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Symptoms and treatment of acute keratitis

Disease "keratitis" is an inflammation of the area of the cornea. It has become one of the most common lesions of the anterior eyeball. The result of the pathological process is decrease the sharpness and clarity of vision.

Acute viral keratitis called viral inflammation of the area of the cornea. Initially the keratitis was not a common disease. However, quite quickly viral keratitis has become more prevalent. Everywhere it is possible to note the increasing severity of its course and predominant lesion of children and young people. List of inflammatory processes of the cornea share described herpetic keratitis was 70 %. Such distribution along with severe duration of the disease may explain its wide use in different spheres of life corticosteroids. Also the increase in the number of herpetic diseases of the eye explained by the epidemics of the flu: they occur more and more often lately, and can activate latent infection. Among them, infection caused by the herpes virus.

Mainly acute viral keratitis has a herpetic nature. The virus of simple herpes (i.e. herpes simplex) can be classified as filtrable, neirodermatozy. They since the childhood present in the body, getting, obviously, in the human body is contact-household or airborne droplets.

Symptoms of acute keratitis

What are the symptoms of acute keratitis? This disease is the development of infection in the eye. This pathological process may cause strains of the pathogen that are numerous and differ from each other in a number of biological properties.

Virus keratitis there are several forms of clinical manifestations. Symptoms of primary herpes, which the body can't defend itself, as it has no against the virus of antibodies and polimernogo herpes on the cornea. The infection has already occurred, and you can find some amount of antibodies.

Suffering from a primary herpes approximately 25 % of all patients with herpetic lesions of the cornea in children. It affects mainly children from 5 months. to 5 years, according to statistics, most often affects kids the first two years of life, due to the lack of children-patients of this age developed specific immunity. The disease is very acute and long-term. Most important symptoms and signs of the primary stageherpetic keratitis appear, making the background of the "cold" disease, acute keratitis quite often accompanied by bubble rash on areas of the lips, wings of nose, eyelids. In a number of these signs – corneal or corneal, syndrome (photophobia, appropriate lacrimation, blepharospasm), mixed with a predominance of perikornealnaya type of infection, polymorphic for corneal opacity (grayish in color) and pain, which becomes a source of concerns. Discharge a substance from a region of the conjunctival SAC serous stable, but sometimes Muco-purulent. The amount is small. Superficial vesicular form line infiltrates are rare, and if occurs, then the disease passes to the tree. Predominant is considered metagenetics deep keratitis, which is characterized by the presence of phenomena, such as iridocyclitis. The back surface of the cornea accumulates a large number of precipitates. On the surfaces of the iris are expanding and forming new blood vessels. The process involves the ciliary body. From this arises an acute pain in the eye("ciliary"). Due to the acceleration process in the cornea before it grows a sufficient number of vessels. The process is described as undulating, it captures the whole cornea. Frequent exacerbations, relapses different. This disease is very short remission.

Poleberry herpes of the eye according to the statistics most commonly affects children from three years, adults getting sick on the background of weakened immunity antiherpetic. This factor affects the overall picture of the clinical nature. Poleberry herpetic keratitis view differs subacute course. Infiltrates mainly on the structure of the tree may metagenetics. The process of vascularization infiltrations, according to the statistics, there. Syndrome corneal type marginally expressed. Often separated by a sero-mucous substance, rather poorly. The disease is favorable and less long-term (a few weeks). May experience relapses and remissions can last up to a year. A particularly dangerous period is autumn and winter.

Treatment of acute keratitis

In the treatment of acute keratitis used types of drugs, which have a selective antiherpetic activity, need frequent (up to 8 times a day) the installation of the eye of a 0.1% solution idoxuridine (GO, stoxil, serecid, Oftan IDU, herplex) within 10 days of the weeks (later can get a significant negative toxic effect on the cells of corneal epithelium). More effective way is laying for ever withinday – 3-5 times a day – 3% ointment of acyclovir (as options – zovirax, virolex).

GO-resistant forms of keratitis accompanied by frequent installations in the region of the eyes substances leukocyte alpha-interferon (200 U/ml), possibly its related drugs: interlok (10,000 IU in 0.1 ml phosphate buffer), IFN (5000-100 000 ME 1 ml of pure distilled water) or berfor. Berfor take special treatment – 1 time a day 2 drops. Between the drops need to sustain the interval of 5-10 min. duration of the course is 6 days.

A special medicine is human beta-interferon (or fibroblastic). Medicine "fron" it instilliruut in the amount of 2 drops 6 times a day course of 7 days. Inducer of interferon may serve as Poludan, but rather polyribonucleotides biosynthetic complex, is able to achieve and lots of interferons of the eye tissue and blood. The drug is used as a kind of eye drops (portion of 100 ME in 5.0 ml of pure distilled water), and as an agent for subconjunctival injection (50-100 servings ME when 1 ml of solvent).

It is recommended that a number of immunomodulators, for example, Likopid. The course will be held from the intramuscular injections of vitamins B1 and B2. Prescribed intake of ascorbic acid and vitamin A.