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Household gonorrhea

As you know, gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease, and therefore the main route of transmission is sexual contact. However, to relax in this regard is not necessary, because there is a probability of infection of man and domestic way.

Fortunately, asexual method of transmission of Neisseria gonorrhoeae (diplococci), the causative agents of gonorrhea, is extremely rare, since these microorganisms can not exist outside of the human body and quickly perish in the environment. Besides, for the development of infection in the body should get a large number of bacteria. However, in order to avoid infection it is better to be careful and not to use other people's things a particular purpose.

It is known that men infected with gonorrhea less often than women. This is because the narrow opening of the urethra may not get the small number of gonococci that are present on various subjects. Besides, men can be washed from the urethra during urination.

Unfortunately, women often become the source of spread of infection, because most of them are simply not aware of the fact of his intrusion. Primarily, this is because the symptoms of the disease they almost did not occur. Only 30% of infected women discover purulent mucous discharge from the vagina and feel the pain when urinating. And, in addition, in women, the probability of infection with gonorrhea through everyday.

Usually this occurs when a particular contact with the objects of individual use, when the transmission can occur via shared towels, washcloths, bed linen and underwear, means of intimate hygiene. Quite rare, but there are cases of infection with gonococci girls of preschool age, when the mother is sick with gonorrhea and not know about it, puts the infection to the child hands, a loofah while bathing or towel when wiping.

Illness experienced in childhood may have a negative impact on the health of the girls, and in some cases may even lead to infertility. Only a careful attitude to their own health and health of family members will help you to protect yourself and others from infection.

The girls who acquired gonococcal infection by household, usually affects the vagina ahead of – observed vulvovaginitis. This is due to the fact that the mucosa of the genital tract is still too thin, and the protective flora is not available in sufficient quantity.

Boys household infected with gonococci almost never happens. Ifchild do get sick, the clinical picture of gonorrhea is similar to symptoms of disease in adult men.

Especially dangerous is getting infections in the eyes, because as an adult, and the child may develop gonococcal conjunctivitis is a serious disease that leads to blindness. The gonorrhea of the eyes – ophthalmia, it is possible to get infected if you touch the eyes with hands contaminated with secretions from the genito-urinary organs. In adults usually affects one eye, but if untreated the infection spread to the other eye.

2-3 days after infection, the conjunctiva of the eyes becomes edematous and hyperemic, there is redness and swelling of the eyelids. Eyelids are getting too tight and difficult to open. At the initial stage of the disease discharge from the conjunctival SAC scanty, serous and bloody, but at day 4-5 after infection, they become abundant and purulent.

Very often the ophthalmia is complicated by the defeat of the cornea and erosion processes. The result of the infection, possible perforation of the cornea with the further development panophthalmitis, the outcome of which atrophy of the eyeball and blindness. When apart of the age of the patient, the pus can splash jet, so it is recommended that the application to the eyelids with a cotton swab and the use of protective eyewear.

The man developed typical symptoms of gonococcal infection, you should immediately see a doctor, self-medication is strictly prohibited. Not only that, the wrong treatment of the disease easily becomes chronic, and the bacteria develop resistance to drugs. For suspected gonorrhea should be followed carefully rules of personal hygiene to avoid infecting others and must wash their hands with soap after visiting the toilet.

Usually when uncomplicated gonorrhea, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics, and at the initial stage it will be enough one-time use of drugs. During the treatment the patient is not recommended eating spicy foods and alcohol, drink plenty of fluids and refuse for the period of sex. As a rule, when time begun treatment outcome of the disease is always favorable.