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The symptoms and treatment of tuberculous keratitis

luboj neznakomyj diagnoz v pervuu ochered vyzyvaet chuvstvo straha. odnako neznanie nikogo ne osvobozhdaet ot lecheniya, kotoroe naznachaet vrach. a znanie daet vozmozhnost ne prenebregat sovetami doktora i v budushem ne dopuskat povtoreniya bolezni.

tuberkuleznym keratitom, ili tuberkulezom rogovicy libo tuberkulezom glaza, nazyvaetsya vospalitelnyj process, voznikaushij v rogovice. esli keratit vyzvan mikrobakteriyami tuberkuleza, to eto keratit metastaticheskij, ili gematogennyj, proyavlyaetsya on v vide mutnyh ochagov v rogovice. bolezn imeet razlichnye formy – diffuznuu, ochagovuu i skleroziruushuu. process lecheniya dlitelnyj, vozmozhny recidivy.

vozdejstvie na organizm tuberkuleznoj palochki mozhet vyzvat razvitie allergicheskogo processa, v etom sluchae keratit nazyvaetsya fliktenuleznym, ili tuberkulezno-allergicheskim.

simptomy tuberkuleznogo keratita

simptomy tuberkuleznogo keratita pri kazhdoj forme otlichautsya drug ot druga, rassmotrim ih bolee konkretno.

pri diffuznoj forme keratita v glubine rogovicy nastupaet glubokaya infiltraciya – uplotnenie, vospalenie rasprostranyaetsya na tkan rogovicy i zahvatyvaet ee bolshuu chast. vneshne bolezn proyavlyaetsya slezotecheniem, bolnye zhaluutsya na rezi, im kazhetsya, chto glaza zasypany peskom. sklera ryadom s rogovicej stanovitsya krasnogo cveta, a sama rogovica – mutnoj. so vremenem proishodit process vrastaniya v rogovicu sosudov, a tam, gde oni prohodyat, inogda nabludautsya nebolshie krovoizliyaniya. lechitsya bolezn dolgo, periodicheski nastupaut obostreniya. ochen redko ee mozhno izlechit do konca, chashe vsego prognoz neblagopriyatnyj – na rogovice obrazuetsya gruboe vaskulyarizirovannoe belmo, kotoroe nazyvaetsya lejkomoj. ubrat ego mozhno tolko putem hirurgicheskogo vmeshatelstva.

ochagovaya forma harakterna tem, chto pri nej ochag vospaleniya, nahodyashijsya gluboko v tkanyah rogovicy, rasprostranyaetsya na raduzhnuu obolochku i perednuu kameru glaza. lechenie dlitsya dolgo, bolezn chrevata oslozhneniem v vide iridociklita i recidivami. na meste ochaga obrazuetsya belmo.

keratit skleroziruushij obrazuetsya v meste, gde sklera granichit s rogovicej. postepenno uplotnenie zahvatyvaet vse bolshie uchastki, peredvigayas k centralnoj chasti rogovicy. process dlitelnyj, v nego postepenno vovlekaetsya raduzhnaya obolochka. irity i iridociklity pri etom – obychnye yavleniya, inogda nastupaet vtorichnaya glaukoma. sam process vospaleniya dlitsya ne odin god, mozhet rasprostranyatsya vo vseh chastyah glaza ili zahvatyvat tolko odnu storonu. lechenie ochagov ne obespechivaet polnogoenlightenment of the cornea.

It is believed that the sclerosing keratitis may be caused not only tuberculosis, but also such diseases as syphilis, rheumatism and gout.

Metstaticescoy tuberculous keratitis diagnosed difficult. Can be inflammation of tuberculosis in the lungs, but this does not mean that the eye disease has occurred due to the presence in the body of the symptoms of this disease – a combination rarely observed.

As for the tuberculous-allergic (phlyctenules, scrophularia) keratitis, they are most often diagnosed in children and adolescents, although striking the cornea and adult patients.

Keratitis phlyctenules – called flicktunes-bubble is characterized by the formation of small rings (infiltrates), or the conflict. The center – superficial layer of the cornea, usually not in the center, but closer to the periphery. The size of such seals does not exceed one millimeter, but their presence makes itself known by tearing, stinging, feeling of sand in eyes. The disease may be accompanied by blepharospasm – spasmodic contraction of the eyelids, swelling as the eyelids and face. The analysis of the contents of bubbles-conflict TB is not showing. The disease is dangerous because in place of bubbles later sores appear over time, they go away, but remains blurred. Sometimes the threat of perforation of the corneal layer, where after the formed thorn, his solders iris.

When fluctine wandering, beam or keratitis, the bubble moves slowly towards the center of the cornea. Followed by a bundle of vessels, which sprout. The process of inflammation eventually goes away, but the turbidity remains.

When phlyctenules the pannus vessels are hard to germinate in the cornea – it becomes murky, laced with blood vessels, vision decreases.

Allergic keratitis is usually accompanied by tuberculosis of the lungs or lymph nodes, although Mycobacterium tuberculosis in studies not find. The disease is the result of an allergic reaction to the products that circulate in the blood, if there was a collapse of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculous keratitis is caused in a weakened body, for vitamin deficiency.

Treatment of tuberculous keratitis

Before talking about the treatment of tubercular keratitis is, let's say, what I will focus on the fact that the causative agent of this severe disease are Mycobacterium (tubercle Bacillus). You can become infected blood that is transferred from the hearth of tuberculosis. Major risk factors include insufficiently balanced diet and an imbalance in the immune system.

If something worries younoticed unpleasant symptoms – go on reception to the ophthalmologist and TB. Laboratory studies, which are to conduct the General analysis of blood and serological tests – Mantoux, pirquet testing for HIV and Wasserman, will provide the picture of the disease.

The TB doctor will guide the treatment of tuberculosis, which is the prescribing and determining the duration of treatment, its possible repetition, a lot in this case depends on the immune system of the patient. An important role in the treatment will play diet, will be useful to stay in the sanatorium.

The main thing in the treatment of tubercular keratitis is to stop the inflammatory process occurring in the eye, to prevent the formation of adhesions, improve metabolism in tissues. At the start of treatment prescribe a course of anti-inflammatory drugs, and at the stage of scarring their dose reduced, prescribed physiotherapy, vitamins and enzymes, resolving adhesions.

If keratitis allergic, then apply a desensitizing therapy, the doctor recommends a diet in which restricts the amount of carbohydrates and salt.