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Causes and symptoms of impetigo

What is impetigo?

Impetigo is a disease that proceeds with the formation of surface bubbles with purulent contents. At the initial stage of impetigo on the skin formed red spots, then pop the bubbles, which eventually burst, and in their place, you notice the scab, resembling a honey brown. Such eruptions are always accompanied by painful sensations.

Children suffering from impetigo more often than adults. In adults the onset of symptoms may be associated with shaving, this applies to a greater extent men, also in this age group the disease may be associated with occurrence of pruritus. There are several varieties of impetigo: streptococcal, staphylococcal, vulgar (flowing mixed type). Pathology is a very contagious skin diseases, it often becomes a satellite children's groups, the most vulnerable are children spend most of their time in kindergartens, nursery groups. The epidemic can affect individual families and schools. Impetigo is dangerous appearance of complications of inflammatory processes of internal organs, so outbreaks of this disease require attention from the specialists, conducted an investigation and treatment of patients.

Causes of impetigo

The reason is considered to be impetigo Staphylococcus aureus or beta-hemolytic Streptococcus, the causative agent in 80% of cases. Microorganisms penetrate through the damaged skin or hair follicles. Impetigo can be as basic and concomitant disease (a complication of some dermatoses, neurodermatitis). The risk factors for pathology include the presence in the family of a patient suffering from impetigo, violation of sanitary-hygienic conditions, emergency situations (war, epidemic), violation of the integrity of the skin, climatic conditions (tropical, subtropical climate), summer, rainy weather, reducing the body's resistance, hypovitaminosis, malnutrition, metabolic disorders.

The symptoms of impetigo

Streptococcal impetigo is characterized by a high degree of contagiousness, especially children's groups. Symptoms of impetigo this type is the emergence of the conflict (superficialbubbles) in the background redness of the skin, their size varies from 0.5 to 1 see the Lid of the bubbles thin and wrinkled, content – transparent. After a certain period of time the liquid inside the bubbles becomes cloudy, she phlyctena shrinking with the formation of yellowish, thin, friable crust, its size similar to the size of the bubbles. Once the crust disappears, on the site of the inflammatory process, some time there is redness, the peeling, the change in pigmentation.

The evolution of each object occurs within three to four days. In very rare cases, impetigo is limited by the appearance of isolated lesions that do not grow on the periphery. Most often the number of elements over the disease grows. Bubbles can remain only on the borders of the lesion completely or missing, the last symptom is considered typical mostly for women and children.

If the distinctive feature of the skin is the presence of a thick stratum corneum, the tire fluctine may not burst for a longer period and to grow with time. In some cases the contents of the vesicles could lead to the surface portions and dry, the crust acquires a layered structure, become lumpy and will break easily. Color crusts may vary depending on the presence of dust, the type of discharge, blood or micro-organisms. At the initial stage of impetigo cover can be easily removed (the first hours and days since the beginning of the disease). During the procedure, removal of the crusts can be seen on the bottom of the bubbles are pink-red eroded surface, which borders with healthy skin, having clearly defined the boundaries of the pathological focus. The exudate secreted from the vesicles is transparent and bright. The inflammatory process may spread to healthy areas of the skin when the transfer of microorganisms from lesions. May cause complications such as lymphangitis and lymphadenitis. The symptoms of streptococcal impetigo can be seen not only on the skin but also the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, nasopharynx, bronchi, eyes.

The symptoms of staphylococcal impetigo appear in the mouths of hair follicles in the form of pustules the size of a pinhead or lentil. Their shape is reminiscent of the hemisphere, through which penetrated the hair. The pustules are filled with purulent contents and has a snug lid. Around the pustules is possible to distinguish a small halo of reddened skin.

Over time, the exudate dries on the site of inflammation appears brownish crust with a yellow tinge. If the damage to tires occurs the pouring out drops of thick pus, and upon inspection of the affected area of the skin you may notice the eroded surface. Pustules are notgrow on the periphery, the process of merging separate foci of inflammation for the disease is also not typical. The nature of the lesions may be single and multiple. The most frequent localization of the symptoms of impetigo becomes the area of beard and mustache in men, common facial lesions, more rarely pustules appear in other areas of the body in place of growing long (vellus) hair. Pathological process continues for three to four days without leaving residue on the skin and scarring after recovery.

Streptostaphyloderma form of impetigo is the most common types of diseases in children's groups it may be in the nature of the epidemic. Impetigo symptoms in this case can be a manifestation an independent disease in adults or be a complication of some dermatoses, which are accompanied by itching (scabies, lice, etc.).

Most often the disease affects the skin of hands and face. For reddened, inflamed skin appears a vial whose contents are serous, in this bacteriological study can be found streptococci and staphylococci. Tire bubble in most cases is thin and wrinkled, she is rarely stressed. Near the base of the inflammation, you may notice a halo of erythema. After a few hours inside the bubble accumulates pus. The skin on the base of the pustules becomes infiltrating, growing a halo of hyperemia. The opening of the tyre occurs several hours with the formation of erosion, it is detachable, drying up, it forms honey crust, which in the first stage thin and flat, later more rough, streaked with blood. About a week is the exclusion of crusts on the spot where you notice svezheproseyannuyu erythema. She's a bit flaky and eventually disappears, leaving no trace. The pathological lesions at the mixed form of impetigo can grow on the periphery and over time to cover large areas of the skin.

Treatment impetigo

Treatment of impetigo is carried out in a clinic. When performing patient treatments at home by yourself, please strictly follow the doctor's recommendations. It is important that the affected skin is not in contact with water several times throughout the day you should treat them with a disinfectant – for example, salicylic alcohol. Large bubbles are opened, their contents removed, and the affected area disinfected brilliant green, then applied an antibacterial ointment. This treatment is repeated several times, aware of all procedures is usually 10 days.The skin is not recommended to close the bandages, and after the disappearance of all the symptoms on the skin for several days treated with alcohol to prevent the development of recurrences. In severe cases need antibiotics parenterally.