Home / Treatment / Causes, symptoms and treatment of dry cough in adults

Causes, symptoms and treatment of dry cough in adults

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What is a cough?

Cough occurs due to involuntary forced vanities, which are due to the fact that in the mucosa of the respiratory tract irritation is present. Be cause for cough can be anything, from accidentally flown into the throat of the dust to serious diseases: influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.

Children often suffer from acute respiratory diseases, cough for them is not uncommon. The oxygen also cause small foreign bodies caught in the throat. With the help of coughing the child is exempt from them.

In recent years increased the number of cases of cancer and tuberculosis of the lungs. Syndrome of hemoptysis often complicates the course of cancer of the lung diseases and tuberculosis, also requires prescription drugs, sedatives and suppress cough. Cough medicines necessary for patients with functional disorders in the respiratory system, with dyskinesia trachea and reflux disease. Thus, the range of diseases that need effective antitussives, very wide.

The cough starts in the case when there is irritation of the larynx, trachea and bronchi. Therefore, in order to get rid of a cough (not from the causes of cough and the spasm), just need to remove the irritation, or at least to reduce it.

Causes of cough

The cough reflex is a protective response of the organism, manifested by jerky breaths and to ensure the removal of a foreign body or mucus from the respiratory tract. Cough may be a symptom of many diseases, so its diagnosis is of great importance. The oxygen allows the bronchi to be cleared, so that the person feels suffocated. Therefore, we can say that the cough serves a vital function in the body.

Cough can be divided into several types, depending on the causes and symptoms. It is most often cause two main causes – foreign bodies and disease. Sudden coughing usually indicates contactthe airway foreign body. Sharp and steady the cough often suggests infection of the respiratory tract, and it usually continues for at least two weeks. If the cough lasts more than two months, it is called chronic.

The cough may be caused by great number of diseases. In children it often indicates infection of the upper respiratory tract, i.e. nose and throat. This cough usually lasts up to two to three weeks. At the age of 8 to 13 years old the cough is of viral nature can occur up to several times a year. For this reason, parents may feel that their children are coughing almost continuously.

Chronic cough is often observed in bronchial asthma. In severe asthma patients concerned a long-term cough, especially at night and after any physical activity. Chronic cough can be caused by a variety of irritants, such as cigarette smoke or chemicals, it is inhaled regularly. Barking cough (especially small children) should be cause for concern, as it can be caused by edema of the larynx, and the result can be asphyxiation.

The cough occurs in the following diseases:

  • Pharyngitis;
  • Asthma;

  • SARS;
  • Allergies;

  • Heart failure;
  • Pleurisy;

  • Pneumonia;
  • Whooping cough;
  • Laryngitis

In General, coughing is not always a symptom of the disease. It can be caused by the following factors:

  1. Inflammation of the Airways or areolas in diseases such as laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia or lung abscess.

  2. Chemical irritation, that is, the inhalation gas with a strong odor. As example is cigarette smoke.

  3. Mechanical stimulation, i.e., dust inhalation, the increased tone of the bronchi and the violation of their patency.

  4. Thermal irritation, inhalation that is too hot or too cold air.

At hit in respiratory ways of a foreign body or inhalation of smoke, a cough is usually a single. Smokers or bronchial asthma observed in paroxysmal cough. Viral infections cause acute cough and for heart pathologies, chronic bronchitis and other serious diseases, cough occurs in the chronic form.

The obvious cause of chronic cough is Smoking, especially if the person smokes for many years. Because of the cigarette smoke accumulates in the lungs of excess mucus, which can remainunnoticed. Therefore, smokers often Wake up in the morning with a wet cough, terminating, after having made a few hits. If you required morning cigarette, is a characteristic sign that the respiratory system there are already serious problems.

Emphysema or disease, such as chronic bronchitis, there is a constant painful cough. This decreases the lumen of the bronchi, causing shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. Sometimes the cough may be a symptom of very serious diseases, e.g., cancer or benign tumors of the lung.

Cough as a symptom

The nature of the cough helps to make the right diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

  • Barking cough often accompanies the inflammation of the vocal cords.
  • The silent cough was observed when vocal cord injury or paralysis.
  • Emphysema and obstructive bronchitis cause dull, paroxysmal cough.
  • Dry and hysterical cough is often said about tumors of the respiratory tract: trachea, bronchi or larynx.
  • When lesions of the pleura occurs dry and painful cough.
  • Cough is a symptom of the rapid inflammatory process in the bronchi and/or lungs. In this case, there is increased sputum production, which enters the respiratory tract. The nature of the Department helps to diagnose diseases more accurately. If the sputum viscous and scarce, then it may indicate asthma, bronchitis or tracheitis. Muco-purulent sputum suggests the emergence of acute focal pneumonia. In case of pleuropneumonia appears sputum rusty color, due to the presence of a large number of red blood cells.

  • If breakthrough is observed in the bronchi of a lung abscess, cough a lot of sputum with smelly odor.
  • The abundance of mucus and chills can be combined with other symptoms, e.g., fever, intense sweating, deterioration of General health. If the sputum is of concern, or there are any unusual impurities, the urgent need to seek medical attention. For example, hemoptysis talks about heart attack, lung cancer or tuberculosis. The appearance in the sputum of small particles of food suggests that the respiratory tract gets the contents of the esophagus.
  • The result of the breakthrough of liver abscess may be the sudden appearance of phlegm, similar to the semolina.
  • In viral infections of the respiratory tract, the cough is accompanied by symptoms,fever, dizziness, weakness or vomiting. But when parainfluenza temperature may initially not be observed.

  • Steady if the cough is the only symptom, and the other is not observed, this may indicate cancer. Coughing without sputum appears in tuberculosis, which helps to diagnose exactly the nature of the cough. In this case, timely medical care is vital.
  • Lingering dry cough that may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, is a symptom of whooping cough caused by Bordetella pertussis – small stationary aerobic gram-negative coccus. Sick with whooping cough, as a rule, only in children. Each type of cough is characteristic of a particular disease and to correctly diagnose only the doctor.
  • Called acute cough lasting no longer than a few weeks. Often acute cough occurs when it enters a foreign body in the respiratory tract that happens with young children, actively cognizing the surrounding world. If a foreign object of a small size, it can get deep into the respiratory tract, in this case, the child should urgently be delivered to the doctor.
  • In infectious diseases of acute dry cough gradually gives way to wet, and then passes.
  • Great concern should cause a prolonged cough, which is often a symptom of sinusitis, inflammation of the adenoids or chronic rhinitis. It manifests itself most often in the night, and combined with a stuffy nose, snoring or even choking.

Recurrent cough has its own characteristics:

  1. Is accompanied by shortness of breath, difficulty breathing.

  2. Often triggered by allergens: feathers, food, fur of cats or dogs.

  3. Occurs during deep breaths, exercise.

  4. Well eliminated by the drugs of the group of bronchodilators.

Has its own characteristics, and psychogenic cough, which often occurs in children after a serious illness. He's tall, frequent, may occur on a background of stress, disappears during a meal or sleep.

A cough can not tolerate neglect, it often causes serious complications, so proper diagnosis and timely treatment is very important. If unexplained cough lasts more than a month, it can be a symptom of tumors in the respiratory tract or heart failure. But not so scaryprolonged cough is often the result of bronchitis goes untreated. Anyway, the advice and assistance of a doctor is required. In no case should not self-medicate, so you only exacerbate the situation.

Dry and wet cough

Dry cough is a typical sign of the onset of respiratory diseases (pharyngitis, bronchitis, respiratory catarrh, a bronchitis), sputum is not typical for him. Because of a cold developing acute inflammatory process in the throat that leads to excess mucus, and the patient wants to clear his throat.

To cure dry cough using antitussive drugs modern. They relax the mucous membrane of the pharynx and remove spasms of the bronchi. To get rid of severe paroxysmal coughing, use of specific pharmaceutical agents that block nerve impulses. But it is important to remember that this is only symptomatic therapy. The doctor prescribes medicines such actions, if uncontrollable reflex cough does not allow a person to live a normal life and sleep.

Wet cough is a consequence of the accumulation of phlegm in the trachea, bronchi and lungs, often it develops after a dry cough. In this cough the lungs are cleared of phlegm, which is the perfect environment for the maturation of bacteria. If the wet cough lasts a long time, the disease may become chronic.

For better expectoration sputum should be thin mukoliticakimi means. They make the sputum less viscous and facilitate its excretion from the respiratory tract. In the wet cough should drink plenty of fluids (water, herbal tea, juice, compote).

A dry cough develops when inflammation of the mucous membrane, and wet – when there is accumulation of phlegm. Dry cough is treated with anti-anxiety drugs, wet - expectorant. A dry cough can go in the wet because the inflammatory process in the absence of timely treatment gradually fall below. A wet cough dry almost never goes.

Cough without fever and runny nose

Cough without fever and runny nose is considered the most common pathological symptom common to most acute respiratory diseases. It can confirm the presence of the organism in uncomplicated infections, or can be the harbinger of serious illness. Before treatment it is necessary to understand the causes of cough. And, of course, give the exact conclusion and to prescribe the necessary drugs can only by a qualified doctor.

Respiratory system of a person is arranged in such a way that during the invasion in the respiratory tract of dust, infections,allergens due to irritation of receptors of a cough. Thanks to him, the trachea and bronchi of a sick person are purified from various secretions (mucus, phlegm, pus, blood, and foreign bodies – dust, pollen, food particles).

Long dry cough without fever and runny nose can be a symptom of many diseases (some types of SARS, allergic reaction, post-infectious cough, stress, chronic diseases of ENT-organs, heart failure, thyroid disease, certain disorders of the stomach, intestines, tuberculosis, Oncology and respiratory).

Severe pain when coughing

Causes of pain when coughing: from SARS to lung cancer. The main to diagnose the disease, preferably at early stages. So you need to be examined at the first sign of pain.

Pain in the spine and chest when coughing can occur due to inflamed pleura, located in the chest cavity. Dry pleurisy (inflammation of pleura) occurs most frequently in inflammation of the lungs or pneumonia. Treatment is with painkillers and antibiotics. When pleurisy or pneumonia chest sometimes fix the bandage, which allows for lying on the affected side to reduce pain.

Pain in my side and chest during inspiration and expiration during a cough can occur due to pathology in the ribs and thoracic spine, tumors of the pleura, pericarditis (inflammation of the heart shell). Pericarditis in most of the cases is a complication of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract.

Pain in the ribs, "shooting" a sharp pain when coughing can be a result of inflammation of the nerve endings of the intercostal space. The root cause of intercostal neuralgia is severe cramping or huge strain on the nerves due to degenerative disc disease. In these cases, a good treatment for cough is the provision of peace and warmth back. Cause sharp chest pain with deep breath and coughing could be a rib fracture due to trauma or severe impact.

Low back pain can cause severe pain in the chest and back, aggravated by cough. The causes of osteoarthritis: injury of the spine, long, strong load on the spine, scoliosis. Pain in back, chest, dry, "scratchy" cough can be symptoms of tracheitis (inflammation of the trachea) that is caused by staph and pneumococcal bacteria. In the acute form the disease is not dangerous, but can develop into a chronic form. Chronic bronchitis can develop people tobacco depend, diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses.

Lung cancer is accompanied by pretty intense pain: stabbing pain, that becomes stronger during active breathing and coughing, sharp pain behind the breastbone. Painincreases with the spread of metastasis in the spine and ribs. The main signs of lung cancer are the strongest tiresome cough, chest pain, marked shortness of breath, hemoptysis.

Pneumothorax (accumulation of air in the pleura) is another disease with spinal and chest pain. This disease is traumatic and spontaneous. Increased pain may occur with coughing or deep breathing. Chest pain in pneumonia, acute bronchitis, asthma can be unbearable. In any case, pain during cough should immediately seek medical help.

Night cough in adults

Night cough is a fairly common symptom of diseases of internal organs. Confirmed that nocturnal cough in adults can be initiated not only respiratory diseases but also disorders of the cardiovascular system, stomach and intestines.

There are a number of factors causing night cough in adults. For example, during sleep the person is in a horizontal position, light this is not particularly active, the mucus from the nasopharynx almost never goes out, the Airways are not cleared properly, and it often causes severe coughing at night.

Also at night the air in the room is usually cooler and dry, which irritates mucous membranes and causes coughing. However, you should pay special attention to the "night" cough. It can be a symptom of serious diseases such as bronchial asthma or whooping cough (read more: the First signs and symptoms of asthma).

Continuous attacks, a nasty sore throat, no or a small amount of sputum is dry cough. He stops the medicines, depressing the nerve center of the brain responsible for the corresponding reflex. But such means doctors do not recommend to use without evidence. Much more efficient and more useful in this case, the use of proven traditional methods that will not harm the body.

Cough in an adult. What to do with a strong cough?

Cough - one of the undoubted human reflexes. This is a necessary defensive reaction of the respiratory system to many external stimuli. Stimuli can be of various particulates, pollen, dust or bacteria, the microbes that cause an infectious cough. Cough is not a disease but only a symptom of a disease.

Many bacterial and viralinfection cause severe bouts of coughing. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the disease directly after accurate diagnosis.

How to stop coughing. Continuous coughing can be eased with the help of various herbal infusions. A very good tool for expectoration – a decoction of chamomile with the mother-and-stepmother. He will bring the accumulated phlegm from the respiratory tract and relieve pulmonary edema. A regular consumption of 50 ml of the decoction of the common rosemary will help alleviate attacks, and to calm the cough for a few days.

Attack night cough can be stopped, getting up from the bed and leaning forward slightly. Helps to get rid of cough and the usual stretching. You need to get up, right hand to raise up and stretch very well. Salvation from uncontrollable bouts of coughing can be a normal chamomile tea.

Treatment of dry cough

Tools aimed at getting rid of dry cough should be taken only in the case when the patient cough reflex is really pronounced and interferes with normal functioning. To restore the quality of life, your doctor may prescribe drugs that can save people from exhausting state.

When the cough not accompanied with sputum, it is necessary to ensure that it was productive. Only after that the patient can assign expectorants and mucolytic drugs. In addition, possible use of drugs that have a complex effect. They are both able to give expectorant and antitussive effect.


Gerbion syrup of plantain produced in the form of syrup. It has antitussive, expectorant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect. The drug softens and eases a dry cough. Its main active components are the flowers of mallow and grass plantain lanceolate.

Indications for use


Side effects

If you want to achieve the following effects:

  • expectorant;
  • antibacterial;
  • antitussive;
  • anti-inflammatory.

In the end, the patient will feel relief from dry cough, as it soften.

If you have fructose intolerance or to individual sensitivity to drugs based on plants. People with diabetes need to takeagent under medical supervision, i.e. with extreme caution.



Sinekod - antitussive drug, has a direct effect on the cough center. Has expectorant properties, has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect bronhodilatiruyuschee, improves the performance of spirometry. Indicated for acute dry cough of different origin. The first form is designed for administration to children and the second for the treatment of adults.

Indications for use


Side effects

Should be taken with cough (dry and spicy), different etiologies. Able to have an impact on the cough center.

Among other effects:

  • the removal of inflammation;
  • expectorant effects;
  • promotes relaxation of smooth muscles of the bronchi and improves their permeability;
  • contributes to the normalization of spirometry parameters.
  • the period of gestation of the child;
  • feeding period;
  • age up to 2 months – contraindication absolute;
  • the age of 3 years – contraindication for the syrup (drops);
  • children up to 12 years old – contraindication to tablet form.

Diarrhea, nausea, Allergy, dizziness.

Spray Aqua Maris.

Spray Aqua Maris. - combined antitussive and secretolytic action. Part of Butamirat citrate, which has a local anesthetic, bronchodilator and antitussive effects, and Guaifenesin reduces the viscosity of mucus, improving its discharge. Effective for dry cough in children and adults.

Indications for use


Side effects

At the expense of Butamirat citrate, the drug capable of exerting the following effects:

  • locally anesthetize;
  • to expand the bronchi;
  • to reduce the cough reflex.

Due Guaifenesin the drug promotes:

  • liquefaction of sputum;
  • to improve itsdischarge.

Prescribed in childhood and in adulthood, with dry cough.

Pregnancy – namely, the 1 trimester and the age of a year.

Sometimes allergies, less headaches, vomiting, disorders of stool and dizziness.

Codelac Phyto

The cost of this drug is 140 rubles. Is produced in the form of a syrup, and elixir. The composition of the drug the main active ingredients are extracts of licorice, thyme and thermopsis + codeine.

Indications for use


Side effects

Prescribed to improve expectoration of sputum.

Under two years of age, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, bronchial asthma and respiratory failure. In addition, it is not necessary to prescribe the drug to patients who have increased sensitivity to medications plant-based.

Drowsiness, headaches, constipation, nausea, vomiting, Allergy. If taken for a long time, maybe an addiction to codeine.


Bronholitin - combination drug antitussive, bronhodilatiruyuschego and bronholiticeski action. Part of Glaucine hydrobromide, which has a suppressive action on the cough center weakly expressed anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. Oil of Basil has a slight sedative, antimicrobial, antispasmodic properties. Ephedrine stimulates respiration, dilates the bronchi, has a vasoconstrictor effect, thereby eliminates swelling of the mucous membrane of the bronchi.

Indications for use


Side effects

  • At the expense of glaucine hydrobromide is achieved by a slight inflammation and analgesia, and depression of the cough center.
  • Due to the Basil oil is achieved antibacterial, sedative and antispasmodic action.
  • Due to ephedrine the drug dilates the bronchi constricts blood vessels, stimulates respiratory function. As a result of the bronchial mucosa swelling subsides.

Not indicated for cardiacfailure and up to 3 years, as well as breast-feeding and pregnancy.

Increase sweating, tremor of the extremities, increased heart rate, problems with night rest, namely – insomnia, rash, vision disturbances, difficulty urinating, vomiting and nausea.


Combined medicine with anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bronchodilator effect. The composition of the syrup and the pills is an extract of the herb thyme, and in the elixir still and root extract of primrose. Bronchicum universal, it is an effective expectorant for dry cough and wet. On the stage of the disease when the cough dry Bronchicum helps to cope with strong attacks, turning a dry cough in the wet. Then, with a wet cough, it facilitates expectoration of sputum, facilitating its excretion from the lungs.

Indications for use


Side effects

The effect that it is possible to achieve:

  • the removal of inflammation;
  • expectoration;
  • bronchodilator effect.

The versatility of the drug is that when the cough is moist, it improves the discharge and excretion of mucus, and when the cough is dry – it softens, facilitates attacks and moves in wet.

  • For lozenges the age of six years;
  • For all forms the age of six months, disorders in the liver and kidney, pregnancy and lactation, individual intolerance.

Allergies, irritation of the gastric mucosa.


Linkas -combined preparation of plant origin, reduces the intensity of the cough increases its productivity, has mucolytic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect.

Indications for use


Side effects

  • the decline in the strength of cough reflex;
  • increasing the productivity of the cough;
  • expectorant effect;
  • the removal of inflammation;
  • mucolytic effect.

Fullthe limitation to six months of age, in the presence of hypersensitivity. Partial restriction – diabetes.


The drug can be detected in the extracts of flowers of alpinia, hyssop, violets, onosma, Althea, leaves adhatoda, licorice (root), long pepper (fruit).


Libeksin - peripheral antitussive action. It has a local anesthetic effect, bronchodilator effect, antitussive effect is roughly comparable to the codeine. Unlike codeine Libeksin non-addictive, has no effect on the Central nervous system. In chronic bronchitis has anti-inflammatory effect.

Indications for use


Side effects

  • the local analgesic action;
  • the bronchi;
  • antitussive effect, almost similar to codeine, but without the formation of addiction;
  • the inflammation (chronic bronchitis).

Banned for appointment in diseases that are accompanied by profuse bronchial secretion. In children prescribed with caution during pregnancy do not appoint at all.

A slight sedative effect, dryness in the mouth, its temporary numbness, skin rash.

Any drugs can be prescribed only by a doctor. It also determines the multiplicity and duration of its use.