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Treatment of impotence folk remedies

Ginger impotence

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The root of this plant is widely used in the practice of the treatment of male sexual insolvency, caused by various reasons. Forms of its usage are very diverse, include powders, tinctures, teas and even bath. The ginger can be in fresh or dry form, the latter is much richer in useful properties, and therefore preferable. The effect occurs already after a week's treatment plants.

Powdered ginger root is added to freshly brewed tea. In this case, you take teaspoon of the powder and placed in a hot tea drink, stir everything thoroughly. It is recommended to drink three times a day.

Ginger tea can be prepared and otherwise, adding comminuted to a powder the root of a plant in a Cup of boiling water to one teaspoon. To improve the taste and increase the healing potential of the drink, add a bit of honey.

Another way of making tea beverage – pour a teaspoon of ginger powder in two cups of water and boil the mixture for 40 minutes, then strain and add sugar or honey. Make tea instead of the usual.

Fresh root ginger cut into small pieces and eat separately. This is an excellent remedy for the weakening of potency.

The benefits and harms of ginger - more info!

You can extract the juice, for this purpose it is necessary to grate and squeeze. The finished product is added to tea or other beverages. To store ginger juice should be refrigerated.

Preparation of an alcohol tincture of ginger will take time. Kilogram of root to grate and pour a liter of vodka. Infuse for a fortnight in the heat, then one hundred grams of the thus-prepared ginger pour 300 g of alcohol and insist 2 weeks. The resulting tool take before bedtime 10 drops.

Special invigorating properties has a bath with ginger. To prepare, you need 3 tbsp. of the powdered root pour a liter of water and boil for 10 min, the medium was added to the bath and enjoy the pleasant sensations.

It should be noted that drugs alcohol can have the opposite effect on potency, so their use should be discussed with your doctor. In addition, there arediseases in which treatment ginger is prohibited, these include hypertension, heart disorders, ulcers and stones in the kidneys. This includes individual intolerance to the components of the plant.

Ginseng impotence

The use of this plant for medicinal purposes has some subtleties. For getting rid of signs of impotence traditionally used the root of ginseng, infused with alcohol or vodka. Medicinal raw materials must be of the highest quality. The best is a Manchurian root resembling human body.

To prepare the tincture, designed to return a man's strength, cut a piece of 2 cm from the "hands" of the spine and at the lower quality ginseng increase size to 4 cm and using any process of the rhizomes. Raw material is poured to 3.5 liters of purified high-quality vodka, or the same amount diluted to 40 degrees of alcohol. Tincture begin to take on the next day, it allows you to accustom the organism to this drug, while it is still weak.

It is recommended to use a glass three times a day just before eating. At a time when only the twentieth part of the initial volume, the tincture is poured new portion of vodka and thoroughly mixed with the remnants. To replenish the facility so you can even twice and then the infusion is prepared again using a new piece of spine.

If the treatment was suspended, to resume course you need freshly prepared or when it will be fully consumed, you can use the remaining cost of treatment supplies. Narodnaya medicine asserts that man once cured of impotence ginseng, henceforth will never suffer from this disease.

Tincture of ginseng for potency may consist of the following components: 20 g of finely ground dry root and 300 ml semidesyatiletnego alcohol. The mixture insist 3 weeks shaking occasionally, strain and drink half an hour before meals three times a day 25 drops. The course consists of two weeks, followed by a ten-day break and repeat the reception.

Ginseng root is included in non-alcoholic tincture, which is prepared from 50 g of plant, filled with sweet cooled boiled water. The tool should be left for 3 hours to infuse, then root crushed, pour half a liter of water and leave for 20 days in a dark place, shaking occasionally content. Ready drug filter and take a teaspoon a half hour before eating once inday. The treatment lasts about 40 days.

Means on the basis of alcohol should be taken with caution and after consultation with experts. Treatment ginseng need to give people who are in a state of excitement, fever, insomnia, mental illness and cardiac disorders.

Celery for potency

Frequent inclusion of this plant in the diet helps to improve male sexual capacities, but to strengthen and extend the positive effects of the product on the body will help the following recipes.

Prepared before use, the juice of celery root should take a teaspoon three times a day before meals to get rid of signs of impotence. You can prepare a mixture of 25 g apples, 50 g pear juice and 100 g of pomace from the celery. This drink will provide complex effect on the body.

Learn more about this "wonder root" is described here

Celery healers recommend to clean, chop, boil in lightly salted water, sauté in a small amount of oil, water and flour until soft, add the chicken egg yolk and a little nutmeg. There is a healing dish to hot.

From the roots of celery, prepare the infusion: a tablespoon of fresh chopped roots pour 300 ml of cooled boiled water, insist 4 hours and strain. This tool helps to improve the potency and get rid of chronic prostatitis.

The infusion of the seeds is prepared similarly, only a tablespoon of the raw materials required 400 ml. of cooled boiled water and to insist medication 8 hours. Both infusion and drink a tablespoon three times a day half an hour before meals.

Walnuts for potency

Benefits for the male reproductive organ and the organism as a whole from daily use 15 thing of this product is difficult to overestimate, especially if you use slightly unripe fruits, they contain more of substances. But walnuts can be even more effective if you combine it with other ingredients that have a positive impact onpotency. Invite a few of these recipes.

12 pieces of walnuts mixed with dried fruit such as prunes, raisins, figs, taken in the quantity of 200 g each. All components of the drug pre-shredded. Take a delicious and effective remedy before bedtime for 2 tbsp with yogurt. Store in the fridge.

To increase potency in men and enhance sexual desire you need every day to eat a glass of walnuts, washing them down with goat's milk. To eat nuts follows 2-3 doses, for example, half a Cup morning and half Cup in the evening. The course increase potency in men is 4 weeks.

Honey with nuts, pre-crushed, mixed in equal proportions and take a tablespoon three times a day for a month. The mixture can be enriched by adding dried fruit.

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A decoction of oak bark

For preparation of this drug use the young oak bark collected in the spring. It can prepare yourself or buy in a pharmacy.

A decoction made from 20 g of raw material, filled with a liter of boiled cooled water and put on 40 mine in a water bath. In the cooking process it is necessary to periodically stir. The broth is filtered, cooled and take a glass twice a day.

Pumpkin seeds for potency

Therapeutic effect have only the raw seeds of the pumpkinwith a greenish tint. For the treatment of sexual dysfunction it is recommended to take 40 pieces of pumpkin seeds daily for about a month three times a day.

Treatment of impotence with herbs

Herbal. To treat impotence herbs used this herbal, which increases potency. Take 5 teaspoons of clover, peppermint, nettle, pour into a thermos, pour a liter of boiling water and let steep for 20 minutes. Should take Cup of infusion 3-4 times a day.

Zheleznitsa. For the treatment of impotence is very good for this folk remedy. You will need 4 tablespoons of Jeleznitsa, also known as the gourd beliveau, and half a liter of wine. In wine boil grass for 5 minutes, and after half an hour you can begin to take part.It should be consumed in 50 ml before bedtime.

A list of the best herbs and plants to increase potency

Shilajit. Shilajit is considered a folk remedy for all diseases. It also helps with impotence – as a General tonic. Take 2 grams mummy and dissolve in 10 tablespoons of water. Make the product it every morning before eating, one tablespoon, within 10 days. After the ten-day course need to take a break for 5 days.

A second round of treatment of impotence it is necessary to add, in addition to mummy, and even honey. That is, you need to make two solutions: 2 grams mummy stir in 10 teaspoons of water and 10 spoons of honey. Mummy must also be taken in the morning and honey solution before going to sleep, also one tablespoon. After a break of 10 days. We need to run a third ten days. On the fourth lap, the dose should be doubled, that is to take 4 grams of Shilajit to water and honey.

Honey balm. In folk medicine for the treatment of impotence honey balm used. For its preparation take 250 grams of crushed leaves of aloe, honey and Cahors. All mix thoroughly and allow to stand for 5-6 days, preferably in the refrigerator. After infusion of strain. Take the remedy 3 times daily before meals for four weeks.

To start with you need to drink a teaspoon 3 times a day, gradually increasing the dose to bring it to one tablespoon. After a week's break treatment of impotence folk remedies can be repeated.