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Tests for gonorrhea

Additionally, where indicated, use culture method to determine the strain of the pathogen, reaction of immunofluorescence, PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.

Material for studies of gonococcal infection is usually a discharge from the vagina, urethra, cervix, prostate secretion, seminal vesicles. Smears and scrapings taken also from the rectum and eyes in gnobleniya. With the defeat of the joints is investigated synovial fluid. The fence material for analysis could only be performed by a doctor.

Of the selected material prepare smears on two slides, detachable dispensing a uniform thin layer. Smears are dried in air and fixed in the flame, and then one of them stained with 1% solution of methylene blue, the other gram. In the first case, a swab is used for preliminary approximate view on the second conduct final conclusion.

When performing gram staining is used:

· 1% solution of crystal violet dye dissolved in distilled water and filtered through 2 layers of filter paper,

· Lugol's solution (300 ml of distilled water, 2 g of potassium iodide, 1 g of crystalline iodine),

· 1% aqueous solution of neutral red,

· 96% alcohol.

If at carrying out of examination gonococci were not identified, use the culture method, the essence of which consists in the sowing of selected pathologic material on artificial nutrient media. Method is used when torpid (asymptomatic), chronic gonorrhea, and in all suspicious for gonorrhea cases. Gonorrhea approximately 24 hours to form many small Rosolini colonies if bacteria had not happened, the crops see at least another 6-7 days.

To recognize gonococcal colonies oxide helps reaction when seeding apply 1-2 drops of 0.5% solution of tetramethylpropylenediamine hydrochloride or 1% PPD. Immediately after that the gonococci are colored in purple-brown right up to the black color.

In recent years, increasingly used tests enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, they have a high information content and reduce the time of diagnosis of gonorrhea. To identify the specific sensitization of the organism, i.e. increased sensitivity of the organism to foreign agents in the domesticregion of the forearm subcutaneously administered 0.1 ml of the allergen. Evaluate the reaction after 24 hours after administration of the corresponding drug.

Depending on the magnitude of local reaction (hyperemia and infiltration) + (with diameter of 6-10mm), ++ (diameter 11-20mm) and +++ (with a diameter of more than 20mm). The size of allergic reactions above 5 mm the test is considered positive. In this case, patients with suspected Neisseria gonorrhoeae are directed to clinical and laboratory examination.

It should be remembered that for this test there are contraindications in the first place this pregnancy, malignancy, decompensated diseases of kidneys, heart, liver, tuberculosis, rheumatism in the acute stage, Allergy , and recently conducted hormonal therapy.

Also developed rapid tests for the diagnosis of gonorrhea in the home, and it does not require special knowledge and any additional funds. Rapid tests is a quick and accurate result, the anonymity of the test. If suddenly the test is positive, then definitely do not delay with the visit to the doctor!