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Treatment of E. coli

Treatment of Escherichia coli folk remedies

Treatment of Escherichia coli fermented milk products

The pathogenic effect of E. coli most often causes dysbiosis, leading to digestive disorders. To restore the intestinal flora, you should know one simple remedy: will certainly help cottage cheese whey. At home it is very easy to cook: yogurt should be kept in a water bath until it separated into two parts – whey and curd. That is whey should be drunk. It will help to normalize digestion.

Useful properties and yogurt. For its preparation you will need to boil one liter of milk and allow to cool. Then in a bowl of milk put a small piece of dry black bread and ferment during the day. The next stage of cooking it is good to RUB the toasts with garlic and add to yogurt. Now she is ready to receive. Keep this tool should be only in the refrigerator, take 3-4 times a day.

Treatment of E. coli with Jerusalem artichoke

To normalize the intestinal microflora and reduce the pathogenic effect of E. coli by using folk remedies, prepared from Jerusalem artichoke (artichoke). To prepare the medication you need 250 ml of milk, 300 g peeled root vegetables of artichoke, a tablespoon of flour and a couple tablespoons of butter. Jerusalem artichokes should be cut into small cubes and throw them into the boiling milk, diluted with water 50/50. After it become soft, drain the milk in another pan, add oil and flour. Drug cook, stirring constantly, until it becomes thick as sauce. The next step is to pour it over the artichoke and sprinkle with herbs. This is a tasty and healthy dish has a beneficial effect on the human digestive system.

Treatment of E. coli with bloodroot

Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect has cinquefoil goose. On its basis, prepare a folk remedy that helps in the treatmentfrom the pathogenic action of Escherichia coli. Prepare a decoction by pouring one tablespoon of the herb with 250 ml of hot water, and then boiled for fifteen minutes. The tool is left overnight and in the morning you draw and drink the third Cup. A day you need to do three steps.

It is also recommended to drink herbal infusion, suitable for the treatment of Escherichia coli in children. Its ingredients is agrimony (1 part herb and seeds), Hypericum (1 part), chamomile (2 parts), plantain and mint peppery (2 parts). Grass mix and one tablespoon steeped in a pint of boiling water. After that, the container with the infusion should wrap up and wait half an hour until fully cooked. Drink this medicine tea: the chair is normalized, leaving pain and bloating.

Treatment of Escherichia coli succession and clover

E. coli is known to affect not only the digestive, but also the urogenital system, causing a variety of inflammation. In such cases it is recommended to brew series: 10 g herbs pour cool boiled water (250 ml), then evaporated in a water bath for 15 minutes. The medicine will have a strong anti-inflammatory effect if you drink it one tablespoon three times a day.

Similarly, cooked and corn silk to the bars. 10 g raw materials are boiled in two hundred milliliters of water, and then drink every three hours one down your throat.

To prepare the medicine that helps in neutralizing the action of toxins released by E. coli, and Melilotus officinalis, combining it in equal proportions with grass centaury and flowers mother and stepmother. The ingredients are mixed and one spoon collection brewed Cup of boiling water for fifteen minutes. After that you should filter the broth through cheesecloth, folded in two layers, and drink up to six times a day for a couple of SIPS.