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pervaya medicinskaya i dovrachebnaya pomosh pri insulte

Criteria required medical care for suspected stroke can be signs that are given in the table:

In hemorrhagic stroke (bleeding in the brain)

In ischemic stroke (dead brain cells)

  1. Severe headache;

  2. Sudden severe vomiting or nausea;

  3. Decline in hearing and vision;

  4. Paralysis of half the body;

  5. Salivation;

  6. The distortion of facial expressions;

  7. Dizziness or loss;

  1. Gradual development of weakness and numbness of the limbs;

  2. Violation of pronunciation of words and speech;

  3. Perenoshennoy person;

  4. Dizziness;

  5. Loss of coordination;

  6. The decrease in visual acuity.

  7. Convulsive disorder;

The content of the article:

First aid for stroke

Hospital assistance in hemorrhagic stroke:
  1. Give the patient horizontal position with your head elevated, regardless of the degree of impairment of consciousness and severity of the condition;

  2. To release the neck from the clothing or other accessories that can squeeze;

  3. Remove from the mouth, all dentures;

  4. To make a free access of fresh air to the patient;

  5. If the patient is unconscious, turn his head a little to one side, which will ensure unhindered flow of saliva and mucus. This will prevent it from entering the respiratory tract;

    Thoroughly clean the mouth from vomit, if there was vomiting;

  6. Applying cold to the head (cold heating pad, ice, frozen or cold items). It is desirable to subject the cold impacts the side of the head, which is the opposite side of the paralysis of the limbs;

  7. Cover patient with a blanket;

  8. To monitor the parameters of respiration, heart rate, and blood pressure;

  9. If there are signs of clinical death (cardiac arrest, breathing, and pupillary dilation) to begin resuscitation interventions (chest compressions and artificial ventilation of the lungs)

Hospital assistance in ischemic stroke

  1. To give a horizontal position. Allowed the location of the head and torso at the same level. Should not be too high to raise it;

  2. It is important to know that in house conditions it is impossible to try to bring the patient to consciousness, using ammonia or other drugs, especially in the presence of seizures – possible worsening of the patient's condition and progression of neurological symptoms;

  3. To monitor the condition of the oral cavity and respiratory tract, as in hemorrhagic stroke;

  4. To release the neck and to provide access of fresh air;

  5. Exercise control over major life settings;

  6. Rubbing of paralyzed limbs was the solution, or just to massage them;

  7. Do not allow to drink water or take any tablet medication.

The most important event assistance with any kind of stroke that should be performed in the prehospital setting is a challenge of a specialized ambulance. The patient must, as soon as possible, to be hospitalized in a medical facility.

Medical care in stroke

All patients with suspected stroke, or people with obvious this diagnosis should be treated in the intensive care unit or in intensive care neurological hospital underthe supervision of a physician neurologist. In a medical facility continue all those activities which was given in the prehospital phase.

In addition, their complement:

  1. Diagnostics to determine the exact type and localization of changes in the brain;

  2. Monitoring parameters of vital activity of organism with the use of modern equipment;

  3. Spinal puncture. Is performed when the impossibility of a precise definition of the nature of stroke (ischemic or hemorrhagic);

  4. The introduction of cerebroprotective drugs that restore the structure of damaged brain cells (ceraxon, piracetam, tiocetam, Actovegin);

  5. Hemostatic drugs (gemostatiki): aminocaproic acid, etamzilat. Shown only when clearly established by a hemorrhagic stroke;

  6. Krovanistaya agents (heparin, pentoksifilin, Cerebrolysin, Cavinton). Absolutely contraindicated in hemorrhages in the brain and hemorrhagic stroke;

  7. Proper nutrition. Is subject to the consciousness of the patient and the possibility of self-swallowing. It can be represented by means of intravenous amino acids, glucose and vitamins, to probe the introduction of liquid mixtures into the stomach, and regular meals within the diet table No. 10;

  8. Prevention of pressure sores;

  9. Control of defecation and urination. If necessary, the catheter is placed into the bladder;

  10. Hygienic care of the skin, eyes and mucous membranes.

The story about the sudden stroke

A middle-aged woman relaxing on nature, fell, tripping over a stone. She assured everyone that she was okay, and she just stumbled, not used to her new shoes. Despite the desire of those present to call an ambulance, she refused it. They helped her up, to freshen up and invited to the table. And although she continued to enjoy nature, to notice her anxiety and agitation.

It would seem that nothing much happened, but in the evening, after the call of my husband it became known that the woman was taken to hospital and 18:00, she died. As it was established by doctors at the picnic she had a stroke which was not immediately apparent in full force, but he felt some of the symptoms. If the friends of this woman knew about them, they would have insisted on calling an ambulance, and maybe she'dalive.

Neurologists argued that if the patient was delivered to them during the 3-hour period of time, then they would be able to fully restore the lost functions and diseased brain tissue. They also drew attention to the fact how hard it is to assist such patients independently at home, and how important this 3-hour period as the "Golden time" for the salvation of the functioning of all brain structures.