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Headache in the back of the head

Headache in the back of his head – not a very pleasant kind of pain. Oppressive feeling in head, heaviness in the head, tinnitus, pain in the neck and shoulder girdle sometimes deprive mood and poison the life. Such pain can not be tolerated. How it is necessary to do?

You must first determine its exact location. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to understand: the pain occurs in the occipital or cervical region? In these areas there are various nerves, and if pain occurs in the neck, it can give in the cervical and Vice versa.

An accurate diagnosis can only be a doctor after medical diagnosis. If you consult a specialist there is no way someone can be asked to make a small point massage shoulder and neck, it will help to determine the primary location of pain. If You are sure in place the focus of Your pain, then read the following tips that are best suited to your case.

The content of the article:

What to do if a sore neck?

Pain in the neck, which gives to the back of the head can occur for the following reasons:

  • Cervical osteochondrosis – a disease that occurs in people who work on the debt you have a lot of sitting and little movement. Very often, osteochondrosis suffer office workers, programmers, cashiers, truck drivers and people of other professions. This disease is accompanied by pain in the neck and head, and with turns and head movement, the pain intensified. Headaches with cervical osteochondrosis very unpleasant. This disease are advised to treat only under supervision of a specialist.

  • Cervical spondylosis is a disease of the spine. When this cartilage disk develop tears and cracks, and the deterioration of the disease – intervertebral hernia. This disease may be accompanied by pain in the shoulders, in the neck section and the neck. People who move very little, very much subject to this disease.
  • Mihalos neck, the other seal of the muscles. The disease is characterized by the following symptoms: pain in the neck, in the shoulder Department, and dizziness. Reasonsmyogelosis can become drafts, stress, posture bending, prolonged nervous tension.

  • Cervical migraine may occur when exposed to pathological bone and cartilage tissue on the artery of the spine responsible for the blood supply of the occipital parts. This disease usually causes headache in occipital, cervical region, occasionally at the temples, as well as possible deterioration of hearing or vision. To determine this disease, try to find the first cervical vertebra and a little to click on it. If you manage to get into the vertebral artery, and the pain would increase – perhaps a cervical migraine. The treatment is carried out under the supervision of a neurologist.

Also a pain in the neck can occur due to incorrect execution of exercise: muscle tension sometimes causes dizziness, heaviness in occipital part, the feeling of the presence of some foreign body in the head. In this case You need to fix the neck in any way, reducing its mobility. In most cases it brings relief, and the pain goes away.

If You move a little, and You often have to sit, be sure to frequently change position. Constantly watch out for posture, and You will definitely see the result.

At home with a headache can get someone to ask or do it yourself acupressure. If there is an obvious improvement, be sure to sign up for multiple sessions to the doctor-reflexologist.

Irina, who had suffered from headaches in the neck and head, says:

"I worked as a cashier at the store, at work had to sit in one place during the working day. After some time by the end of the working day I began to feel sharp headaches in the back of the head, shoulders and neck. Because of these pains I thought to change jobs. My friend recommended me to go to a massage therapist. As I've tried to be treated by other doctors, and the result is not was I agreed to a massage. Massage has been my salvation! The pain went away and for a long time did not appear. Now I will twice a year going through a massage course of 10 sessions. This is enough for me to again feel cheerful, happy and active."

And indeed it is. Often is enough for an ordinary massage, in order to get rid of pain in the back of your head and lift your mood. Never skimp on your health!

Headache in the back of the head

Pain in this part appear in the following cases:

  • Mental or physical stress infor a long time.
  • Nervous tension, stress. The possibility of headaches from the stress is increased to 30 years, more women than men suffer from headaches associated with stressful conditions.

  • Arterial hypertension is a disease cannot be cured, it is associated with an increase in blood pressure. Than older people, the more possibility of this disease. Also have the value of heredity, alcohol consumption, Smoking, obesity, stress, sedentary work. Hypertension can be brought under control if you exercise, move more, and you also need to give up bad habits. Pay attention to your diet: eat less salty foods. Canned food can also cause harm, is to abandon products in favor of natural products. I should eat more vegetables and fruits, because they are potassium, which lowers blood pressure.
  • Various head injuries.

Treatment of headache in the back of the head

The first is to ventilate the room. You can slightly massage the neck, back, shoulders, then try to lie down and relax. Try to calm down, forgetting all nervous situations and problems that You may have experienced during the day. These actions are often enough to reduce the headaches in the back of his head. If the pain does not go away, you can try a folk remedy from a headache or take a pill. But always remember, it is not necessary to self-medicate, it is better to consult a doctor, as a small headache or neck pain is sometimes a symptom of a serious disease.