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Treatment of thyroid disease folk remedies

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Folk thyroid medication

Treatment should be carried out with the help of infusion, which is called the elixir of health. It can be to maintain your health. In three-liter jar, pour one glass of carrot juice, beet, black radish, a glass of warm honey and 1 liter of vodka.

Stir all and place in the fridge, that means steep. After 2 weeks, shaking the bottle, pour the infusion. Make the composition you need 30 grams 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

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The most effective remedy for all diseases of the thyroid gland

This miraculous remedy is the mushroom phallus growing in the fertile soil of the forests and thickets of shrubs. In the initial stage of development it is similar to a white egg from which germinates a little later than the pileus, covered with mucus. Mushroom there is a maximum of 2 days, reaches a height of 15 cm, and then undergoes degradation.

As a result of scientific researches it is established that the fungus Veselka has exceptional biochemical composition and medicinal properties.

It contains:

  • Antioxidants
  • Polysaccharides
  • The phytosteroids,
  • Volatile,
  • Terpenoids.

Antioxidants have a rejuvenating effect, toning effect, eliminate the harmful effects of free radicals. Polysaccharides stimulate the production of perforin, which eliminates the cells of the tumors of any etiology, stimulate the activity of T-lymphocytes, conducting search and destroy cancer cells in the human body. The phytosteroids act like male sex hormones, increasing the potency and vitality in men. Volatile have recognized antiviral and bactericidal action.

In what diseases useful mushroom?

The focus of treatment drugs based on the fungus – removal of tumors of various organs, regardless of their origin.

In the listformations are amenable to therapy with the use of this mushroom include:

  • Nodes in the thyroid tissue;
  • Fibroids;
  • Cysts;
  • Papilloma;
  • BPH;
  • Melanoma;
  • Of a malignant tumor.

In addition to the antitumor effect of the preparations made on the basis of the fungus has a wide range of valuable qualities. They normalize blood pressure, cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, heal ulceration of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, and remove toxins. Valuable substances in the composition of the fungus Veselka help excretion of "bad" cholesterol, have hepatoprotective effect, prevent the formation of stones in the gallbladder.

The antibacterial properties of the fungus used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system and restoration of the affected skin and mucous membranes, wound surfaces. Stimulation of regenerative processes is used in the treatment of arthritis, gout, venous ulcers, arthrosis, osteochondrosis. Funds on the basis of the fungus Veselka can be taken for treatment and prevention of these diseases.

The tincture recipe

For the treatment of thyroid disease used tincture of the fungus on alcohol or vodka. If defeat glands, or other body is of a malignant character, as the main raw material of take the fungus in its initial stage of development in the egg stage when the amount of polysaccharides in its composition the most high. If you plan the treatment is not cancer, but benign tumors, or other pathological process, you can use the ripened fungus, and the fungus in the egg stage.

Recipe tincture:

  • For use inside – pour 50 grams of fresh mushroom (or 5 g of dried raw material), 200 ml of vodka and infuse for 2 weeks in the refrigerator, filter;
  • For outdoor use – pour 100 g of fresh mushroom (or 10 g dried material) in 200 ml of 40% alcohol, insist 2 weeks in a cool place, close container tightly after infusion filter is not necessary.

Alternative recipe for any method of use:

  • Swiadomosci mushroom or fungus in the egg stage (800 g) cut into large, folded in three-liter jar, pour 35-40% alcohol-containing liquid, tightly resealed and put for infusion for 1.5-2 months in a cellar or in a refrigerator.

The output will be a tincturethe color of cognac, suitable for use within 2 years if properly stored in the refrigerator in opaque containers.

Cooking without alcohol

If the underlying disease is complicated pathologies of the liver or gastrointestinal tract, intake of alcohol-containing tinctures may aggravate the patient's condition. An alternative tincture can be infusions and decoctions of the mushroom, and its use raw, as a salad ingredient.

Recipes without alcohol:

  • Water infusion – pour 200 ml of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of dried mushroom, infuse for 8 hours in the dark, drain, divided into 3 admission, drink during the day;
  • Honey infusion – pour the sliced mushrooms with liquid honey in the ratio 1:1, leave to stand for 6-8 hours, eat 1 piece of mushroom in honey 3 times a day, treatment course – 1 month.

Schemes and doses

Treatment of tumors with tincture of fungus does not negate the medication prescribed by the doctor, but complements them. Start accepting funds from 1 teaspoon a day, taken on an empty stomach. Dose increases gradually, and at a neutral reaction of the body, carry it to 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Stick to this dosage for one month. Infusion drink a raw egg at the same time, or eat a tablespoon of honey.

The treatment regimen includes 3 courses of 30 days each. Between the first and second course break of 1 week, between 2 and 3 – 2 weeks break. One course of treatment takes about a liter of tincture. Thyrotoxic goiter of the thyroid gland treated in a similar way. To eliminate the nodes in the thyroid gland enough 1-2 course of treatment with infusion of the fungus.


The infusion of the fungus Veselka is contraindicated in patients with individual intolerance to this product, children under 12 years, women during pregnancy. To determine the body's response to drugs with this ingredient, you need to start with the minimum dose. Side effects in the treatment of infusions and tinctures with the Phallus is not revealed.

There is a danger in collecting medicinal raw materials to confuse the mushroom phallus with poisonous species have a similar appearance. For inexperienced users it is better to consult with an experienced mushroom pickers are kindly requested to study the distinctive features of the fungus.

Video on how to collect medicinal mushroom to make a drugs for the treatment of:

Treatment of the thyroid gland cinquefoil white

Relatively recently this plant was proposed as a means of facilitating the elimination of violations of thyroid function(thyrotoxicosis, hyperthyroidism, hyperplasia of the thyroid gland). Therapeutic effectiveness of the product confirmed clinically. The study of the pharmacological activity of plants showed that the extracts of roots and herbs are practically non-toxic. While after oral administration of extract of aerial parts stimulate the Central nervous system, and extraction from underground - increase urine output (28 %). It is also known that white Potentilla exhibits antibacterial activity.

But the most famous is the purpose of the white cinquefoil in diseases of the thyroid gland accompanied by hyperthyroidism. Thyreostatics action Potentilla proven by numerous scientific experiments. This is a case where the replacement of the white cinquefoil on another form does not exist.

It is very important to normalize the level of thyroid hormones, as there are no functions in the body, it is not controlled (if it is violation pressure jumps, heart junk, nerves are strained, the sugar increases, overweight, etc.). All of this can normalize white Potentilla. But not so fast as we would like. In advanced disease the consumption of the root of the plant is 300 g, which is about 2 years of use. Individual patients have to use bloodroot and up to 3 years. A mind such long-term treatment, forgetting that already 10-20 years to take hormones or not times were operated, and the nodes grow again.

Recipe tincture from the root of Potentilla white

Crushed roots pour vodka in the ratio 1:10 (for example, 50 g root in 500 ml of vodka), insist in a dark place for 3-4 weeks. Take 20 to 30 drops with 2 tablespoons of boiled water 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes before eating. For a more complete extraction of active substances dry residue it is recommended that a second pour 250 CC of the same alcohol, to insist 3-4 weeks and accept 40-50 drops with 2 tablespoons of boiling water in the same mode. The course of treatment is 1 month. After each month take a break of 7-10 days. After a 7 day break to continue the thyroid treatment until full recovery.

With advanced forms of the disease 100-200 g of root into 500ml of vodka.

Lycopus European with hyperthyroidism

One of the active ingredients (presumably a derivative of coffee acid, lithospermic acid) makes this medicinal plant healing with relatively milder forms of hyperthyroidism. This substance is likely to reduce the excitability of the thyroid gland and at the same time provides opposition to excess hormone.

Dataclinical studies show that the drug herb lycopus European normalizes the increased activity of the thyroid gland. It reduces the hypoxia thyrotoxicosis, normalizes blood levels, reduces the weight of the thyroid gland in its diseases.


  • Infusion: 20-30 gr. herb lycopus European brew 1 Cup of boiling water, to insist, to filter. Take 0.5 cups of infusion 3 times a day.
  • Tincture: 1 tbsp. spoon grass pour 100 ml of 70% alcohol, insist in a dark place for 4 weeks. Take 5-10 drops before meals.
  • Broth: 1 teaspoon of herb of lycopus in 250 ml of water to boil 5 minutes, drain. Take 50 ml 3-4 times a day with heart disease.
  • Tea: 2 h. spoon of dry grass pour 250 ml of boiling water, to insist 10 minutes, drain. Make the tea in small SIPS of warm and unsweetened. It is recommended to drink twice a day for the Cup for several weeks.

Treatment thyroid cherry bark

One of the most effective tools in the treatment of thyroid is the bark dried cherries. More about this about what she is so useful and how to collect it, read the article: the treatment of goiter bark dried cherries

Assemble yourself a pint of crust dried cherries, put in a quart jar and fill to the brim with vodka. Should insist in a dark place 3 weeks, shaking the bottle daily preferably. Take tincture need one tablespoon 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. To continue taking need to cure thyroid.

The results of the use of the bark of the cherry when thyroid cancer stage 4 you can watch below:

On topic: Effective nutritional method of treatment of autoimmune diseases

Common cocklebur

The plant helps to reduce an enlarged thyroid gland with goiter and has protivospazmaticheskim effect in intestinal colic.


  • Broth. Raw 1 tablespoon per Cup of water, simmer on low heat for 10 minutes, to insist 1 hour, drain. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 4-5 times a day.
  • The fresh juice. Is used for acne, urticaria, furunculosis, sore throat, herpes, scrofula, cancer, asthma, goiter, cramps in the throat, malignant tumors. The grass thoroughly to wash, grind in a meat grinder andthrough the gauze squeeze out the juice. Use 15-20 drops 2 times a day spreading a small amount of water.
  • Alcohol tincture. For long term storage, you can make an alcohol tincture. To do this, dilute the juice with alcohol in a ratio of 1:1. Store the tincture in the refrigerator, take instead of juice, increasing the number of drops to receive 2 times.


Jimsonweed is a poisonous plant, to use caution and respect the dosage. Should be discontinued during exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines. With persistent constipation do not apply a decoction of the roots and seeds.

Dyer dyeing

In the treatment of thyroid gland diseases (goiter, myxedema, hypothyroidism), gorse is similar in effect to the action of thyroidin. Used in low, high thyroid function, autoimmune thyroiditis.

Dyer dyeing refers to poisonous plants, requires not only strict, but individual dosages. When the appointment should take into account that the infusion of herbs has a vasoconstrictor effect. Gorse is contraindicated in atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension. Do not use a broom during pregnancy. If you have large kidney stones, the gorse need to be very careful. And to adjust the dose accurately, and maybe even to look for another plant.

When using large quantities of gorse dyeing can occur poisoning similar to poisoning by nicotine. Caution in the use of the plant, as the plant is poisonous.


  • A decoction of broom, with the fruit of hawthorn berries and motherwort take with hypothyroidism, hypotension. The ratio of ingredients is 1: 2:2. In 1 Cup of water, take 2 tbsp of the mixture. The mixture boil on low heat for 10 minutes, to insist half an hour. Drink 4 times a day 1 tablespoon for half an hour before meals.
  • A decoction prepared from 15 g of crushed herbs and flowers of the gorse on 500 mg of boiled water. You should boil the composition on a steam bath to 1/3 volume, then cool and strain through 2-3 layers of cheesecloth. Dosage – 2 tablespoons 4 times a day. A decoction is used as a choleretic, diuretic and laxative.

Kelp - source of iodine for thyroid

Kelp (seaweed) is the most effective natural remedy for prevention and treatmentthyroid disease, particularly of endemic goiter. The thyroid gland secretes hormones into blood, providing versatile effect on the body. For them education sufficient iodine.

The thyroid gland is the absolute champion in the body for the consumption of iodine. With its lack of hormones stands out a little, and as a result develop the disease - hypothyroidism. hypothyroidism occurs most often where in nature there is a lack of iodine.

To fill the deficit of iodine in the body, use iodized salt, although this is not the best way. The connection of iodine in salt was not stable. It was destroyed in a humid atmosphere, in light and at elevated temperature (during cooking). Much more effective for this purpose, the use of iodine associated with organic molecules. It is more stable and much easier to digest. This method is quite popular, for example, in England and the USA, where the powder of brown algae - kelp relatives - added to bread.

The irony is that the Maritime region, where the main plantations of kelp, is also an area of endemic goiter.

Seaweed is composed of a large number of easily digestible iodine (up to 0.3% of dry weight) associated with organic molecules. So it is easily absorbed by the human body, normalizing the function of the thyroid gland. The content of iodine, kelp is far ahead of all known terrestrial medicinal plants.

Scientists are not the first year studying the anticancer properties of algae. Japanese scientists have discovered that an extract from kelp can prevent the growth of cancerous tumors. In addition, seaweed contains organic iodine. When iodine is sufficient, enzymes are not produced, and all the excess not soaked in blood, naturally leaves the body. It turns out that the human body gets as much iodine as you need it and nothing more.

okolova Nina Vladimirovna, doctor-naturopath, herbalist