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The intestines

About 95% of human diseases are associated with abnormalities in the intestine

An important role in intestinal cleansing

Intestinal cleansing is the door to a healthy and long life. Among the programs for cleansing the body cleansing the intestine plays a major role. Scientists have already proven that more than 90 % of all illnesses and abnormalities that occur in our body, occur because of violations of functions of the intestine.

The intestine has a length of about three meters and a diameter of 5-7 cm do different people Have different bowel problems. You may be surprised to learn that fat people can walk around with feces up to 20 pounds. But the excess feces causes not only weight increase, but also initiates the slagging of the body, leading to the formation of allergic diseases.

Modern food contains lots of fat, fried, preservatives, sugar, refined beverages and, finally, alcohol. Food debris years accumulate in our body. All of these toxins poison our body. The result is a strong failure in the weight and health.

The first signs of weight manifest in the disruption of the digestive tract and intestines. The second considers the decline in the blood and the endocrine system. Poisons, accumulates in unhealthy intestinal go around the body and soon the body can no longer properly metabolize food to produce energy necessary for life. There is one classic symptom of disorders of bowel function in women is an increase in the abdomen.

To solve all these problems with proper bowel cleansing and improving life mode. However, for some people malfunction of the intestine has become a common system, and they can't even begin to imagine how drastically their health as a result!

Symptoms of intestinal diseases

Symptoms intestine disorders include the following problems. See if you have any of these problems:

  • constipation – diarrhea;

  • frequent headaches;
  • radiculitis;
  • weakness;
  • unpleasant smell from the body;
  • diseases of the skin;
  • gases and bloating;
  • breathing disorders;
  • frequent colds;
  • the decreased performance.

In addition to these symptoms of intestinal diseases can beand more! Due to the fact that a lot of toxins remains in our intestines, and some of them are in constant active action, we can experience:

  • weakness and pain in heart;
  • skin lesions;
  • psoriasis, liver spots, acne;
  • lung damage and impaired breathing.
  • variety of arthritis;
  • lose muscle with the development of weakness and reduced efficiency;
  • accelerated aging process.

These are the basic symptoms of disorders of the bowel. Therefore, colon cleansing is the best way for the resumption of health!

Modern methods of treatment of the intestine

People used to treatment based on drugs that contain many chemicals. This chemistry we have also accumulates in the intestine. Now appeared a new, modern machine for irrigation of the intestine. With them, this procedure is harmless, painless and effective. When this intestinal flora is not affected. And after bowel lavage immediately, you can enter directly via the microflora of the intestine, which increases the efficiency of this procedure.

Effects of bowel cleansing

Colon cleanse removes all the toxins and fecal debris from the body, causing the intestine begins to properly process and digest food. Removing all the dross returns to his intestinal motor activity. Besides, this procedure has a rejuvenating effect on the entire body.

As a result of prolonged slagging of the intestine can change size, become elongated or wider in diameter. The colon cleanse will solve this problem: the size will be restored and will become such what was before.

All help the bowel cleansing?

But if a person leads a healthy lifestyle, namely sticking to a strict diet, daily exercise, cleanses the intestines laxatives, will he reason to do a colon cleanse? In any case, Yes, since in the gut there are remote places that are very difficult to wash out. Therefore, some products can stay in our intestines for months and years. There are cases when products stay in the intestines of humans many decades!

To all this we can add that as a result of violations of bowel function in a person can wind up a variety of parasites. But from the parasites dying people as much as, for example, cancer.

The key to a long life is balanceda diet high in fiber in the diet, avoiding greasy, fried food. But, of course, colon cleanse!

Contraindications for colon cleanse

Contraindications to colon cleanse include diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease in the acute stage, severe hemorrhoids, cancer of the rectum or colon.

In General, the washing or cleansing of the bowel is safe. Intestinal lavage spend using purified water, no added chemicals, Healthy gut is the basis of healthy life.