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Treatment of cough in children folk remedies

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Baby cough has many causes and its treatment. In addition to medicinal drugs prescribed by the pediatrician to treat the child, there are many traditional medicine. Their effectiveness is tested repeatedly, and mild action, a minimum of contraindications and side effects do folk remedies widely used.

Medicine from eggs

Egg medicine can cure even the most severe cough that is not treatable by modern medicine. This recipe is known to many of the grandmother, which at the time quickly put any on my feet. This recipe can cure even severe bronchitis! Time has passed a lot, but still use this old folk remedy to treat coughs.

To prepare the egg mixtures need to first boil a glass of milk. Then add a tablespoon of butter and honey. Also, add well beaten egg yolk and just a little bit of baking soda, about 1/4 teaspoon. It is very effective, not only cough, but also from bronchitis, laryngitis and tracheitis!

Another recipe based on milk. For the treatment of cough in children in ancient times used a very simple folk recipe that is relevant now. Though the recipe is simple, it is very effective in the treatment of cough, as after the first application you will feel the relief. To start, boil a pint of milk. When the milk boils, remove from the heat and add one tablespoon of pine buds. Allow to steep an hour and you can drink. Drink the broth throughout the day. That's all. Next, repeat the procedure as necessary.

Lemon with honey and glycerin – a better remedy for coughs

This great recipe helps even when you cough, the cause of which is not always possible to find. To find the ingredients difficult, the cost is quite inexpensive, which absolutely does not affect the performance.

Algorithm of preparation cough remedies:

  • Lemon is medium in size and thoroughly washed withusing the brush and make it peel a few punctures.
  • Prepared lemon cook for 5 minutes on low heat, cool.
  • Squeeze of lemon juice in any way. It's best to do with citrus.
  • To the resulting juice add 25 ml of glycerin (2 tbsp), stir these ingredients in a glass volume of not less than 250 ml.
  • Liquid honey and fill the rest to the edges of the glass volume was mixed thoroughly.
  • In a cool place insist the proceeds for 2-4 hours.

The rate of application, the dosage of the prescription depends on the severity of the child's condition, the intensity of the cough. If the amount of the adult dose is 1 tbsp, for children the dose is reduced by half. A mixture of honey, lemon and glycerine is used or for half an hour before meals or 2 hours after it about 2-3 times a day. Coughing cropped using this recipe, taking remedy for 4-7 times a day.

To speed up the preparation of this tool, if the lemon does not cook, and pour over it boiling water, grind using a blender until mushy state. Honey and glycerin in this case are in the same proportions.

The useful properties of the recipe:

  • Stimulating immunity with shock doses of vitamin C;
  • The decrease in the intensity of the cough by moisturizing the throat with glycerin;
  • Neutralization of the pathogen of honey is a natural antibacterial agent.

Contraindications to the use of medical substances allergic reactions to any ingredient, increased acidity of gastric juice.

Treatment of cough in children onion broth

This recipe is used in the last century, but he has lost none of its relevance.

Cooking onion broth:

  • Grind peeled 2-3 medium onions and place them in a shallow pan.
  • Pour onions with milk and boil them until soft.
  • In the warm broth add honey for every 200 ml of liquid add one teaspoon.

Method of use 1 tbsp. every hour for 1-3 days until complete disappearance of the acute symptoms. Alternatively, this recipe can be onion honey. For its preparation should be boiled in sugar syrup (1 Cup sugar to 1 liter of water) 2 whole medium onions. In the process of boiling the broth should be half. Half a Cup of this onion honey – the dose for one time use, excellent remedy for chronic bronchitis.

Blackradish with honey cough

For this recipe use an ordinary black radish, it is sufficient to find a small instance of this vegetable. Washed with a brush, cut with a knife at the heart of the vegetable, thus to make a bowl-shaped recess. Remote core may be discarded or used as a makeshift "lid" and deepening to put 1-2 teaspoons of honey. It is not necessary to fill in the notch honey to the brim, as the juice, the most valuable substance, will in this case result from deepening.

For stability set radish in a glass or jar, leave for 4-5 hours at room temperature. After the specified time in the recess to separate the juice and mix with honey. Dosage for children 3-4 times a day 1 tsp, adults increase the treatment dose doubled. The course of treatment with black radish juice – 1 to 2 weeks. The same vegetable is used several times, while the deepening is added to a fresh batch of honey.

Best remedy for cold:

Alternative recipe for radish with honey

In this recipe, the only change form the use of black radish. For its preparation you need to take 2 copies of medium size, cleaned and cut into small cubes or cubes. Pile them in a jar layers, adding 1-2 tablespoons of honey between each layer to completely fill the tank.

A few days in the fridge, in a jar a syrup from the juice of radish with honey. It is drained, use the destination in the same dose, which is indicated in the previous recipe.

Find out more: Useful properties, cultivation and recipes black radish

Milk with pine cones

One liter of milk and a lump of pine that is all that is necessary for cooking this recipe of folk medicine. Thoroughly washed lump boil in the milk for 1-2 hours on medium or low heat. Milk, acquired as a result of boiling medicinal properties is poured into another container.

Every 2 hours it means taking a quarter Cup (6 tbsp). The bitterness and unpleasant taste of the drug is removed by the addition of honey (4-5 tablespoons).

Treatment of cough in children tortilla with honey mustard

Ingredients, such as honey and mustard, it is possible to prepare a drug in three different ways.

1 recipe

Ingredients for making medicines:

  • Crushed mustard beans – 1 tbsp;
  • Honey – 1 tbsp;
  • Vinegar – 2 tbsp;
  • Sunflower oil – 1 tbsp;
  • Flour – 2 tbsp

All the ingredients of the recipe except for the flour mix in a large bowl and place the mixture on a water bath until it reaches a temperature of +40+50°C. heated mixture of the ingredients enter the flour, knead the dough.

The resulting pellet is overlaid on the chest or back in a specific sequence:

  • The body is laid a layer of gauze soaked in water and wrung out. Its size should be several millimeters more than the field of application.
  • On gauze is applied a layer of cling film or compress paper a few inches larger layers of cheesecloth.
  • On the foil place the dough with the mustard and honey.
  • The pellet is applied a thick cloth, wool.
  • Fix the wrap on the body using the scarf for 6-8 hours.
  • After the procedure, wipe the skin of the back or chest with a soft, dry cloth.

For a full treatment is enough to make 3-4 compress. Performing such compress on a child's skin, you need to carefully monitor her condition, without irritation. Redness and irritation – signal to stop mustard-honey of an application. The affected areas are treated with baby powder.

2 recipe

Ingredients for making medicines:

  • Sunflower oil – 3 tbsp;
  • Hard goat fat – 3 tbsp;
  • Mustard powder - 3 tbsp;
  • Honey - 3 tbsp;
  • Vinegar - 3 tbsp

Of the said number should be 3 or more same cakes. They are placed on the chest (1 piece) and back (2 pieces) in the projection light. Honey-mustard pellet is fixed on the body, it is advisable to leave them for the night. After 5 sessions of usage is even coughing in poor condition.

3 recipe

Ingredients for making medicines:

  • Dry mustard;
  • The aloe juice;
  • Flour;
  • Vodka;
  • Honey;
  • Any interior fat.

All recipe ingredients should take 1 tablespoon, mix and heat in a water bath. In the absence of fat, you can substitute any vegetable oil (olive, corn, sunflower). The pellet is applied to the chest, excluding the heart area, or on the back in the projection of the bronchi on the gauze. On top of the poultice covered with layers of gauze and polyethylene plastic heat wrapped.

Forthe therapeutic effect is sufficient to repeat this procedure 1-2 times. Burn while the compress is not possible, there is only a slight skin reaction, which is slightly porozoveet. All three compress very quickly eliminate cough in children caused by infection or inflammation.

In the complex treatment of colds in children, accompanied by severe cough, along with a comprehensive treatment of the use of proven traditional medicines. It is not necessary to replace the traditional methods folk remedies, they are only a Supplement to the pediatrician prescribed medications. Necessarily take into account contraindications, the individual characteristics of the child's body.

Other popular recipes for cough

Recipe No. 1. Remarkably softens and coats the throat with a decoction of barley. It is prepared from 20 grams of ground beans and 1 Cup water. The resulting mixture was infused for 5 hours, then cook 10 minutes. It is recommended to take 1 tbsp up to 6 times per day.

Recipe №2. Prolonged cough take a lemon and boil it whole for about 10 minutes. Then, by cutting, well squeeze the juice, mix with 2 tablespoons of glycerine, and putting into a glass, add honey to the top. Take the resulting tool 1 tsp. three times per day. If the cough is strong - 2 tsp (before lunch, after lunch, at night). When you get better, you can reduce the intake back to 1 tsp per day.

Recipe No. 3. You will need to take equal parts of olive oil and honey and then mix. The resulting mass should be taken up to four times a day 1 tsp.

Recipe No. 4. A well known remedy for treating inflammation of the bronchi and trachea is a common potato inhalation. Boil small potatoes with the skin on, after the water should drain and covering the head in any easy blanket to inhale the steam from the pot in a quarter of an hour. Then bundle up with a blanket and go to sleep.

Recipe №5. When the disease whooping cough, bronchitis, coughs are advised to drink black radish juice with honey. How to get the juice from the radish? Taken well washed large radish, cut the top and select 1/3 of the pulp, in the capacity filled with honey. Tail drops in a glass of water, and the cut part is covered with a dense paper or cut the lid of the radish, and is worth 5 hours.

Then the resulting juice is drained, again in radish filled with honey. Andthis procedure is repeated for three days, after which the radish is usually dry. And the finished juice drink 1 tbsp. before meals.

Recipe No. 6. Radish juice to mix with sugar. 7 medium pieces of black radish cut thinly, sprinkle sugar on top and leave for 8-10 hours. The juice take 1 tablespoon every hour.

Recipe No. 7. Coughing attacks, and crackling can be eliminated by taking the juice of black currants (1 part) and honey (1.5 parts). To use this tool should be a day 1 tablespoon 3 times.

Recipe No. 8. To relieve cough in bronchitis, tracheitis, and to quickly liquefy the phlegm drink a healing decoction of viburnum. For the broth 100 grams of berries of viburnum, you need to mix a glass of honey. To use the tool, preferably at 2 tbsp, with simple boiled water to 5 times per day.

Recipe No. 9. Attack of severe coughing can be eased with the help of the infusion of the roots of calamus. Take 1 tbsp. l. roots per 200 ml of boiling water. The resulting mixture should be consumed 2/3 Cup definitely before meals for 30 minutes Per day is recommended to drink up to 500 ml of this wonderful infusion.

Recipe No. 10. Dry cough quickly softened by the infusion of mother and stepmother. This infusion is prepared by taking 1 tbsp. l. collection and pour 200 ml of boiling water. After insisting the tool you need to take every hour 1 tablespoon

Recipe No. 11. Very effective easy to use inhalation with the use of the decoction of marjoram and mother and stepmother or soda solution. For best effect, add essential oils (eucalyptus, menthol).

Recipe No. 12. Catarrhal cough perfectly cured with medicine from milk, butter (1 tsp), baking soda (1/4 tsp) and mineral water. All the ingredients are mixed, the resulting tool can be used hot, the effect will be noticeable almost immediately.

Chronic cough

To cure the chronic cough, you need to make compresses of the following solution. Take a tablespoon of dry mustard, flour, honey, sunflower oil and 1.5 tablespoons of vodka. Thoroughly mix all and heat, not gas, and in a water bath. This solution is put on the gauze and make a compress on the throat in the place where the strongest pain. Top off with cellophane and secure with a warm scarf. This compress should be done several days in a row.

okolova Nina Vladimirovna, doctor-naturopath, herbalist