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Surgery to remove cataracts

Replacement of the crystalline lens in cataract

Surgical treatment and replacement of cataracts is based on the need to minimize the degree of trauma intervention. This is achieved by maintaining the lens capsule, forming the smallest incision, and the use of specific techniques to remove the clouded lens. In addition, one kind of operations is the implantation of flexible lens, or intraocular lens.

These criteria fully meet the possibility extracapsular extraction cataract.

Tunnel cataract extraction

The presented method is used when diagnosed with cataract with a dense core, which is difficult to remove with the help of ultrasonic interference. Tunnel cataract extraction refers to manual methods for extracting the clouded lens. In the beginning of the operation local anesthesia is injected and then gains access to the capsule portion of the lens and makes a small incision (no more than 3.5 mm). Then deletes the changed region of the lens capsule.

In its place is placed intraocular lens, which will help to ensure the optimum refraction of light rays, and will perform all the functionalities of the lens. The suturing is not necessary, because the surgeon performed the incision is self-sealing incision.

Tunnel extraction recognised as one of the most effective methods of treatment of cataract, the operation is characterized by:

  • A minimal degree of postoperative injury;
  • Little risk of astigmatism (after surgery);
  • A short period of rehabilitation.


It is a modern method of cataract treatment, characterized by high adaptability. The operation is necessary to make local anesthesia. After that, the specialist performs incision, the length of which shall be not more 2 mm on the cornea. Then the surgeon introduces the tip of the special device in the front part of the eye to create ultrasound. After the incision is prepared, the tip is introduced deeper.

This is done in order to make it possible to form a homogeneous mass of the lens, and then presents the mass removed. A further stage of the operation for cataract will be the introduction of the incision on the capsule rolled, but flexible IOL(IOL). Then she straightened and takes the place of the extraction of the lens in order to carry out its functions.

In this case, the sutures are also not performed, because the generated cuts sealed themselves. The steady improvement of the algorithm implementation phacoemulsification enables to maintain prolonged postoperative protection of ultrasonic intervention on all the structures the eye. This, in turn, ensures the increase of the degree of security of operation for extraction of cataract, and gives the opportunity to avoid damage to various anatomical structures.

Rehabilitation after surgery

Full rehabilitation after surgery is normally not less than two to three weeks. This is the optimal time for a person to have time to adjust and to adapt to new conditions. Over a specified period of time that eye or both eyes, which was subjected to extraction is not recommended to load. It would be best to minimize strenuous exercise, but otherwise there are no restrictions.

It should be noted that in itself, the vision is restored immediately after the surgery is over. Pick up points required to read, preferably five days after intervention.

It is important to remember the following three rules:

  • Adherence , after cataract extraction with subsequent implantation of an artificial lens to comply with bed rest is not necessary. However, experts do not recommend sleeping on the side that has undergone the surgery and also on my stomach in the first few days after its completion;
  • Concern about hygiene in the process of washing it is desirable to avoid getting soap or water in the eye area. In the implementation of shampooing you have to tilt your head back, not forward. If the liquid were still in the operated eye, you should rinse it a small amount of furatsilina 0.02% or chloramphenicol 0.25%, each of which needs to be mixed with water;
  • Wearing special bandages – in the period after surgery during the first 24 hours, doctors recommend wearing a bandage on the operated eye. This will help to achieve 100% protection from existing in the air of dust particles and larger objects, and, not least, from the influence of bright sunlight. The bandage must be a kind of "curtain", built of twolayers of gauze. It should be placed before the operated eye and attach using adhesive plaster to the forehead.


Eye drops guarantee is required for accelerated tissue regeneration. In addition, they will help to avoid infections and other complications. The vast majority of cases, after operations the doctor prescribes instillation of multiple drugs: disinfectant droplets (for example, "Floksal, Ciprofloxacin"or"TOPEX"), anti-inflammatory (for example, "Nakli"or"Intecolor"), and mixed drugs ("Maxitrol"or"Tobradex").

Traditionally, these medicines need to be applied on the so-called "diminishing" scheme, which is as follows: first week – four times a day, the second – three times during the day, and the third twice a day, fourth week – once, preferably in the middle of the day. After this, the rehabilitation cycle can be considered completed. Doctors say that to self-medicate in this case is highly undesirable, and it would be correct to adhere to the recommendations given by the specialist.