • Among hypertensive and hypotensive extended this cause of headache, increased intracranial pressure. The pressure changes cause all sorts of reasons: stress, fatigue, jet lag or a change in the weather. Pressure fluctuations are the cause of the headache. With increasing pressure the pain extends not only to the forehead, neck and temples – it can "encircle" the entire head.

  • Headache, concentrated in the frontal region, can be triggered by infectious diseases, accompanied by fever. Except for common sore throats, colds andpneumonia, headache accompanied by the following diseases:

  • Flu. In addition to headache in the temples and forehead, is a disease marked by weakness, chills and muscle pain. The flu, any movement of your eyes, and look into the light, become painful.
  • A sharp headache accompanied by fever and malaria;
  • Dengue (dengue fever): headache, pain in muscles and joints;

  • Headache together with nausea and vomiting – symptoms of acute meningitis.

  • Migraines (hereditary) accompany flare throbbing headaches. Appearing in the temples and forehead, the pain presses on his eyes and is given his head. Attacks of pain can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

If you are overtired, no matter it's physical fatigue or mental – you may also begin to have a headache. As a rule, in this case, the pain appears first in the cervical region, and then proceeds to his forehead and superciliary arcs through the back of the head. The pain is accompanied by nausea, may occur and problems with coordination. It creates the feeling of an iron Hoop, which grips your head stronger and stronger. Strained neck muscles can also trigger a headache. Try to forget about all problems, relax, take a pain reliever, lie down or sit in a comfortable posture and meditate or try to sleep.

Headache is also caused by some foods or food additives. Of course, harmful not the product itself, but only the specific substance which it contains. Experts believe that such substances are about 20. Here are some of them:

  • Meat productsand fruits and vegetables that have been treated may contain nitrates in large quantity. These substances are very common lately, but watching their health, people have long known about the harmful effects of nitrates on the body.
  • Alcoholic beverages, including beer and red wine contain large amounts of histamine. In small doses this stuff is even useful – it strengthens the immune system of the human body. But excessive amounts of histamine can trigger migraines.
  • Glutamate sodium. This is one of the most common food additives. In large quantities contained in seafood that have not undergone heat treatment. So don't be surprised if after visiting a Chinese restaurant you have the headaches started.
  • Tyramine can alsoto cause headaches. This substance is rich in chocolate, nuts and some sorts of cheese.
  • A well-known caffeine. If you know the measure of this substance activates the brain activity. But if you abuse it, it can cause pain. The caffeine in coffee, tea and Cola; based on it do energy. So control the amount of these beverages drunk per day.
  • Fruits of citrus trees contain acids that can cause Allergy headaches.

Here is the story of Anna, which for a long time tormented by constant headaches in the forehead:

About a year ago I began to experience frequent headaches. What is most interesting – a headache just on weekdays, on weekends I forgot about it. At first I was sure that the cause of these pains – fatigue, although my work is not associated with constant stress (I'm a pastry chef). But my doctor found out about my work, recommended me to reduce the amount of consumption of chocolate products. Sweet tooth is my biggest weakness, and I long could not decide to limit itself, but the pain was getting stronger, and I gave up. Almost immediately the headaches stopped and I decided not to eat chocolate. At first it was an ordeal for me, but gradually I got used, the more it was worth it in headaches since then never came back. Thanks to my doctor! Without him I would not have guessed that was causing headaches.

The most important factor in the prevention of headaches is also following a diet. Many people do not eat Breakfast, and this is a big mistake. After sleep, the energy supply in the body is small, and to get more fit, it requires calories in the morning. Eat 3-5 times a day, and remember that it is better to eat less but more often. For dinner you need to eat less than other meals. To prevent dehydration, which can trigger migraines, drink more plain water and eat salads made of fresh vegetables and herbs.

If you are concerned about a persistent headache, you should not self-medicate – this will bring your body only temporary relief, if not harm. A professional doctor make the diagnosis, will be able to prescribe effective treatment. First, you should consult your GP; based on the symptoms he will establish a diagnosis or send you to an otolaryngologist, neurologist or dentist.

Remember, frequent headaches can be a symptom of serious diseases. Do not ignore the warning signals your body and in a timely mannercontact the specialists, because health is the most valuable thing we have.