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Inhalation in dry and wet cough how to do?

Undoubtedly, it's impossible to find a person who would not have experienced a cough. And many are even quite a long time in pain, trying to get rid of it. After all, if time does not take the necessary measures for the treatment, it becomes chronic, and to get rid of it very difficult. Cough can be treated and medicines and folk remedies, but the effectiveness shown in the data Supplement methods of treatment by inhalation.

During inhalation, the body of the patient through the inhalation of certain medicinal and introduced biologically active substances, whereby the mucus becomes less viscous. Which means its excretion from the respiratory tract much easier. It should be noted that inhalation alone cannot be used as cough medicine, they must be combined with mucolytic and expectorant drugs.

Inhalation in dry and wet cough

Inhalation cough is divided into natural and artificial. The natural inhalation is done while camping, at the seaside, in the mountains. This has a great preventive value. And artificial – this is the form which we often use for medicinal purposes, applying for introduction into the body with useful substances special inhalers. Modern devices for conducting inhalation, very convenient, so you can even use them at home.

In addition to the choice of inhaler, it is important to determine the medicines or herbs that help to cope with cough. Inhalation liquid may consist of herbal infusions, decoctions of chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort. Their choice depends on the nature of the cough. So, from wet cough well help decoctions of Linden, eucalyptus, nettle, sage. And dry cough for liquefaction of sputum and excretion from the bronchi it is better to use soda inhalation.

In house conditions it is possible to do inhalations of different kinds. The easiest method is to add boiling water medicines and then inhaling the resulting vapors. Effective inhalation with healing essential oils. It is also possible to do inhalations, dry. At first the drug is dissolved in water, then put in dry heated air. In this case, water evaporation is very fast, and the body will get only the dry preparation.

In health-care settings often use and aeromonadaceae. The body hit the particles with negative orpositive charge. For the treatment of cough in children it is possible to apply ultrasonic inhalation with the help of special modern devices. It implies a unique splitting of drugs using ultrasound to facilitate their introduction into the body. In this case, the remedies act very deeply, and hence the effect of them much more.

The advantage of inhalation in the treatment of cough is that useful solutions ingested in the form of vapor and immediately begin to exert a beneficial effect on inflamed areas. The coverage they have is quite extensive: from the sinuses down to the bronchioles. Therefore, the course of such procedures allows you to remove even lingering cough.

How to do inhalation when coughing?

Though the conduct of inhalation is considered to be a fairly simple way to cough, they need to adhere to certain rules. Initially, you need to tune that inhalation is not painful, but rather pleasant. Carry out the procedure should be no earlier than 1.5 hours after a meal. At the end of the inhalation the patient should lie quietly for half an hour. It is important that while he strained throat.

If not assigned to one drug, and then the inhalation must be carried out in the correct sequence. The treatment with bronchodilator drugs, should be implemented in the first place. Twenty minutes after using them you can do an inhalation expectorant. After all these preparations comes the turn of disinfectant and anti-inflammatory drugs.

How to do inhalation for cough children?

When conducting inhalation children the procedure is somewhat different. First of all, remember that children younger than two years of inhalation is contraindicated. But even if the child is already two years, you must take the doctor for a procedure.

Doctors often suggest inhalations little children by means of compressor nebulizers. When selecting products you need to keep in mind that some components are not suitable for children or may cause allergies. Inhalation, the child should not last more than five minutes.

Contraindications for inhalation for coughs

This procedure has its contraindications. It is not about those who have lung or heart failure, high blood pressure. Also, the inhalation is absolutely contraindicated in patients with a nasalbleeding, high temperature, with individual intolerance, allergic reactions to specific drugs. In addition, inhalations should not be prescribed to people with cerebral atherosclerosis, when there are significant violations of cerebral circulation.