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Causes and symptoms of cysts of the thyroid gland

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A cyst of the thyroid gland is a cavity in the form of a node filled with liquid. It is focal formation, similar to the capsule. They are determined by several methods, among them palpation, based on feeling. Also a common method of inspection is visual in nature. Externally, the cyst of the thyroid gland similar to a dense vesicles containing fluid.

Signs and symptoms of cysts of the thyroid gland

Often in everyday life people do not notice the unexpected appearance of the cyst. The initial symptoms is not obvious. In the neck because of increase the cyst with a characteristic compressive pain, especially in the area of foreign education.

List the symptoms more clearly:

  • Neck experiencing pain, and their prescription is very difficult to establish.
  • In the throat there is a constant feeling of a lump, or sore.
  • Difficult swallowing, this symptom depends on the degree of progression of the disease.
  • In the breathing disturbances of the thyroid increases, the part of the body is outside of the larynx, pressing on her, as well as on the wall of the trachea, which is located behind the thyroid.
  • Change the voice also due to the tissues of the glands that put pressure on laryngeal nerve, and to monitor the process of innervation of the vocal cords is impossible.
  • Lymph nodes in the neck are compacted, it is noticeable to an experienced physician – the process of metastasis is characteristic only of entities which are called malignant.
In many ways, the symptoms depend on the type of cysts. This education can be difficult enough. Thus, when the colloidal species is seen sweating, tachycardia. If it's benign, it can be observed manifestations:

  • When the abscess there is a kind of pain.
  • Can climb indicator subfebrile body temperature, it will reach 39-40 degrees.
  • Often there is a feelingchills.
  • There is a headache that cannot be explained other symptoms.
  • The lymph nodes are markedly enlarged.

Also symptoms and signs depend on the size of the cyst. If it is less than 1 cm, then identify it. When the affected lobe is manifested aggressiveness, eyes overly convex. In order to identify the emergence of a left-sided cyst, you need medical research. If the size is 1-3 see:

  • May be detected on palpation.
  • The neck appears deformation.
  • Periodically in the throat and neck there is a feeling of discomfort.

If the formation of large – signs and symptoms will be obvious:

  • Noticeable quite a large lump under the skin on the neck.
  • The neck is badly deformed.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Veins expanded.
  • Dysphagia.

Etc. the Manifestation of symptoms can be rare, periodic. When the one-off episodes – the fight against the disease much easier. Better at the first indisposition to refer to specialists. The patient is able to see only a large cyst, which is difficult to resolve with conservative methods of therapy.

Causes of cysts of the thyroid gland

It is important to know why it may be a cyst. This will help to take measures that it does not appear. Of great importance is the structure of the gland tissue. It includes more than 30 million, the follicle, filled with colloid (acini and vesicles). Under the colloid means a special protein gel-like fluid consisting of protogermanic. This is a special kind of substances functioning in the cells in which they are reproduced. When the hormones and the outflow of colloid substances is disturbed, the size of the follicle increases, the formation of small cysts. Often they are multiple.

Often this disorder manifests itself due to overvoltage. When this happens excess amount of power supply of hormones. Recall that these include T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine). The standard reasons are:

  • Psycho-emotional stress.
  • The onset of the rehabilitation period after a particularly severe illness, possibly heat.
  • Due to extreme cold or heat that affected the patient.
  • Increase hormone production and activity of the gland.

In the latter case, the density of breast tissue elasticity is gradually disappearing. It is converted to modified areas formed cavities which are filled with the appropriate fluid. They alsogoing destroyed cells. Also on the health of the thyroid gland is affected by:

  • The iodine deficiency.
  • The process of the inflammatory kind, which refers to the unchanged gland - thyroiditis.
  • Strong intoxication, poisoning poisons.
  • Malfunctions of the hormonal, imbalance.
  • Inadequate standards of living environment, lack of ecology.
  • Trauma to the thyroid gland.
  • Pathology, inherent from birth.
  • Hereditary contributing factors.

The most common cause is hyperplasia with degeneration of the follicle (microchromosome). It is typical for injuries, bumps.

Dangerous cyst of thyroid gland?

Such diseases as cyst of the thyroid gland, there is a certain pathogenesis. If you run the case – there will arise the following risks:

  • the process of bleeding;
  • inflammation;
  • degeneration into malignant disease.

When inside the cyst begins to flow hemorrhage appears tolerable pain. The size of the "bumps" increase. Medical intervention is optional, when a secondary infection is absent. Such education will resolve itself.

There is rarely such a dangerous phenomenon as the rebirth of a cyst of the gland. This is more typical of the so-called nodes of the cyst. To the cyst started to swell – need related factors:

  • Intoxication of the authority or of the whole organism.
  • Severe pain.
  • The growth in the size of lymph nodes in the neck.
  • Quite high, dangerous temperature (40-41 degrees).

This symptoms tells about the offensive stage of pathogenesis. According to statistics, 90% of patients diagnosed with a cyst of the thyroid gland is not exposed to a danger of the formation of cancer. About the risks honking the root causes of the appearance of cysts:

  • hyperplasia of the gland
  • attack of thyroiditis,
  • degenerative changes in the follicle
  • the process of an infectious nature.

To answer concerns about the fact if a cyst of the thyroid gland, after some research maybe the endocrinologist. I come to this conclusion after obtaining data about the propensity of tumors to suppuration, inflammation. About the complications and the pathogenesis of certain manifestations of say:

  • Hyperthermia – a significant increase in temperature.
  • Growth of the cervical lymph nodes.
  • Intoxication.
  • Painful symptoms in a localized area of the formation of the cyst.

We cannot allow the size of the cyst was large – then formed nodes. They are a great danger of malignancy.

The types of cysts of the thyroid gland:

There are cases of single and multiple entities, Autonomous toxic and calm cysts non-toxic type. Also they can be benign or malignant. The volume of the cysts usually accounts for one-twentieth of all nodes of the body of the thyroid gland.

Making the cyst is single or multiple? They typically have fluid or blood cells. If hormones stand out too much - the patient has symptoms of a health disorder of the thyroid gland. The lack of hormones also tells about the disease of the body. Frequent cases of hypothyroidism that occurs as a result of Hashimoto's disease. This is a special lesion of the thyroid gland provoking the inflammation and autoimmune lesions.

Colloid cyst thyroid gland – one of the varieties of the disease. This colloidal knot, it is formed as a result of non-toxic goiter. Nodular formations called dilated follicles, which have a large density of thyrocytes, employees layer on the walls. If the cells of the gland considerable structural changes occur, then a nodular goiter. If you change the thyroid parenchyma is formed goiter diffuse-nodular type. Of diagnosed about 95% have a colloid tumors are quite benign in nature. Then just have to provide clinical supervision. A 5% risk of transformation in the guidance. It is believed that this type of cysts do not require treatment.

A follicular cyst of the thyroid gland has a different clinical picture. It is better to be called a follicular adenoma. The composition of such education based on a large volume of cells called follicles. They have quite a dense structure, a cavity in the cyst, is missing. She can rarely clinically manifest in the initial stages. Visually it will be noticeable only with proper magnification. When there is a marked deformation – increases the risk of malignancy. Most often this type of cyst appears in women. His symptoms are the following:

  • The dense bump on the neck.
  • Pain on palpation does not occur.
  • Clearly clear boundaries education.
  • Difficult breathing.
  • If the cyst is well developed – the weight of the body falls.
  • The neck is burdened with a feeling of discomfort.
  • In the throat as if a lump appears, the pressure.
  • Tachycardia.

  • Frequent bouts of coughing.
  • Tickle.
  • Irritability.
  • Quickly comes a feeling of fatigue.
  • The temperature difference causes strong feelings.
  • Sweating.
  • Inflated blood pressure.

Multiple cysts of the thyroid gland , a phenomenon that can hardly be called a diagnosis. Rather, it is the conclusion of research tools. They include an ultrasound. This formation is detected by means of a special ultrasound scan. According to statistics, it is considered a primary pathological hyperplasia tissue structures, pathogenesis insufficiency of iodine salts. This is the most common first indication of the development of pathology in the thyroid gland. The most common cause of the disease is iodine deficiency. Treatment process in this case is directed to the neutralizing factors. The impact is:

  • environmental,
  • emotional,
  • food,
  • complementary (with respect to iodine).

Malignant cysts of the thyroid gland is also called cancer. They are met very rarely, when compared with adenocarcinomas. They are difficult to diagnose, often appoint an additional biopsy. Their growth is slow, and the detection of trends to its acceleration and increase in volume attending the specialist sends the patient to additional tests. It is difficult to rely solely on the size of the cyst. Much better inflammation of the body.

This is the most common classification of cysts. In addition, we can distinguish a number of varieties:

  • A cyst of the right lobe of the organ.
  • A cyst of the left lobe of the thyroid gland.
  • A cyst on the isthmus of the thyroid gland.
  • Small cysts of the thyroid gland.
  • Cyst in children.
  • Cyst in adolescents.
  • Cyst in pregnant women.

In most cases, malfunction of the thyroid gland is associated with the condition of the hormones. In some cases, catastrophic failure is considered one of the age-related manifestations.

Treatment of cysts of the thyroid gland

Treatment of cysts of the thyroid gland is prescribed for certain forms. In particular, it is important that the reached its increase. You want the cyst was up to three inches. It also depends on the incoming complaints of the patient. There are times when its size be dangerous to adjacent organs, it is if you increase the pressure on them, there are other painful symptoms. For example, the body temperature rises, there is a tendency to malignancy of the cyst.

The main tool in the treatment of such diseases is emptying them. To do this, use a thin needle. If the disease is accompanied by abscess or malignancy, or if studies revealed a similar risk in case of relapse will be relevant another puncture. There is a method based on entering into the cavity of the cyst of special preparations - sclerosant (such as ethanol), that is, a method of hardening. Thanks to him, starts a beneficial decay and scarring cysts. The indication for surgical intervention in the presence of a cyst of the body is the rapid accumulation in the liquid composition.

If it is small – that is, not reaching 3 cm and the patient does not complain of the condition, treatment will consist of a course of pharmacological drugs. They are used as a therapy in diffuse non-toxic goiter. These include a number of thyroid hormone medication, medication iodine. The purpose of this procedure - the control of TSH, as well as the organization of ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland. When therapy is based on drugs with iodine – first identify as thyroid antibody. This helps to exclude autoimmune thyroiditis.

Puncture of cysts of the thyroid gland are shown, if necessary to achieve therapeutic or diagnostic goals. The contents of the cyst are removed and sent for binding, cyto-histological study. For the procedure you need a very thin needle. With her help, made a puncture in education, through which, under pressure, withdraw the contents.

Therapeutic puncture is indicated only for large size of the cyst and the complaint of the client. Often a second aspiration procedure. When the recurrence is repeated, using other suitable methods.

After carrying out such operations and the emergence of an active abscess determine the presence and the degree of exposure to the infectious agent, sensitivity of the patient to antibiotics. Completes the course of any of the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs.

For the surgical treatment should be identified certain indications:

  • The large size of the cyst.
  • Syndrome of compression on nearby organs and blood vessels in the neck.
  • The common occurrence of rapid recurrence what happens after the puncture procedure.
  • Malignancy.

If the evidence is there – you need to delete the share on (hemistrumectomy).

Removal of cysts of the thyroid gland (surgery)

To get directions to remove the cyst, you need to conduct certain tests and special preparatory procedures. Among them:

  • KLA General blood test.
  • Ultrasound of the gland.
  • Blood for HIV, hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases.
  • The blood on TTG.
  • Puncture.
  • Biopsy.

The operation, which is performed on the thyroid gland, partially or fully, if the education is related to the process of the autoimmune kind, without removal of the body completely can not do. Using modern technology, specialists leave a fragment structures. This so-called laryngeal nerve, parathyroid glands system. For the removal of large cysts do General anesthesia. The duration is not more than 1 hour. Followed by 3 weeks needed for recovery. Colloid cyst not operate, observe them in a dynamic manner.

There are several methods of removal of the thyroid glands.

  • the resulting puncture of the cyst;
  • the procedure of the sclerosing;
  • a course of laser coagulation;
  • surgery on the thyroid gland itself.

Sclerotherapy is the introduction of sclerosant in the cysts. It serves as a provocateur to blockage of small blood vessels, there is a natural burn the walls of the cyst, its walls fall down, and then comes the process of scarring. Through ultrasound, the doctor puts into the lump a fine needle. The contents of the cavity out. The process of elimination is reminiscent of the aspiration. The number of withdrawn substances does not exceed 90% of the total. Then, also with a needle, the cyst, pour in 96% or 99% alcohol (ethyl). Its volume should be 20-50% of the remote agents. But the total amount of alcohol should not be much more than ten milliliters. Two minutes later, the entered liquid is removed. This time is enough to burn the inner walls of the cyst. Sclerotherapy is one of the less painful types of medical interventions.

Operations are side effects:

  • pain when you introduce alcohol.
  • Burning sensation in neck and ears.
  • The yield of alcohol outside the cones.

Laser coagulation also referred to as local hyperthermia. It is the updated way to remove the cyst thyroid. It is to use the laser, which affects the plotcyst. At the same time under the control of ultrasound. With a laser in the region of the cyst creates hyperthermia. Thanks to laser coagulation of the protein begins with the destruction of its cells. The duration of the operation is of the order of 5-10 min. in addition, there are the following advantages:

  • painless;
  • ambulatornoi.
  • a non-invasive basis;
  • minimum side effects;
  • scarring does not occur.

Often resort to alternative methods listed - surgical intervention on the thyroid gland. Such a measure would be relevant for too large size of the cyst and the risk of malignancy. Popular surgery hemistrumectomy (removal of the fraction of cancer). There are times when the goals of the operation expanded to thyroidectomies (absolute removal of the organ). Then be sure to have the therapy of substitution type, which are based on the thyroid hormones.

Many people are interested in nutrition, which will help with the cyst of the thyroid gland. This is one of the means to compensate for the iodine deficiency. This substance is found in many foods:

  • All varieties of seafood.
  • Persimmon.
  • Cherry.
  • Eggplant.
  • Figs.
  • Radish.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Chokeberry.
  • Spinach.
  • The prunes.
  • Black currants.
  • Beet.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Garlic.
  • Millet.

Contraindicated overly sweet dishes. Harmful smoked food, fried food, canned food, fat. Salting food is better to use iodized or sea salt variety.

Treatment of cysts of the thyroid gland folk remedies

Treatment of cysts of the thyroid gland folk remedies not recognized endocrinology. But there are folk education, which are treated with gentle methods. What kind of recipes offers traditional medicine?

  • Tincture zamanihi – a mixture of 20 drops with 100 ml of plain boiled cooled water. Use twice a day rate for 30 days. Devil's is famous for its immunomodulatory effects, it is able to enhance tone, boost energy.
  • Often herbalists recommend the use of oak bark. It is applied by the method of compress to the identifiedcyst, so as to cover the bump.
  • The green part of the leaves of walnut are used to create a tincture with alcohol. Need a glass leaves that are plucked at a young, and 500 milliliters of alcohol. The holding time is 2 weeks. Take servings of 5 drops three times a day, you can drink water. Course – a month.

  • Infusion of walnut leaves. Raw materials in the amount of 100 grams pour boiling water (half a liter), to withstand no more than an hour. Take strained broth month course, during the day. Since ancient times people knew that walnut holds the iodine in the natural form.
  • Use iodized salt – wrap it in cloth and make compresses.
  • Raw beets are also a lot of iodine. It should be rubbed, wrap the cloth and apply to the cone.
  • Honey a compress made from a blend of honey with a handful of rye bread, this mass holding a sick place.
  • Useful flax oil, take a teaspoon a day to two times. The course is 30 days.
  • Tied to the neck of the patient for several hours the bark of the oak, while it's fresh.
  • Inflammation of the thyroid gland subsides, if for a minute twice a day for a lump spend the cold ice.
  • Bloodroot is also possible to insist in a thermos. 100 grams of root chop, pour a liter of vodka. Pour into a thermos and infuse for a month. Take dose 30 drops, not earlier than half an hour before a meal. Time course of 30 days.
  • The night to process the cyst compresses. Use grated beets rich in iodine, in combination with honey. This mixture is placed on a cabbage leaf.

In addition, experts recommend fresh juices from vegetables – carrots and beets, are also used cucumbers and potatoes. Popular this technique, like beads of amber. They should fit snugly to the neck. Wear them without removing for at least 3 years, then change.

There is a national methodology based on the medical teas. It is very effective. Teas made from different herbs, among which its effectiveness proved the following:

  • Series.
  • St. John's wort.
  • The celandine.
  • Nettle.
  • Crap.
  • Yarrow.

Tea brewed from any of the listed vegetation twice a day. Also they can be combined.

Any folk recipe is the effects on the body. Talk with your doctor to make the right choice without side effect.