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The symptoms and treatment of impetigo herpetiformis

Impetigo herpetiformis is a condition characterized by severe course and prognosis of which can be extremely unfavorable. This pathological process has another name – the impetigo herpetiformis of Hebra, may cause death of the patient. The most susceptible women in the second half of pregnancy, however in the medical literature described cases of impetigo herpetiformis among men, children and non-pregnant women.

For the first time the study of disease in 1872 he engaged in Hebra, however, to date there is no consensus regarding the causes of this disease. Experts note that patients suffering from this form of impetigo, there is a malfunction of the endocrine glands, particularly the parathyroid and sex. In favor of the theory of the existence of a link between endocrine disorders and the cause of the disease is the fact of the occurrence of pathology during pregnancy in women.

The infectious theory is based on the study of the nature of the contents of pustules, which may be sterile and may contain pathogenic microorganisms, in particular staphylococci and streptococci.

The symptoms of impetigo herpetiformis

For impetigo herpetiformis is characterized by small clusters of pustular lesions on the trunk and in the skin folds on the background of edema and redness of the skin. Most frequently early in the disease inflammation localized in the groin, umbilical fossa on the inner thighs, under the armpits, under the Breasts. Spreading at the periphery, pathological process forms large lesions, which may resemble the iris, that is, rings of smaller diameter are located inside large rings. Pustules filled with greenish yellow pus and can partially merge with each other. When their contents are poured, at the site of inflammation are characteristic collar workers who peel; collar facing the center of the pustules. Lesions at this stage of the disease are covered with crusts of dirty-brown color. After the end of the inflammatory process the skin on the lesion is hyperpigmentation, however, persistent traces are not detected. Along with the rash on the skin much worse and the General health of the patient disappears appetite, headache, fever, pain in the joints. The phenomena of the septic type can be very severe, when the disease is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, prolonged fever, chills.

At a laterstages of the pathological process of inflammation found in the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, affected larynx, esophagus, conjunctiva of the eye.

Symptoms herpetiformis impetigo can recur after a period of temporary calm, recur. The blood test is not marked eosinophilia, markedly increased ESR.

Treatment of impetigo herpetiformis

Treatment of impetigo herpetiformis is carried out with the use of hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs: prednisolone, diprospan, tigazon. Can be recommended antibacterial drugs of wide spectrum of action. Effective are antibiotics sulfa series of antimalarial drugs, cardiovascular drugs, drugs containing iron. In the complex treatment of impetigo herpetiformis is carried out vitamin with the appointment of b vitamins, D, C.

If the illness is severe, prescribe an intravenous neogemodez, reosorbilakt, conduct of blood transfusion. In some cases, it can be shown supplements together with calcium chloride and myelopid, splenin, timogen, timoptin. Relief bring and baths with potassium permanganate. In the medical literature describes cases of successful use of methods of gravierende blood, such as plasmapheresis and hemosorption. It is possible to use AUTOC, ALOK.

For the local treatment of lesions is used fukortsin, aniline dyes, ointments containing antibiotics and corticosteroids.

If a woman becomes ill during pregnancy, avoid death, miscarriage, stillbirth shown an abortion. Upon the occurrence of a subsequent pregnancy, impetigo herpetiformis may leak more difficult, and without therapy there is a threat that the pathological process will be universal.