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Headache in the temple

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Of course, You've heard that millions of people susceptible to headaches. It is a signal of the body about the violation in this equilibrium. On the localization of the headache may be frontal, occipital, temporal, mixed. Very common pain in the temporal region. As a rule, it is not as intense as other types, but it can lead to various complications. The emergence of such pain is unpredictable. It could even be early morning and you will have to regret for the interrupted sleep.

Headache in the temples symptoms

By the nature of the manifestations of the pain may be sharp, dull, throbbing in one or both temples. This is due to the location of the temporal artery in the scalp. Continue this pain can few minutes, and may fatigue and several hours. Its intensity due to the individual characteristics of the organism.

Headache in the temples causes

Often, the headache appears as the result of the innervation of the jaw or cervical nerve endings and upper back, as they are directly connected with the nerves of the forehead and temples. Overexertion of any of these nerves can lead to headache.

You probably know that in most cases, headache that cause various diseases. Top of the list of infectious.

  • Headache – Sputnik flu, sore throat, Lyme disease, brucellosis, fever of Dengue.

  • Lack of sleep can be a source of prolonged headaches. This conclusion was made by doctors at the end of the last century after many surveys. People suffering from insomniaoften suffer from headaches.

  • Migraine can cause a very sharp pain which gives in the eye, often causes nausea to vomiting. May be accompanied by impaired vision, taste, smell, and sometimes photophobia, and weakness. Often when walking the pain is worse. Attacks can be short (about an hour) or long (several hours). Almost half those suffering from migraines people are unaware of their diagnosis. What does it mean? Only onethey are deprived of appropriate treatment. See how important it is to be attentive to myself and time to see a specialist for help!

  • The menstrual cycle could cause a headache in his temples. Pregnancy makes such attacks are rare, and childbirth and can do to free women from this problem.
  • Hormonal changes during menopause can also contribute to headache.
  • Lowering intracranial pressure almost always is accompanied by debilitating headaches, periodic hearing loss, ringing in the ears. Statistics show that every year one million people of the approximately fifty-acquire a severe form of low intracranial pressure.
  • Pheochromocytoma of the adrenal gland is inseparably connected with painful pulsation in the temporal area. This leads to an excess of adrenaline produced. As a result, a sharp jump in blood pressure, sweating, pale skin, headache. Last such episodes of pain 5 mins – 2 hours If your blood pressure is normal, don't worry. However, frequent pain in the temporal area it is better to discuss with a specialist.

  • High intracranial pressure (intracranial hypertension) contributes to the emergence of bilateral headaches. The situation is aggravated by the presence in the head of whistling noise. This condition is easier to carry in a reclining position. Risk group consists of people who are inclined to corpulence. They prefer to diet.
  • Intoxication poisoning is accompanied by not only diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, but the pain in his temples. Widespread alcohol intoxication. Evening meal always ends with a morning headache.

External factors causing headache in the temples

  • Carbon monoxide causes threat, requires urgent medical attention, poisoning. He was always accompanied by a General headache.
  • Twenty-four hour starvation in the period of religious fasting or to lose weight 39% of people provokes a throbbing pain in the temporal or frontal area of the head.
  • Most people are prone to pain in the temples while climbing to a height of four kilometers. Thirty percent of people feel depressed or are concerned.

  • Four percent of people are concernedheadache during and after flights. A fifth of people who are professionally associated with the frequent flights that suffer from frequent pain in the temporo-frontal region.
  • Scientists investigated occur in the temples headache as a result of rises to high altitudes and descending to great depths (up to 400 meters). Studies have shown that when the headache occurs significantly more often. This is explained by the lower oxygen content at high altitude, particularly in the cabin.

Headache in the temples treatment

It is very common for pain relief apply a simple pressure point massage of the temporal zones. Perform six to twelve taps index fingers (large) to the point of pain. Use this method throughout the day as many times as necessary. Eyes closed, quiet room, dim lights will make this massage more effective.

Another method of self-medication. To ease tension and relax the muscles on the side of the head compresses (hot or cold). Fifteen-twenty min. under the influence of heat (cold) headache subside or cease altogether.

Be sure to give your eyes a rest throughout the day. Concentration when working at the computer, while reading or driving a car increases the tension and leads to their fatigue. Blink frequently to avoid drying of the eyes, and hop off from work for 20-30 minutes.

Pay attention to the quantity and quality of sleep. Do not sacrifice sleep for success. The normal sleep duration of six to eight hours. Frequent lack of sleep can lead to chronic fatigue, as irritation and anxiety, a constant temporal pain, depression. It drains the body and could end badly. Sleep should be of good quality and sufficient duration.

A couple of cups of coffee will relieve tension and reduce the headache, just do not overdo it. Excess caffeine contributes to increased pain in his temples. More gently relieves stress and headache chocolate and a Cup of green tea.

Gently soothes and relaxes chamomile. Some people helps vitamin C (chewable tablets), cherry juice, orange juice. Useful exercises, walks. As often as possible open the Windows in the working area. The oxygen saturation in the blood contributes to the rapid purification of the cells from toxins, improves cellular respiration,raises the tone of the body and reduces headache in his temples.

To taking pain medications should be resorted to only in extreme cases and after consultation with the doctor.

Whom to contact?

Very often people do not go to the doctor for fear of finding anything serious. In the dark to live a calmer. This is a very dangerous position in life. You can lose time, which in certain diseases is crucial for the recovery. Another common reason we don't want to go to the doctor, lack of time or funds. It is also not an excuse. Especially when it comes to strong and frequent temporal headaches. The sooner you will be examined by a neurologist, the lower the probability of complications and the faster will be the treatment process.