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Infiltration treatment of folk remedies

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Infiltration called the accumulation in the tissues of the body elements of the lymph, cells and blood. The disease may be inflammatory or neoplastic in nature. Inflammation often gather pus, tumors can be a signal of developing the cancer process. Examples of infiltration are considered to be diseases such as purulent mastitis, pilonidal sinus, injection infiltration, infiltrative tuberculosis.

In some cases, the disease are treated conservatively, however, most patients required surgery. Used in the treatment of infiltration and medicines, made by popular recipes. Not always, though, it leads to complete recovery of the patient. For example, when this pathology as pilonidal sinus treatment of folk remedies do not yield results.

However, this does not mean that it is not necessary to try different ways of healing the body, simply do not need to self-medicate, and to use traditional tools and methods in the form of supplements and under medical supervision.

Treatment injection infiltration

Recipe 1. Cabbageis one of the most common medicinal plants in the fight against the infiltration of the skin and hematomas. Onthe resulting bump after injections (infiltration) is recommended to apply issecheny knife cabbage leaf, replacing it using a fresh sheet. On top of it superimposed plastic film and gauze bandage. Well put the cabbage in for the night.

Recipe 2. Cottage cheese compress is an effective remedy for the chronic buds. It is used in the form of heat after heating on a steam bath. Cheese spread in the form of cakes in cellophane and attach to the sore spot. If the lump is located on the buttock, use a wide adhesive tape, and the top wrap to secure medical belt for back. Put it on all night with an interval of 1-2 days. Curd is effective in the treatment of such lumps as talc.

Recipe 3. Honey cake – well resolves the seals and drains pus. To compress you need to carefully mix the honey with egg yolk and butter, and then form a small cake and attach it to the injection site.

Treatment of infiltration during mastitis

Infiltrative serous and purulent forms of mastitis are treated with conservative methods. As an addition you can use the recipes of traditional medicine. Purulent mastitis treat your own – is strictly prohibited!

Recipe 1. Folk healers recommend when mastitis to use watermelon pulp without seeds for the treatment of the disease. For this purpose it is heated on a steam bath in an enamel pot and then spread the warm mixture on a cotton cloth. The poultice is applied at night to the breast and is insulated on top of woolen scarf. This is done daily until complete recovery.

Recipe 2. When mastitis can also be applied to hardening in breast nutrak – (internal fat yellowish) on cabbage leaf. Top wrap have to wrap a duvet or woolen scarf. If you do the compresses every day for weeks, then the seal may dissolve.

Treatment of infiltration in tuberculosis

Recipe 1. For the treatment of tuberculosis are preparing the following medicinal drink. Thoroughly washed beets withpeel, grind it and cook 20-30 liters of beet decoction. Fill with broth cans at 2/3 volume, add 700 g of fresh yeast from hops and 3 kg of sugar. The can close the lid and put it near a hot battery for a week.

After the mixture ferment, it turns yellowish foam intoxicating drink. It should be drunk within six months to seven or eight months to recover from tuberculosis. Along the way you will strengthen the heart and heal the liver.

Recipe 2. Helps in tuberculosis a mixture of plantain leaves and honey. For the preparation of a medicinal drug make a paste of plantain leaves, collected in may and put them in a glass jar. Pour on top of sugar or honey. So alternating layer by layer fill the jar to the brim. Then close it with a lid and buried in the ground (at a depth of about 70-80 cm) for 90 days.

Upon expiration of digging up the finished medicinal product, and the resulting syrup is filtered through a strainer or several layers of cheesecloth. The syrup is boiled on a water bath for 30 minutes and bottled. Keep the drug in the cellar or at the bottom of the fridge, taking 30-40 minutes before meals for 1 St. spoon. The dosage for children is 1 teaspoon.


Once again I would like to remind you that the recipes of traditional medicine can be used only as a Supplement to prescribed treatment. They in any case should not replace it. Everyone's body is different so what helps one person may harm another. Before the beginning of treatment folk remedies guide a consultation with the doctor.