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Treatment of intestinal infection in children

Intestinal infection in children

Children suffer intestinal infections very often, as not always observe the rules of hygiene: chew on dirty hands, toys, eating unwashed fruits and berries, drink unboiled water. The disease affected mostly toddlers, from one to seven years. Onset of illness usually is acute: there is diarrhea, vomiting, pronounced signs of General intoxication (weakness, dizziness). Other symptoms depend on the causative agent, and from where localized inflammatory process.

What disease belong to the category of children's intestinal infections? They can be expressed in pulmonary intestinal disorders and in serious and severe manifestations. Different viruses and bacteria cause staph disease, diarrhea, salmonellosis, dysentery, and cholera.

Causes of intestinal infection in children

Cause of infection of the child intestinal infection is a failure to comply with elementary rules of hygiene. Kid playing on the street, pulls into his mouth with unwashed hands, toys, eating dirty apples in the garden, or gathering berries. Bacteria and viruses enter through the esophagus into the stomach, breed and cause various diseases. Thus, the route of transmission – fecal-oral, although not ruled out the possibility of air and dust transmission.

Symptoms of intestinal infection in children

In children the symptoms of intestinal infection may manifest as a complex or separately. Mostly nausea, weakness, vomiting and diarrhea. But we should remember that vomiting and diarrhea are a kind of "cleaners" of the body: thus it gets rid of toxins produced by bacteria. Try to stop vomiting you need only if it becomes persistent and debilitating, preventing the child to drink and to replenish the loss of body water.

It is the dehydration becomes the most dangerous consequence of intestinal infection. The loss of chlorine, sodium and other essential minerals may lead to serious metabolic disorder, diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and liver. It is therefore necessary to give the child a special mixture (regidron) or water with salt and sugar.

Also, the disease can occur with increasedtemperature, headache, strong weakness, or even confusion.

Treatment of intestinal infection in children

First and foremost, parents should take steps to detoxify a child's body. Give your child the sorbents: activated carbon, smectite, enterosgel. Antibiotics and other treatments prescribed by the doctor, as it can seriously hurt a weakened baby stomach and intestines, causing goiter and other complications. In the case of high temperature and high repetitive vomiting, it is necessary to call the doctor because the patient may need hospitalization. Warning signs are bloody impurities in the stool, severe paroxysmal abdominal pain, no urine for more than 6 hours, the inability to feed the baby without vomiting.

Extremely important is also the proper nutrition of the child during the illness. Don't need to stop eating, because the intestines have to work. Better to do power fractions, to give a sick baby vegetable boiled rice or oatmeal. To stop dehydration, give your baby tea, kissel, compote from dried fruits, salt solution. Infants during infection continue to feed expressed milk every couple of hours, 10-20 ml. it is also Useful to include in the diet of mashed potatoes made from baked apples, boiled carrots, pumpkin and grated bananas.

More specific treatment depends on the pathogen, to identify which can be due to a stool test.