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The symptoms and treatment of contagious impetigo

Contagious impetigo refers to pyoderma, affecting the superficial layers of the skin. The disease is most prevalent in summer in hot weather. For the disease characterized by the formation of erythematous patches, followed by turning them into pustules and bubbles with a thin wall.

The symptoms of contagious impetigo

At the initial stage of the disease (vesiculopustules stage) there is a rupture of the bladder with the formation of the solid crust, which rises above the surface of the skin. The stage of the disease occurs over a short period of time. After removing the cover open weeping erythematous base of the pustules, the surface of which rapidly begins to accumulate exudate.

The distribution of lesions occurs on the periphery with the cleansing of the skin in the center. Thus, a ringed plaques that are characteristic symptom of contagious impetigo. The infectious process can affect the face, neck, limbs, quickly spreading through the human body in contact with clothing and hygiene items.

The disease agent does not penetrate intact skin, and as the entrance gate of infection can serve as insect bites, scratching, mechanical damage skin or recent dermatitis. The disease often causes increased lymph nodes. In most cases the causative agent is beta hemolytic Streptococcus A, which refers to saprophytes healthy skin. For impetigo can be complicated by the accession of staph infection that enters lesions from the nasopharynx. Thus, the pathogens of contagious impetigo are distinguished from the individual pathological elements, and at the initial stage of the disease can be detected and staphylococci, and streptococci, while in the further course of the disease to identify bacteriological examination can only staphylococci, despite the presence of the elements of both pathogens. As a result of several studies the hypothesis that Staphylococcus aureus can cause impetigo are contagious and meet in isolation, was declared insolvent.

Streptococci that cause impetigo contagious, differ in their characteristics from those that cause disease of the nasopharynx. Model specificity and virulence of strains colonizing on the skin caused by M-protein. Only certain types of streptococci cause complications impetigo glomerulonephritis.The frequency of outbreaks of this disease can vary and increases in regions in which there is endemic rise of skin lesions.

For impetigo characterized by sluggish during the pathological process and self-resolution of the disease. However, the patient has to undergo treatment to reduce morbidity and prevent the spread of infection in daycare centers.

The treatment of contagious impetigo

Local treatment of contagious impetigo is to carry out hygienic procedures in a better way, the imposition of compressive dressings with the liquid Burov, which helps to get rid of the crusts, and using germicidal soap.

To accelerate the healing process helps antibacterial therapy with the use of drugs penicillin. Drug of choice is erythromycin. And related staphylococcal flora is often insensitive to penicillin, but nevertheless the use of these antibiotics helps to cope with the disease. Timely treatment with impetigo, which is caused nephritogenic strain of Streptococcus does not prevent complications such as glomerulonephritis ostroróg family.