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Cataract in children

Cataract is a pathological condition of the organ of vision, accompanied by a clouding of the lens. In children the disease most often related to congenital factors. According to statistics, in 5 infants out of 100 thousand are diagnosed cataracts. The older children are susceptible to the disease 3-4 times out of 10 thousand. The disease is progressive in nature and can lead to blindness. Timely treatment for medical assistance provides the most favorable prognosis.

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Symptoms of cataract in children

Symptoms of the disease consists of several factors: the affected one eye or both, the degree of clouding of the crystalline lens, the location of the source of turbidity.

Parents find it difficult to establish the symptoms of cataracts in newborns, but this function is performed by the doctors at maternity hospitals. Then vision is tested in children 1 month of life when preventive inspection.

In some cases, a cataract tends to occur late the following features:

  • One or both eyes turn grey or white;
  • Eye movements become fast and uncontrollable;
  • Visual acuity is reduced, the child can not focus the mind on the object, is reduced to actively monitor the movements of other people.

The first signs of cataract development are expressed by changes in the behavior of the child: the baby cannot focus the eyes on the toys, examining them only one eye, at a later age in children with cataracts, reduced ability to learn, they find it difficult to focus. Parents should be attentive to the problem and contact an ophthalmologist.

These symptoms can signal not only cataract but also other serious diseases. With the appearance of at least one of them requires doctor's consultation.

The causes of cataracts in children

It is not always possible to establish the cause of cataracts in humans. Today, in ophthalmology there are a few reasons for the disease:

  • The hereditary factor. Pathology genes passed from parent to child in every fifth case, diagnosis of cataracts.
  • Infection during pregnancy.

    Congenital cataracts can causefollowing infection suffered by the mother:

    1. Rubella;

    2. Toxoplasmosis;

    3. Cytomegalovirus;

    4. Chickenpox;

    5. Herpes.

  • Premature infants.
  • The mechanical damage. Cataracts in children can result from eye injury or after surgery.
  • Galactosemia, associated with the disruption of metabolic functions in the body. Pathology is manifested by failures in the production of the enzyme galactose.
  • Toxocariasis – an infection of parasitic etiology, affects, in particular, and the organs of vision. Is extremely rare and is transmitted from animals to humans through feces.

Detection of cataract in children often occurs at a scheduled doctor's visits, so neglect them should not be.


In children cataracts may be of two types:

  • Congenital diagnosed immediately after birth or within a short period of time after childbirth;
  • Acquired revealed in a few months, and even years after birth.

Congenital cataract is difficult to prevent. A woman should carefully monitor their health during pregnancy and to keep all doctor about possible infections.

Diagnosis of cataract in children

Congenital cataracts can be diagnosed already in the walls of the maternity hospital. In other cases, this observation of parents and mandatory routine visits to specialists.

If you suspect a cataract doctor appointed special drops for pupil dilation. Then conducted a visual inspection of the eyes using medical equipment, equipped with magnifying glass and lighting device. So the doctor can assess the condition of the organ of vision and to see even the initial symptoms of cataract.

Clouding of the lens and the absence of the red reflex from the fundus, the signs by which a doctor diagnoses the child has cataract.

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Cataract treatment in children

If the cataract is located in the periphery of the eye and does not affect visual acuity, indications for surgical removal can not be. Disease is removed surgically when the clouding is in the Central part, and the vision deteriorates.

Cataract in children is a three-step program:

  • Examination. Before surgery, you need a complete examination of both eyes even if only one affected. In addition to cataract eyes can be visually diagnosed, pathology. For this reason, it is important to evaluate all risks which may be during surgery and in the recovery stage.
  • Directly operation. Surgical intervention in children is possible only with the use of General anesthesia. The specialist uses a microsurgical instrument for cataract removal. In this way the possibility of complete removal of disease and virtually eliminates the recurrence of the disease. Inpatient stay after the surgery is required only for infants under 3 months of age. Older children can return home the day of surgery.
  • Rehabilitation. As a rule, after the surgery, the doctor will prescribe special drops. During the recovery period can not RUB eyes and to the swimming pool. The appointment of specialist child may wear glasses or lenses, corrective the visual perception of objects. During this period it is important regular doctor visits to assess the degree of rehabilitation and timely correction of possible deviations.

After surgery, the child may experience some redness and strabismus. Upon detection of these symptoms, you need urgent access to a doctor to prevent infection and weakening of the eye muscles.

Cataracts are serious ophthalmic pathology that requires constant monitoring and treatment. The disease is more common in middle aged and elderly, but children are prone to cataract. To prevent the occurrence and development of diseases require routine inspections and attention to any changes in the child's behavior.

egtyareva Marina Vitalievna, ophthalmologist, optometrist