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The flu: symptoms and treatment

Influenza – virus type A, C and B, which belong to the family of orthomyxoviruses. The viruses of type A are able to affect both human and some animals, and viruses of type C and B pose a risk exclusively to the human body.

Viruses are prone to antigenic polymorphism, particularly a virus of type A. This causes the frequency of the emerging epidemics of influenza, and also makes it impossible to develop a single vaccine to provide specific prevention. Viable virus loses at the temperature of 50-60 degrees Celsius, and under the influence of disinfectant chemical origin.

Source of the spread of the flu is man, although influenza type A can carry horses, birds, ferrets, pigs.

The virus is widespread and often leads to epidemics in the world. The danger of the flu is often underestimated, although according to who, each year sick 20% people of the total population of the country. Severe disease is observed in approximately 5 million people. Die from the flu each year from 250 to 500 thousand people. Only in Russia each year doctors record about 27 million patients. Disease was first described in 1403, since there are 18 flu outbreaks, which have infected a huge number of people, and many died from complications of the disease.

Once in the cell, the virus begins to actively proliferate, causing an acute viral infection of the respiratory type called the flu. The disease is accompanied by fever, intoxication and other symptoms. SARS is a group of infections, including the flu.

The flu can affect anyone, regardless of gender or age, the peak incidence occurs in the cold period (late autumn, winter, early spring). In summer, the flu is recorded very rarely. It is known that in contact with the virus direct sunlight, he will die almost instantly.

The content of the article:

The causes of influenza

The disease develops as a result of ingestion of virus And or – therein lie the reasons for getting the flu. Spreading the virus from the source of the disease to susceptible organism. Reservoir and source of infection is a sick person, he can be observed as a clear clinical signs of the disease, and erased the symptoms.

The maximum amount of virus the patient selects in the first 6 days after infection. The higher the concentration of virus secreted in the secret, the stronger the catarrhal (cough, runny nose, sneezing), the higher the risk of infection.

Transmission of influenza virus there are two:

  • The aerosol mode of transmission. While aerosol transmission of the virus is spread by airborne droplets. Virus stands out with saliva and mucus when an infected person sneezes, coughs or just involved in the conversation. Having the form of a fine aerosol, the virus is spreading in the ambient air and is inhaled by healthy people.

    The gateway can serve not only mouth or nose, but the eye of man. The more people in the room, the higher the risk of infection. This is especially true for cohesive teams, for example, for kindergarten, classrooms, offices, etc.

  • Contact-household transmission. We should not exclude the possibility that the virus can be transmitted contact-household way. That is, if the mucus that contains the virus will be taken to hygiene products, Cutlery, bed linen and these things will take a healthy person, he will be infected.

Is it possible to get the flu by shaking hands?

In the course of the survey which was attended by 1,000 people in the UK, it was found that 57% of them would not kiss a person who is sick with the flu or another SARS. Furthermore, 86% of people would replace a kiss at the handshake.

The myth about what the flu is transmitted through a kiss from a sick person has been refuted by scientists from Britain. The risk of infection increases several times, to shake hands, not kissing.

Professionals working in Cardiff University, this fact is explained by the fact that the virus is transmitted through mucus, not through saliva. That is, the infected person touching the nose, eyes, lips and the mucus sticks to his hands. During the handshake this mucus falls on the hands of a healthy person, and then in the same way are recorded on healthy mucous membranes.

The results of this survey once again showed that the population not having medical education, has had a poor awareness about the modes of transmission of influenza virus and SARS. Therefore, expertsa reminder that the value in terms of the spread of the virus is close contact with the source of infection. In this regard, of particular importance is coughing, sneezing and shaking hands.

Flu symptoms

Symptoms can be of varying intensity, depending on the types of influenza virus, of the functioning of the human immune system, but in General the clinical picture is determined by the General signs.

Common flu symptoms

Common flu symptoms include:

  • The increase in General weakness. It appears immediately after the incubation period ends (it can last from several hours to several days). The beginning of the flu is always a sharp increase of symptoms of intoxication, which is primarily expressed in the feeling of fatigue and weakness. The patient has fatigue, which increases rapidly. This is because in the blood increased the amount of virus, which means it has more of the decay products resulting from their activity.
  • Headaches. Headaches are caused by the fact that the vessels of the brain affected by the virus, and this leads to disruption in them microcirculation. Localized pain in temples, forehead, nape, eyes. They have a tendency to rise and increase when turning or tilting the head when exposed to buds of loud sound and bright light. May cause dizziness, especially when taking vertical position.

  • Painful sensations in the muscles, aching. Muscle stiffness, aching pain in them arise upon completion of the incubation period and gradually increase. The culprit is the muscle pain component of viral hemagglutinin, which leads to disruption of the circulation of the blood through the vessels. As a result of disturbed metabolism, increases oxygen shortage natural waste products stagnate inside the muscles, causing pain and aches.
  • Fever. The increase in body temperature is one of the first symptoms that the body infiltrated by a flu virus. It can rise up to 37,5 degrees and stay on it for a long time, but often increases to high values, up to 40 degrees. The fever indicates that the body is fighting infection. As a rule, it grows rapidly and reaches a peak by the end of the first day after the onset of the disease. The decrease in body temperature observed on the 2nd or 3rd day of illness, however, in the evening hours may increase tohigh marks again. At the rate it comes in 5-6 days of illness. Sometimes 6-7 a day, again there is a jump in body temperature, which is unfavorable symptom indicating the development of complications.
  • The chills occurring against the flu, is a protective reaction of the body which are intended to reduce heat loss. It is caused by a failure of the thermoregulation center (on the background of increased body temperature, the optimal boundary temperature is shifted up). Nerve cells decide that the body is cold and starts the process of muscle tremor.
  • The loss of appetite. Appetite is reduced due to the fact that in the brain inhibited the activity food center. It is the inherent nature of the human body, which is due to the fact that all his powers should be directed at combating infection.

Started with flu-like symptoms

The symptoms that begin to manifest in poor condition:

  • The nausea is typical for acute stage of the disease. Often it is accompanied by vomiting, but the digestive tract are not affected by the virus. This symptom is caused by the General intoxication of the organism, when the blood stream receives a large number of decay products. Reaching the brain, they affect the vomiting center, causing nausea, increased sweating and salivation, pallor of the skin, vomiting.
  • Increasing the amount of virus in the epithelial cells of the respiratory tract, the patient is increasing the catarrhal symptoms of the flu. This is accompanied by a feeling of nasal congestion as a result of the edema and swelling of its mucosa. In parallel, begins to produce excessive amounts of mucus that leads to abundant secretions. They are colorless, transparent and odorless. If associated bacterial flora, the discharge becomes yellow or green in color, acquire an unpleasant odor.
  • Sneezing is another protective symptom that often occurs in influenza. It is intended to remove from the nose of excess mucus, and with it the viruses and their waste products. It is worth remembering that during sneezing the patient can release particles of mucus for a few meters, namely in the mucus contains a large amount of viruses. Therefore, to avoid increasing the risk of infecting others, you should sneeze and cough into a handkerchief.
  • Sore throat as well as rhinitis caused by the destructive effect of influenza virus, but in this case, the upper respiratory tract. The flu virus is ableto penetrate into the mucous membrane of the trachea and larynx, violating its integrity and increasing the sensitivity to various stimuli. This leads to a sense of tickling in the throat, then pain in it. (see also: Rhinitis – causes, symptoms, how to treat?)

  • Cough, similar to the sneezing is a protective reflex designed to remove from the upper respiratory tract of excess mucus and viruses. However, the nature of the cough associated with influenza is essential. If it's dry and painful, it is caused by damage of the mucous membrane of the throat, trachea, larynx. Typically, the coughing occurs in the first days of the disease. As they progressed, the cough becomes wet. This happens 3-4 days. At the same detachable sputum should not be the norm nor smell, nor colour. If it becomes a shade of green, has an unpleasant odor and is highlighted on the 6-7th day after the onset of the disease, it makes sense to suspect the onset of bacterial infection. (see also: Dry and wet cough in adults)

  • Hoarseness often occurs after a hysterical dry cough. May cause feelings of rawness in the chest (sensation of pain), which is enhanced by the cough reflex. The throat and pharynx can be slightly hyperemic, sometimes there is tachypnea.
  • Redness of the eye accompanied by eyelid edema, photophobia, and watery eyes caused by hitting the virus on the mucosa of the organs of vision. In this case, it is possible the development of conjunctivitis, which is usually brief and takes place by removal of the virus from the body. But the accession of a bacterial infection in this case is also not excluded.
  • Development of hemorrhagic symptoms occurs in 5-10% of cases. This addition to the catarrhal manifestations, there is bleeding from the nose, there are small hemorrhages in the mucous sheath lining the oropharynx. If hemorrhagic symptom becomes severe, then it is possible pulmonary edema.
  • May cause diarrhoea. In childhood it is associated with symptoms of intoxication, and in adulthood often leads to the exacerbation of chronic infection of the gastrointestinal tract.

The incubation period for flu

The incubation period of influenza is the time period that is necessary for the virus to multiply in the human body. It starts from the moment of infection and lasts untilthe first symptoms. Typically, the incubation period is from 3-5 hours to 3 days. Most often, it lasts 1-2 days. The smaller the initial amount of virus trapped in the body, the longer the period the incubation period of influenza. Also this time depends on the state of immune protection of the individual.

Despite the lack of symptoms during the incubation period the person is the source of infection and can infect other people.

This is due to the phases of development, which passes the virus:

  • In the first phase, called phase of reproduction, the virus enters the epithelial cells of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and begins its active growth. New viruses capture all the great territory, but the patient has no symptoms of the disease, as the amount of virus is too low for intoxication. This phase refers to the incubation period.
  • Phase viremia when the virus enters the bloodstream, it also refers to the period of incubation. Upon receipt in the bloodstream of large amounts of toxic substances, growing the symptoms of the disease. This is the end of the incubation period.
  • Phase of increase of the catarrhal symptoms in the respiratory tract.
  • Phase of bacterial complications, which when severe flu and getting appropriate treatment can be omitted.
  • The phase of reverse development. It comes at a time when the virus completely out of the body. Full epithelium is restored not earlier than 30 days after infection. In children, a faster recovery time.

The period of contagiousness is completed only on day 6-7 of illness when the concentration of virus in the patients exhaled the air sharply. The most dangerous are those people who are against medical recommendations continue to go to public places, infecting a huge number of people around them.

Read more: What can and cannot be done with the flu?

Periods of influenza

Most of the time the flu virus is absent in the population, repeating your drift in winter and autumn in the Northern hemisphere and in summer in the southern hemisphere. Periods of influenza usually last for 1 to 3 months, after which the virus disappears again. Scientists suggest that at this time he drifts in the Equatorial zone, where cases of flu are registered throughoutyear.

In winter and autumn increase in the frequency of incidence of this virus is due to the fact that large groups of people over a long period of time are indoors. First, the outbreak is reported among preschool children and among the adult population, then the disease is recorded more frequently in the elderly.

Around the world in the periods of incidence of the flu affects people of all ages, but the most vulnerable group are children from one year to 14 years. Among them perevalivaet to 37% of the total number of children, due to the imperfection of their immunity and close contact in the children's team during periods of influenza.

Read more: What to do during a flu epidemic?

Diagnosis of influenza

A preliminary diagnosis of influenza based on clinical signs of the disease and Express the data obtained by ELISA or IF. During epidemics under suspicion for influenza includes all patients with characteristic symptoms.

Clinical examination for the flu includes:

  • Inspection of mucous membranes, skin;
  • Palpation of the lymph nodes;
  • Percussion of the lungs;
  • Auscultation of the pulmonary tree.

The tests, which sends the doctor of the person with suspected influenza include the following:

  • UAC (leap of leukocytes, monocytes, lymphocytes, ESR and a decrease in the number of neutrophils);
  • OAM remains unchanged;
  • A swab from the nasal cavity to define therein viral particles (influenza they will be found in large quantities).
  • Sputum, which can be suspected inflammation of the lungs;

  • IFA, which authorizes the allocation of antibodies to the flu virus.

It is important to differentiate flu with adenovirus infection, parainfluenza, rhinovirus infection, respiratory syncytial infection.

Treatment of influenza

Self-treatment of flu for this scheme is only possible in milder forms of the disease, while medium, heavy and hypertoxic treated on an outpatient basis.

Stage 1: treatment of influenza: definition of the severity of

Before you start treatment, it is necessary to determine the degree of severity of the disease.

The flu is caused by viruses of group A, B and Sumeet common symptoms, including weakness and fatigue, which usually starts sickness, dizziness, sudden fever, headache, sweating and chills. There may also be neurological disorders, nosebleeds and skin rashes around the nose.

  • A mild form of flu usually passes without complications, the temperature rises to 38 degrees, the signs of intoxication are absent or slabovrajenna. The disease can be cured at home, but the patient must comply with bed rest.
  • Moderately severe form of influenza can have complications such as otitis media and sinusitis, temperature above 38 degrees, but below 40, in children other symptoms joins vomiting, diarrhea, digestive disorders. Self-medication can cause degradation, increase in the number of complications and their severity.

  • At the heavy form of flu the temperature of the patient exceeds 40 degrees, there is delusion and confusion. In children a convulsion. Treatment in a hospital setting.
  • When hypertoxic form of flu the temperature more than 40.5 degrees, nosebleeds, the person loses consciousness. The patient needs outpatient treatment, otherwise serious consequences or death.

Stage 2: the main treatment for the flu

The second stage treatment of influenza is required for all patients without exception, whereas the third stage is the use of antiviral drugs prescribed for complicated forms of the disease.

To successful recovery lies in early treatment, so take the appropriate measures necessary at the first sign of the disease, but better – even before I manifested the first symptoms.

  • Patients are advised to observe bed rest since the first days of the disease. The diet of patients must be balanced and contain fresh fruits and vegetables, foods rich in natural protein. To reduce the content of products with a high content of sugar and fast carbohydrates – cakes, pastry, chocolate and candy. Completely eliminated coffee, alcohol and strong black tea, and other products that contribute to dehydration.
  • To maintain the water balance of the patient is required to drink as much fluid as possible,preferring herbal teas and herbal teas, fruit compotes, mineral water.
  • Antipyretics are recommended for use in the treatment of influenza in children, are suitable for this medication based on paracetamol, which include Coldrex and Panadol. Adult patients temperature down with aspirin, ibuprofen and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory.
  • With a strong dry cough, it is recommended to take an expectorant and facilitate sputum production tools. Mukaltin, syrup of licorice root, Bromhexine and other medicines to alleviate cough, have mucolytic action and reduce the risk of developing such complications of flu like bronchitis and pneumonia. The bronchospasm in adults and children removed with inhalations with infusions of herbs, that are sage, chamomile, Hypericum, pine cones and kidneys.
  • If the cough is very strong and painful, it can be mitigated antitussive drugs. However, if the cough is tolerable, it is recommended to use a mucolytic agent, as the sputum in the absence of cough does not come out from the body, which prolongs recovery. For the treatment of children in such cases it is advisable to apply Tusupbek and Pertusin.
  • For all colds, flu and SARS recommended taking multivitamin complexes and vitamin C. the flu Viruses damage the walls of blood vessels, as ascorbic acid, contributes to their recovery. It should be remembered about the possible side effects of overdose in vitamin C that can occur in children. So, when taking ascorbic acid in large doses may decrease blood pH, which causes acidosis and slows recovery.
  • Adjuvants are not very effective in the treatment of influenza directly, but prevent the development of complications associated with inhibition of the immune system by viruses. In such cases it is recommended to use means of stimulating the immune system, which are of plant origin milk Thistle, ginseng, Siberian ginseng and Echinacea.

Stage 3: antiviral treatment of influenza

Modern treatment of influenza of moderate and severe forms involves the use of antiviral drugs with proven effectiveness in clinical trials. In the treatment of influenza use the following medicinal preparations: Arbidol, Tamiflu, Remantadin, Amantadin taken as directed by your healthcare doctor.

In some casescomplicated forms of influenza may require the use of interferon and immunoglobulins obtained from donor blood.

List of drugs for the treatment of influenza

Treatment of influenza with antiviral

One universal remedy to cure flu does not exist due to the constant variability of the virus-the causative agent of the disease. In the treatment of influenza specific and nonspecific antiviral agents, specific include amantadine, rimantadine, zanamivir. Nonspecific drugs medication treatment influenza interferon, interferon inducers, immunoglobulins.

Immunoglobulins are used in outpatient treatment to remove toxins and viruses in complicated cases of influenza. Method of administration – injection, while use of a multivalent and donor immunoglobulin. Home flu therapy drugs in this group are not used.

Amantadine, rimantadine and others. Specific antiviral drugs inhibit the reproductive process of the virus, which ensures their effectiveness in the treatment of influenza. But these drugs have several drawbacks – they act selectively only on the virus of influenza A, they formed a resistance and also may experience side effects from the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.

The side effects include stomach pain, loss of appetite and nausea, and nervousness and sleep disturbance 5-10% of the patients.

Use the drug recommended in the first days from the disease onset, preferably before symptoms appear. If you take the medication in the first 48 hours of onset of flu passes quickly and without complications, prophylactic administration of funds before symptoms occur to prevent the flu. Because of the fast developing resistance to the drug take it for longer than five days is inappropriate.

Amantadine (Guantan, Midantan, PK-Merz). Half shortens the duration of flu symptoms when taken at the first 48 hours of onset. Has antiviral effect, at the same time works as an anti-Parkinsonian agent. The course of treatment is three to five days. At this point in the treatment of influenza is rarely used due to pronounced side effects.

The rimantadine. The main antiviral drug used in the treatment of influenza in adults and children, as well as in preventive purposes. Release form – syrup, tablets for internal use. Is taken strictly after meals, drinking plenty of fluids.

Dosage: twice a day 100 mg of rimantadine course from 5 days to weeks; for patients with pathologies of the liver and kidneys, as well as the elderly the dosage is reduced to a single admission 100 mg per day. To start treatment is necessary when the first symptoms of the flu, not later than 48 hours from their occurrence.

Algorem. This drug is an analogue of rimantadine, approved for use in children from one year, is available in the syrup form.

Regimen and dosage: children aged 1-3 years to take no more than 10 ml at a time, that the volume is equal to two teaspoons of the syrup, the maximum dose on the first day of the disease 60 mg. for the Next two days, take two teaspoons twice a day, on the fourth day of illness sufficient single reception.

At the age of 3-7 years can take 15 ml of syrup at a time, which is three teaspoons, three times a day for the first day and twice the next. On the fourth day sufficient single reception of funds in the amount of 30 mg.

Catefory. One of the analogs of rimantadine, combining antiviral activity, hypotensive and sedative effect. Has a narrow spectrum of action – gives good results only in the treatment of influenza virus type A. Preformed form release 50 mg.

Dosage and regimen: the first day of illness and three times a day take two tablets of deitiphobia, the next two days two tablets twice a day, on the fourth day, only one receiving 100 mg of the drug. In the early stages of the disease immediately after the onset of symptoms is acceptable to take a daily dose of 300 mg once, which is 6 tablets.

Has side effects and contraindications are similar with rimantadine be used only on prescription.

Adapromin. Specific antiviral drug that inhibits the reproduction of influenza virus strains A and B, on the mechanism of action is similar to rimantadine. Used both for treatment of influenza and as a preventive measure during a flu epidemic. Release form –tablet, 50 mg in one pill.

Dosage: 200 mg once a day after meals, course of treatment – 4 days.

Arbidol. Chemotherapy drug with antiviral activity aimed at viruses A and B, has immunomodulatory properties, increased production of interferon. Available in tablet form of 100 mg in one tablet and in capsule two types of 50 and 100 mg. ingested for the prevention and treatment of influenza.

Eliminates the negative manifestations of the disease and speeds recovery, prevents complications, reduces exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Dosage for adults and older children: 200 mg every six hours, the course of treatment is five days.

Dosage for children aged 6 to 12 years: 100 mg every six hours, the course of treatment is five days.

Children from two to six years can take no more than 50mg at a time, at intervals of six hours between doses, the course of treatment is five days.

Ribavirin. The sale can be found under the name Arveron, Virazole, Ribamidil, Rebetol. The mechanism of action of ribavirin is similar to amantadine at a much lower severity of side effects. Effective in the treatment and prevention of influenza type A and B for early admission.

Dosage: three times a day to 200 mg at a time, the course of treatment three to five days.

Suitable for the treatment of influenza A and B in children from the age of six, the dosage is calculated as 10 mg per kilogram of body weight, dosage regimen as adults.

Zanamivir and Oseltamivir. Antiviral drugs specific actions that are effective in treating influenza caused by viruses types A and B. Inactivate the enzyme responsible for the reproduction of viruses, therefore, successfully cope with the disease at any stage, allowing you to speed up the recovery period for a few days.

Zanamivir is available in rotadisk for inhalation use, and oseltamivir is taken orally. Inhalation zanamivir is not recommended for related respiratory diseases, bronchial asthma, bronchitis. Drugs got approval from the American management on control of medicines and foods FDA in 1999.

Side effects of receiving zanamivir and oseltamivir are nausea and vomiting, disturbances of appetite and dizziness, may occurshortness of breath. In 2% of cases, the use of drugs in patients formed resistance to other antiviral drugs.

Zanamivir. Means for inhalation is sold in rotadisk of the four cells with the required dosage means. Effective in the treatment of influenza at an early stage – no later than 36 hours from the onset of the disease. Can be used to combat disease in children older than seven years.

The course of treatment is five days, the inhalation is carried out twice a day so that doesn't exceed the daily norm is 20 mg.

Oseltamivir (Tamiflu). Oseltamivir effectively removes the negative symptoms of flu at an early stage of their occurrence, prevents the development of complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia, avoiding antibiotic treatment. He has to take it in the first 48 hours after the onset of symptoms, otherwise the efficiency decreases. According to the results of clinical trials oseltamivir significantly lowers the risk of mortality from influenza and related complications.

Tamiflu is produced in encapsulated form, 75 mg, take it twice a day in capsule at a time, the course of treatment is five days. There are contraindications for patients with renal insufficiency, use in the treatment of children starting from the age of twelve.

Among the side effects from taking Tamiflu may experience confusion, which, in 2006, the manufacturer of the drug had to include a warning in the instruction manual. It is necessary to discuss with your doctor to avoid potential risks of causing yourself bodily harm because of mental disorders.

Treatment influenza interferon

Interferons effectively removes all the symptoms of flu at an early stage, so they prescribe drugs in a nasal form for instillation of nasal passages in the first two days of illness. For the treatment of influenza using native and recombinant leukocyte interferon obtained from donor blood. The effectiveness of the drug based on its ability to activate the production of substances that inhibit the reproduction of viruses, which makes it versatile for any type of viral infection.

Viferon. With interferon or recombinant interferon alpha 2?, in contrast to native IFN, are produced bygenetic engineering without the use of donor blood. Has no contraindications for use in children, including newborn infants, breastfeeding mothers, pregnant women. Viferon effectively treat flu and colds due to their immunomodulation properties, activates the immune system and protects cells from damage by viruses has antioxidant properties.

Release form of the drug is suppositories and nasal ointment. Viferon suppositories available in four types which differ in the number included in the interferon – a single candle may contain from 150 thousand to 3 million IU of interferon. In addition suppositories contain vitamins C and E.

Rectal suppositories are used every day for two weeks of treatment; infants and preschoolers prescribed Viferon-1, containing 150 thousand IU of interferon, school-age children – Viferon-2 500 thousand IU of interferon.

Adults appointed Viferon-3 (1 million IU) and Viferon-4 (3 million IU). Apply suppositories together with nasal ointment Viferon, which lubricate the nasal passages twice a day until symptoms of the flu.

Recombinant interferon Alfa-2. On the basis of this made drugs interferon Grippferon, Locteron, Interlock, Agitare, Leukinferon, Superon, Realdiron.

Is a mixture of subtype natural interferon alpha mechanism of action and indications are the same as those of interferon, obtained by genetic engineering without the use of donated blood.

In the form of nasal drops is used for the prevention of influenza during the epidemic in children and adults, the most popular drug of this group – Grippferon. Due to the fact that the main route of entry of virus in the body – the mucosa of the mouth and nose, dripping nasal passages interferon alpha-2 prevents infection not only influenza, but other viral infections.

Two days later, the use of the drug in patients with influenza reduced the amount of virus in the nasal cavity and excreted in the breath, which reduces the likelihood of infection of others and speeds up the healing process.

During the epidemic of influenza of less than 25% of the patients it infected with influenza, SARS and the rest have different degrees of severity, which are not preventable by vaccines. Grippferon as effective in any of the above diseases, as it blocks the replication of all viruses affecting the respiratory system. Other advantages of this drug:

  • Non-toxic and safe to use for children of any age, including infants, and pregnant and lactating women;
  • Maybebe applied at any stage of the disease, shows high therapeutic efficiency;
  • Does not generate virus resistance to the drug component due to the peculiarities of mechanism of action – grippferon not acts directly on the viruses, but inhibits their reproduction;
  • Well compatible with other drugs, allowing for 50% to reduce their number, the patient is taking;
  • Used for emergency prevention of influenza and ARVI during the epidemic, is a kind of analogue of the respiratory dressings, because it reduces the number of viruses, allocated patients;
  • In the treatment of Grippferon 70% decreases the number of complications of the disease;
  • There are no contraindications for use with influenza vaccine.

Method of application – instillation nasal passages drug every 20 minutes in the first few hours from the beginning of the manifestations of the disease. Further, it is sufficient to use the drops 4-5 times a day. Usually after a few days of this treatment the infection symptoms disappear.

Dosage for children: in the first year of life, children can be no more than 1000 IU of interferon at a time, drip, drop by drop to each nostril five times a day; at the age of 1-3 years you can increase the quantity for single use up to two drops 4 times a day so that the daily dose was no more than 8000 IU. For children aged 3-14 years, the daily intake should not exceed 10,000 IU.

Dosage for adults: instill three drops in each nostril 5 times a day, so a single dosage is not exceeded 3 thousand IU, and the daily 18 thousand IU.

Ingaron (recombinant interferon-gamma). The drug is made by genetic engineering, and not on the basis of donor blood. Has immunostimulatory effects, inhibits the growth of the virus and slow its proliferation, which allows it to be used in the treatment of SARS, influenza and other viral infections, including avian influenza.

Release form – solution for nasal application, which must be dug in the nasal passages of the patient at the first sign of the disease. Immediately after instillation of the fingers should alternately press the wings of the nose and a bit of massaging to the drug evenly distributed over the mucosa. Amount for single use – two drops in each nostril, repeat five times a day. The course of treatment is a week. The product can be used for treatment of influenza in children from seven years.

Treatment of influenza with interferon inducers

Interferon inducers effectively cope with treatment of influenza andacute viral infections in adults and children from 7 years. These drugs stimulate the synthesis of interferon, possess immunomodulatory properties and inhibit the spread of the virus in the body, have anti-inflammatory effect.

Tilorona (Lavomax, Amiksin). Tablet form of release, interferon actively formed later, 18 hours after receiving funds. Take tilorona inside the food rate per week consisting of anti-influenza therapy and to treat SARS.

Dosage adults: 125 to 250 mg in the first few days, then dose reduced to 125 mg every 48 hours. Within one year take no more than six pills.

Dosage children: tilorona you can take children not younger than 7 years, in the first days drink 60 mg funds, then 60 mg every two days. For the course are permitted to take no more than four tablets.

Cycloferon (Metilglukaminova). Tablet form 150 mg in one pill. After 8 hours from taking the drug is the peak of the production of interferon, the effect of the application is saved for up to 72 hours. Cycloferon can be taken in the complex treatment of SARS along with other medications approved for use in children 4 years of age, and the injection form of the drug can be used to treat kids with the first year of life. There are no side effects.

Dosage adults: 4 tablets daily half an hour before meals in the first two days when the signs of infection, then to 4, 6 and 8 days. In complicated form of the flu on the first day you are allowed to up the dosage to 6 tablets.

Dosage for children: the older children from 12 years: 3-4 tablets per day, taken all at one time; children older than seven can be no more than three tablets a day (300-450 mg), young children (4-6 years) – not more than 150 mg per day.

The course of treatment is determined by the severity of influenza and ranges from 5 to 15 doses of the drug, until reduced severity of infection symptoms and improve the patient's condition.

Neovir (sodium Oxidehydrogenation). The drug is for intramuscular injection in severe forms of influenza and other viral infections. Interferon the latest generation with high efficiency against viruses, including herpes after the first injection, more than half of the patients rashes and other negativemanifestations of infection. Contraindications for people with renal insufficiency, the possibility of treatment Neovir pregnant and lactating mothers, the elderly and children not well known.

Dosage: 250 mg funds for intramuscular injection at a time or the amount of 6 mg per kg of body weight. The course of treatment is two weeks of 5-7 injections every 48 hours.

Recommendations for treatment of influenza

To facilitate the patient's condition, doctors advise during treatment, to adhere to the following guidelines:

An effective measure against influenza is vaccination, which reduces the number of side effects from the infection, speeds recovery, reduces mortality from the flu. If a person was found with the virus, from which he was inoculated, in most cases, the disease does not occur, and if infection occurs, the infection is much easier.

As a rule, the prognosis in influenza is favourable, subject to timely treatment to the experts.

Don't forget that flu symptoms are only at first seem harmless, but they have serious complications in the absence of treatment. Definitely need to go to the doctor!