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Treatment of Escherichia coli in the urine

Escherichia coli in urine

What people should know, if his urine discovered E. coli? First of all, do not panic prematurely. Be sure to know what E. coli is among the microorganisms that create the normal microflora of the intestine, participating in the process of digestion, inhibiting the proliferation of certain pathogenic bacteria and promoting the production of vitamin K. But coming from the intestine into another environment of the body (e.g. urinary tract), E. coli can cause many dangerous diseases. These include acute bowel disorders, cystitis and pyelonephritis, vulvovaginitis, urethritis and so on.

So be sure to ascertain whether he was correctly collected urine sample. For example, analysis of urine bacterial seeding should only be carried out by means of a catheter, because E. coli after a bowel movement can settle on the skin of the perineum, once in the analysis sample and skew the results.

The pathogenic effect of E. coli in the urine

If the analysis was assembled correctly, be sure to contact your doctor, because E. coli entering the urinary tract, causing inflammatory process. For example, about half of all cases of pyelonephritis (inflammation of kidneys) is due to E. coli. It are caused by four of the five cases of cystitis in women.

Once in the urinary tract, E. coli is not excreted out with urine, but reaches farther into the bladder, causing inflammation. In connection with physiological peculiarities, diseases of this kind are more prone to women and children (due to immature immunity, unable to resist harmful microorganisms).

Often E. coli in the urine may cause cystitis. It is also a depressing effect on the immune system, creating favorable conditions for the development of a more dangerous infectious diseases (gonorrhea, urethritis, chlamydia).

Treatment of Escherichia coli in the urine

If E. coli in the urine caused no pathological changes and a person does not feel any anxiety symptoms, most likely he does not need special treatment. With the exception of pregnant women, and people preparing for surgery pelvic. Used for treatment of uroseptic, antibiotics, anddietary supplements that support immunity and prevent the development of infection. Used for treatment and traditional medicine. For example, Shilajit (0.5 g ) should be taken before meals three times a day for a month and the condition markedly improved.