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Causes, symptoms and ways of raising immunity

The existence and proper functioning of the human body is only possible thanks to its harmonious interaction with the rich microbial world. He could influence a person, in some cases, become a saving element in the other – a direct threat to life. The only fair judge who is able to correctly interpret the intention of contacting the microbe is a healthy immune system. But, unfortunately, it is not all that simple.


Symptoms of a weakened immune system

The constancy of the immune system depends on many internal factors of functioning of the body and external environmental influences. They are capable, have a positive affect on its capabilities, or negatively. In the second case it will appear certain signs of low immunity, which include:

  • Respiratory-colds and viral diseases. Against children is more than four times a year. The adults in this case are sick more than 2-3 times;

  • SARS with a long and severe course;
  • Resistant pustular skin lesions;
  • Recurrent purulent surgical infection of soft tissues (furuncles, cellulitis, carbuncles, abscesses);

  • Swollen lymph nodes;
  • Fungal infection of nails, skin and mucous membranes (onychomycosis, candidiasis);

  • TB infection in all its forms and manifestations;
  • Resistant to treatment and constantly recurrent disease of the respiratory tract, sinus, urinary system;
  • Poor wound healing;
  • General weakness, pallor of the skin and reduced resilience to any external downturn.

All of these States are a consequence of immunosuppression. But, not less important, immune imbalance, which manifests various allergic and autoimmunediseases.

Causes of low immunity

Given the complex organization of the immune system, reducing its function is more than enough.

The reasons associated with lifestyle:

  • Unbalanced diet, continuing for a long time;
  • Hypovitaminosis and anemia;

  • Incorrectly dosed physical load as in the direction of excess and inactivity;
  • Anxiety, irritability, and disturbances of sleep;
  • Bad habits: Smoking, drug abuse, alcohol abuse;
  • Residence in areas with elevated background radiation;
  • Toxic effects of chemicals and industrial emissions.

Factors associated with the presence of diseases:

  • Pathology of blood system (leukemia, lymphoma);

  • Severe liver;
  • Diarrhea syndrome of malabsorbtion and impaired intestinal absorption;

  • Renal proteinuria, leading to excess excretion of circulating immunoglobulins;
  • Uremia and progressive renal and hepatic failure;
  • Any long-term current diseases, infections and injuries;
  • HIV infection;

  • Congenital and acquired immunodeficiencies;
  • Oncological diseases;

  • Long-term antibiotic therapy;
  • Aggressive chemotherapy for tuberculosis or cancer;
  • Heavy operations and trauma;
  • Worm infestation and intestinal parasites.

Diseases of immunity

In this context, it is useful to consider immunodeficiency, as an imbalance of the immune system occurs in various somatic pathology is secondary. With regard to primary immunodeficiency, is due to diseases of the immune bodies, it is necessary to highlight the following:

  1. Failure of cellular immunity. These include the syndrome of Di Giorgi (hypoplasia thymus), Duncan's syndrome (increased sensitivity and susceptibility to the virus Epstein-Barr and mononucleosis), various congenital fermentopathy in the systemsynthesis of antibodies;

  2. Defects in humoral immunity. The most common syndrome Bruton (lack of immunoglobulins of all classes), selective immunoglobulin a deficiency, isolated hyperimmunoglobulinemia (increased levels of certain abnormal types of antibodies);

  3. Combined immunodeficiencies: reticular dysgenesis (aplasia of all immune tissue) syndrome, defective lymphocyte, disease of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (immunodeficiency, combined with bleeding and eczema of the skin);

  4. Syndrome Gitlina reducing the overall level of immunity in violation of the growth and development of the body;

  5. Disease, Louis-Bar – a genetic disease, manifested by mild immune imbalance and abnormal development of blood vessels;

  6. Neutropenia hereditary and acquired origin: kostman of agranulocytosis, cyclic neutropenia. They are accompanied by either a complete absence or critical reduction in the level of neutrophils of blood.

Secondary immunodeficiencies are different diseases that are not related to hereditary. The most striking example of secondary lesions of the immune system is AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), which deliberately affects cellular immunity, namely T cells-killers. Other types of immunodeficiencies are the result of hematological diseases.

Do not forget about the imbalance of the immune system, which becomes a cause of autoimmune aggression against own tissues. This is possible with lupus erythematosus, allergic reactions, atopic dermatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, glomerulonephritis, Crohn's Disease, ulcerative colitis. With all these diseases immunodeficiency no, but prolonged for leads to depletion of immune resources of the body.

Artificial immunity

In some cases, even the most impeccable immune system is not able to resist pathogenic microorganisms with high virulence properties. These include diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, viral hepatitis, and others. This necessitates pre-prepare the body for possible contact with the same pathogen, which is achieved by vaccination. It can be carried out in two ways: active and passive.

Active immunity is achieved by administering the vaccine preparations containing liveattenuated, dead organisms or their individual components (proteins, antigens). Their introduction in a period of absolute well-being in the body leads to the development of specific antibodies with the formation of persistent immunity in the case of repeated contact with this pathogen.

Passive immunity can only be achieved by the introduction of specific immune serum of the preparations containing ready antibodies against the pathogens or their toxins. Their introduction may be required in cases of signs of the disease when only the event could save a person's life.

Humoral immunity

Humoral immunity is the part of the immune response, which is achieved by the synthesis of immune cells and antibodies. The main responsible for this process fabrics are b-lymphocytes of the lymph nodes. Provide humoral immunity immunoglobulin classes A, M, G, E, and complement system (chain specific immune proteins). Different types of immunoglobulins are included in the process of immune response during different periods of the disease.

The role of humoral factors of immune surveillance in the recognition, binding and partial inactivation of pathogens or their components. This occurs after their presentation to T-cells responsible for cellular immunity and final inactivation of the pathogen. Complement system in this process plays the role of mediator.

How to raise the body's immunity?

To help the immune system to breathe new life not easy, but possible. For this to be used a comprehensive approach. Every little bit counts.

  • Normalization of lifestyle, diet and sleep, especially if they are the cause of immunodeficiency.
  • The elimination of the causes that could provoke an immune imbalance.
  • Adequate treatment of existing chronic diseases.
  • The rejection of bad habits.
  • Taking multivitamin complexes (duovit, Vitrum) or individual vitamins (A, C, E).
  • Reception of medicinal plants belonging to the group of immunomodulators (Echinacea, plantain, bee products).

  • Accurate implementation of medical expert recommendations on medical treatment of diseases of the immune system.

Bath holds a special place in the maintenance of immuneabilities of the organism at a high level. The main condition that must be met in the case of selecting it as the – absence of medical contraindications or hypersensitive to high temperatures. The therapeutic effect of the baths in respect of the immunity is to stimulate blood circulation in all organs and tissues, which contributes to the elimination of chronic foci of infection, excretion of toxic products, and accelerating the synthesis of immunoglobulins.

Hardening of the body – no less important attribute in the system immunomodulation. But it is important not to overdo it. Only consistent and gradual hardening may help. Otherwise, the immune system, on the contrary, will fall even further. In any case, you can't start from too low temperatures. Gradual reduction by air baths and water treatments will increase the resistance to harmful environmental factors, activates the backup resources of the body.

Drug therapy for immunodeficiency should be directed to the link, which is a failure. We cannot allow uncontrolled reception of immunomodulators due to the high risk of immune imbalances and autoimmune aggression. Failure of cell-mediated immunity is an indication for the purpose timoline, polioksidonija, likopida. Violations of humoral require replacement therapy with immunoglobulins (sandoglobulin, Intraglobin, Pentaglobin).

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How to improve immune system after antibiotics?

For anybody not a secret that antibiotics cause a decrease in immunity. But do not forget that the degree of its severity depends on the type and duration of therapy. If they were given a small course on the background of acute disease, do not panic. Regular adherence to recommendations for lifestyle will bring the immune system back to normal.

Another thing, if the reception was long and the body is very weak in the background. The first to suffer the immune system of the intestine. Therefore, it is advisable to prescribe probiotics that restore the normal microflora. Special emphasis is placed on vitamins and proper food. It should be rich with protein and vitamin food. receiving immunomodulators should be agreed only by a qualified technician. Self-introduction nature and natural processes of the immune system can cause irreparable consequences.

How to raise the immune system after chemotherapy?

Those patients who underwent chemotherapy, to help increase immunitysimple dietary recommendations very difficult. In most cases, requires pharmacological correction. Well proven in practice products based on Echinacea, bee products, homeopathic remedies (Echinacea-compositum, immunoplate), amino acid components (Imunofan in cancer), the number of drugs interferon (cycloferon, Roncoleukin, Laferon). It is better if their use will be supervised by the doctor based on immunogram.

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Given that chemotherapy is toxic not only to immune cells, should pay attention to the tonic and hepatoprotective drugs. Appropriate reception Essentiale, hepalife, Kars, metamax, complex b vitamins (milgamma, neurobeks). It is very important to restore the liver as it is responsible for the synthesis of building material for immunoglobulins.