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Intestinal infection

Causes and symptoms of intestinal infection

What is vitiligo?

Intestinal infection is an unpleasant and often dangerous disease with which the life encountered, perhaps, any man. In the group of intestinal infections includes a large number of infectious diseases, harmful impact on the gastrointestinal tract. The causes of the infection be viruses, bacteria and toxins that they produce. The disease can vary considerably according to the severity of symptoms and duration of course. For example, to get rid of a staph infection can be relatively quickly and easily, while cholera is an extremely severe and dangerous disease. Fortunately, modern medicine has learned to combat intestinal infections and deaths are very rare. But the trouble associated with intestinal trouble, no one is immune.

Intestinal infections are particularly dangerous in the summer season. This happens due to the fact that people often drink dirty, unboiled water from the tap or from natural sources, eating poorly washed fruits, vegetables and berries. Besides, due to the heat meat and dairy products and fish spoiled very quickly and for no apparent external signs. Become carriers of infection and insects. For example, one fly on its body can carry up to ten million bacteria, some of which may be pathogenic. A significant factor is also the fact that in the summer people drink more amount of water than in cold periods. Water dilutes the gastric juice and its protective properties and ability to dissolve harmful microorganisms are reduced.

What can help in the fight against intestinal infections? Bactericidal properties has not only gastric juice and saliva. Therefore, it is important to chew your food: this not only promotes good digestion but also is a kind of disinfection of dangerous microbes. Also protection from pathogens becomes the mucosa of the digestive tract. It is inhabited by micro-organisms, saving the intestines from the ravages of bacteria and viruses. You also have to remember that exposure to infections influence the overall immune status and lifestyle: stress, antibiotics and poor diet can really hurt people.

Causes of intestinal infection

Thus, the reasons for intestinal infections are various pathogens: bacteria and viruses. They cause a wide range of diseases: dysentery, Klebsiella, E. coli, salmonellosis,staph infection, diarrhea and so on. Infection occurs mainly through food – unwashed and spoiled food, dirty water fall into the mouth of pathogenic microorganisms that are transferred through the esophagus into the stomach and intestines. That's where bacteria and viruses can multiply, causing various disorders and inflammation, destruction of the cells of the stomach, loss of moisture and imbalance of essential trace elements.

Symptoms of intestinal infection

Symptoms of intestinal infection is largely dependent on its causative agent. To the General signs include General weakness, poor appetite, discomfort in the stomach (heaviness, whining), headache. After some time manifest the more dangerous symptoms are: the person suffers severe abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea often increased body temperature, there chills and sweating.

Intestinal infection can manifest itself from 6 to 48 hours. Its most dangerous consequence could be dehydration, together with vomiting and liquid chair person loses a large amount of moisture, resulting in impaired sodium and potassium balance in the body. What are the dangers of dehydration? First of all, it leads to irreversible changes in the cardiovascular system, disrupts the kidneys. In young children and the elderly intestinal infection can lead to death.

Treatment intestinal infection

Treatment of intestinal infection should be comprehensive. In addition to the destruction of harmful microorganisms, the patient is required to neutralize toxins and rehydration. You should also know that through vomiting and diarrhea are excreted from the body harmful substances, so it is not necessary to hold back vomiting. On the contrary, in case of poisoning should call. Intestinal lavage can be done by enema. To neutralize the detrimental effects of toxins can help special preparations – sorbents. These include "Smectite", "Polifepan", "Attapulgite"and so on.

During intestinal infections useful starvation because food can trigger the development of bacteria. But will not bring harm to the rice and oatmeal without salt. They have a calming effect on the patient's intestines.

To restore electrolyte balance, you can use the solution regidrona or regidrona. Drink a couple SIPS every 10-15 minutes. The patient needs to drink a lot. For this approach compote of dried fruits and various herbal teas.

Not worth itat the first sign of sickness to turn to antibiotics, because they can only hurt people, violating the intestinal flora and normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Only the attending physician may prescribe antibiotics in case of intestinal infections. To restore the microflora and to cope with the disease will help the modern means –"Linex", "Lactobacterin" and so on.

But self-medication can not do, if due to severe and debilitating vomiting, a person can not drink water if the body temperature is very high or in feces there are impurities in the blood.

It should be remembered that intestinal infections are contagious. A sick person should have his own dishes, after using the bathroom he should wash hands thoroughly.

Prevention of intestinal infection

Preventive measures can help a person to protect himself from intestinal infections, familiar to everyone since childhood. However, despite this, the incidence is not reduced. It shows the feasibility to remind you that to avoid unpleasant and dangerous diseases by observing some simple rules:

– wash hands before meal;
– do not eat sweets with cream during a heat wave;
– raw meat and fish stored in the refrigerator, separate from food ready to eat;
– fruits, vegetables, berries and greens before eating should be thoroughly washed;
– there should be only fresh meat and milk, paying attention to the date of packaging and shelf life;
– need to drink boiled or mineral water.