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Treatment of granuloma

Treatment of granuloma folk remedies

Granuloma of the tooth like a small cyst, it contains a purulent substance. The consequences of running granulomas can be very serious, so without the consultation of a specialist can not do. To relieve the symptoms of this disease, relieve pain used folk remedies.

Tips healers will help to prevent various diseases of the kidneys, heart and other organs, which influence the granuloma becomes harmful. Launched granulomas can cause a dental abscess, the inflammation can affect maxillo-facial bone, and then the treatment will be long and difficult. It is first necessary to address urgently to the stomatologist, it is strictly forbidden to apply hot compresses, after this procedure, the pus will spread faster.

Best cut in the gum to drain the pus and take advantage of the anti-inflammatory drug therapy. So this problem has receded rather, it is proposed in folk medicine one effective method, proven in practice. Need to the bottom of a small container to pour a little lime honey and heat in a water bath. Then heat on the fire the rusty nail and dip it in warm honey. Around the nail is formed a thick black mass, like tar. After it all cools down, remove the nail, clean it with a black stain and apply for applications on the gums. Apply at night, usually by morning the abscess breaks.

Treatment of granuloma broth

You will need the following chopped ingredients: 1 tsp immature buds of pine cones or spruce, 1 tbsp. l. dried berries of blueberries, 2 tbsp mint leaves, lemon and 2 tsp of the rhizomes of cattail and narrow-leaved. This fee should pour 2 cups boiling water, bring to boil and boil 15-20 minutes on low heat, the dish should be covered with a lid. Insist broth for 30 minutes, then strain and pour boiled water to return to the previous level. Take 1/3 Cup 3 times daily before meals. Can the broth to use for applique on the gums.

Treatment of granuloma propolis and calamus root

Effective with the granuloma is a method that involves the use of two therapeutic agents.

Recipe infusion No. 1: 30 grams of propolis insist in 0.5 liters of vodka.

Recipe infusion No. 2: 30 gr. dried roots calamus insist in 0.5 liters of vodka.

Kept in a dark place, drugs areready to use in two weeks. Then, the tool strain and take 1 teaspoon of tincture of propolis and 2 teaspoons of tincture of calamus root, mixed and used for daily rinsing, holding in the mouth is not less than 3 minutes.

Treatment of granuloma infusions

Recipe No. 1: the granuloma can be treated by infusion of 1 tbsp. l. flowers of chamomile or 1 tbsp. leaf sage or 2 tbsp. leaf of eucalyptus steamed Cup of boiling water and infused for one hour. Apply as frequent gargling after each meal.

Recipe No. 2: pour cold water 1 tablespoon of the collection, prepared from a mixture taken at 25 grams of oak bark, rhizome, herb, thyme, leaf of walnut. Leave for 2-3 hours, then boil for 10 minutes, cool, strain. This infusion can rinse your gums, to make the application of tampons soaked in this remedy.

Treatment of granuloma tinctures

Recipe No. 1: in a glass of warm water, dilute 40 to 60 drops of tincture of calendula or 20 ml of tincture of sage or 25-30 drops of tincture of eucalyptus and make a mouthwash at least 4 times a day.

Recipe No. 2: you need to pour 0.25 litres of vodka 30 g of crushed roots of calamus, and 0.25 liters of vodka 30 grams of propolis. Insist 14 days, drain. Rinsing the gums, mixing 1 tsp of tincture of propolis with 2 tsp. of tincture of calamus root three minutes.

Other recipes of traditional treatment of granuloma

The oak bark. Pour 1stakanom boiling water 1 tbsp. shredded bark oak and put on 15-20 minutes in a water bath. After brewing pour boiling water to attain the original volume and used for rinsing the gums.

Sage and oak bark. 5 g of chopped sage and oak bark, pour a glass of water, boil 10 minutes. Warm liquid rinse gums several times a day.

Sea salt. Quickly comes relief granuloma the use of funds, prepared from 1 egg,1 tsp sea salt and a liter of cold boiled water. Rinsing the mouth should be 5-6 times a day after meals in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Celandine and glycerin. Ready a 30% tincture of celandine , mix 1:1 withglycerin or vegetable oil. Applying to the gum moistened with tincture swab twice a day.