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Treatment of intestinal obstruction

Treatment of intestinal obstruction folk remedies and methods

Treatment for intestinal obstruction requires skilled medical care. Traditional methods of treatment can only be applied at the discretion of the physician. Self-medication in this case can threaten the patient with a lethal outcome.

About folk methods of treatment of intestinal obstruction can be discussed only in case if the disease has a chronic form. Usually, in such situations, the obstruction is not complete but partial and does not require surgical intervention.

To choose the optimal method of traditional treatment of intestinal obstruction should the doctor – with all the characteristics of the disease. Only in this way can avoid exacerbations of the disease and the unpleasant effects of therapy.

Treatment of intestinal obstruction with dried fruit and broth drain

For cooking use only dried berries and fruits: 10 tablespoons of raisins (grapes must be seedless), 10 plums, 20 dozen apricots and figs. Dried fruit pour boiling water and thoroughly washed, passed through a meat grinder. Mixing the resulting mass with honey, take 1 tbsp. spoon for 30 minutes before Breakfast.

As a laxative for the treatment of intestinal obstruction folk remedies it is also recommended that a decoction of the fresh plums. It take half a Cup three times a day. To prepare the broth take half a kilo of fruit, remove the seeds from them and pour cold water, bring to a boil and removed from heat for another hour. Ready broth pour cold water to the previous level and again boil it.

Treatment of intestinal obstruction.

Oil and sea-buckthorn juice to help reduce inflammation and promote healing of wounds, in addition, the oil from the berries has a mild laxative effect.

For the preparation of sea buckthorn juice take 1 kg of washed and crushed berries, pour 0.7 liters of cold boiled water and stirred, then squeezed juice. Sea-buckthorn juice take 1/2 Cup 30 minutes before meals once a day.

Sea buckthorn oil for the national treatment of intestinal obstruction also prepared from 1 kg of fruit. Mulled berries with a wooden spoon in an enamel pot. The extracted juice is poured into enamel container and leave for a day.A day later collect up to 90 g of oil, which forms a separate fraction on the surface of the juice. Oil, drink a teaspoon three times a day half an hour before meals.

Treatment of intestinal obstruction with vegetables

Vegetables folk medicine recommends pumpkin and beets. They help to relieve intestinal cramping and have a laxative effect on the body.

As a folk treatment for intestinal obstruction is recommended to eat every day a little pumpkin porridge with honey.

Of cooked beets you can cook the mixture with oil and honey, which is recommended to take two tablespoons with a glass of cold water twice a day. 100 g of vegetables take 2 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil (optimal is olive) and add honey to taste.