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Symptoms, causes, and symptoms of early menopause in women

When you stop having your period during menopause?

Menopause is the absence of menstruation during the year. Vaginal bleeding occurring after this time are not periods. You need to consult a specialist to determine the cause of bleeding.

Can you get pregnant during menopause?

Pregnancy occurs when you merge a Mature male sex cell (sperm) and Mature female cells (ovules) in the fertile period, which is approximately at the middle of the monthly cycle. In order to have a successful pregnancy requires compliance with several important conditions, including the activity of the sperm cells, favorable conditions for gestation in the birth canal, the uterus.

Ovulation in the early stages of menopause can be hidden. Therefore, theoretically, the fusion of Mature sperm with the egg can occur, but in practice is rare. Perhaps the conception and gestation of the fetus after artificial hormonal stimulation, but there are limitations. Stimulation is carried out after thorough clinical examination of the spouses. Pregnancy at a critical age is undesirable, due to the extremely high risk of genetic abnormalities in the fetus. The complete absence of menstruation for a year or more, indicates the onset of physiological infertility.

How to treat menopause in women?

In the early stages of menopause can be delayed. For treatment of menopause method of using hormone replacement therapy (HRT). The method is based on the completion of certain hormones.

The task of the doctors involved in the development of the strategy of HRT include:

  • Determining the level of hormones produced by the body in insufficient quantities;
  • Determining the need for them and other substances necessary for better absorption of hormones;
  • Determination of the compatibility of various hormonal preparations, reduce the risk of their mutual antagonism.

It should be recognized that HRT is not for everyone, there are contraindications. With full infertility restore cycles with HRT is impossible.

Limited used hormone replacement therapy at:

  • Cardiovascular pathology;
  • diseases of the digestive systems;
  • Diseases of the excretory systems;
  • Endometriosis;

Positive impact of HRT:

  • Toning, removing depression, reducing nervousness, improving sleep;
  • Reducing the risk of age-related diseases (heart attacks, strokes, fractures);

  • The extension for the time of the lunar cycle;
  • The improvement of the skin, mucous membranes.

It is strictly forbidden to appoint a hormonal and not hormonal preparations independently. Their reception should take place under medical supervision. The gynecologist is able to accurately calculate the dosage suitable to each specific woman. If the decision was made to start replacement therapy, then without regular trips to the doctor can not do.

It is important to remember the presence of contraindications to the hormonal and not hormonal preparations, among them:

  • Disorders of blood coagulation, namely thrombophilia;
  • Biliary tract disease;
  • Autoimmune disorders, diabetes;

  • Hepatic pathology;
  • Kidney disease;

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Oncology;

  • Tumors in the genital organs.

List of drugs and medicines from menopause


As drugs-Vice-estrogens:

  • Premarin, Proginova, Estrofem, Divigel, Sustin (these funds do not contain additional hormones, except estrogen);

  • Klimen, Divina, Climar, Klajra, Kliogest, Klimonorm, Ledibon, Midian, Angelique, Femoston, Trisequens, Cyclo-proginova, Monitor, Livial (these funds contain both estrogen and progesterone);

  • For the treatment, which will continue uninterrupted, use Kliogest;

  • Ambix, Gynodian-depo (estrogen and androgens).

  • When a woman does not have the ability to replacement therapy, her prescribed antiestrogen. These funds may even be used in the presence of contraindications to hormonal treatment.

  • Sometimes assigned timeselective regulator activity of estrogen.

  • Ovestin refers to the category of semi-synthetic hormones, in combination with natural components. Available inthe form of suppositories, tablets and cream.

Therapy without the use of hormones

To improve the health of women during menopausal period to normalize her nervous system and improve overall health, can be used:

  • Belloid, Bellataminalum, reduce emotional lability. You need to take a long time, one of drops up to 3 times per day.

  • ATP and vitamins:

  • An intramuscular injection of vitamin B1 and B6 throughout the month.

  • Orally you can take vitamin E, also throughout the month.

  • ATP is an intramuscular injection up to 30 days.

To stabilize the emotional woman, she can be given medication-antipsychotics. Among such funds Frenolon and Tazepam.

In the group of non-hormonal drugs are also included fitoestrogeny: was Feminal, Estravel, Klimadinon, striks, Femicaps, Inokom, Red brush, Klimadinon UNO, Bonnisan, Tribestan, Menopaus, Climate Hel, Feiwell, Limaland, ledis the Formula for Menopause, Remains, Climaxin.

Read more: Full list of non-hormonal drugs in menopause, what are their benefits?

Other medications

Selection of additional drugs will be determined by the state of women and the availability of additional problems in a particular area.

This period can be assigned:

  • Antidepressants, including: Velaxin, Velofax, Cipramil, Lerivon, Efevelone.

  • From homeopathic remedies can be recommended to receive Climact-Hel, Klimadinon, Klimaktoplan.

  • In the short term prescribed Nootropil and Aminalon that relate to psychotropic stimulants. They take no longer than 4 months.

Herbal medicine

Welcome phytotherapeutic funds based on what the symptoms are of most concern to the woman, who has menopause:

  • Infusions of herbs, having a pronounced sedative effect. Such are the qualities of Valerian, lemon balm, motherwort, peppermint, devil's high, hawthorn.

  • When a woman suffers from heavy periods or experiencing non-critical hormonal bleeding, it can be recommended to receive infusions of the following herbs: nettle, shepherd's purse, corn, barberry,water pepper.

  • To raise the General tone of the recommended to receive funds on the basis of herbs: ginseng, Echinacea, Chinese Magnolia vine.

Any of these herbs you can find in a drugstore. To prepare the herbal products of them is not difficult, the recipes are on the packages.

Prevention of osteoporosis

Treatment and prevention of osteoporosis during menopause is an essential part of complex therapy. Therefore it is impossible to ignore such a basic microelement, such as calcium. It is important that it is taken in combination with vitamin D that allows the body to women it is better to learn.

Physical therapy

Motor activity on the background of reception of preparations, containing calcium is vital. This is because on the background of a sedentary lifestyle in women can form crystals. The place of their localization will become the kidneys. In addition, properly selected and composed a set of exercises will help maintain tone of the pelvic floor muscles, which becomes an excellent prevention of ptosis and prolapse of the genital organs. That affects women after the complete extinction of reproductive function. Exercise will improve the health of women, making it more cheerful, cheer up.

In order to avoid uterine prolapse, you should perform these simple steps:

  • To involve the anus and to walk on tiptoe;

  • Lie down and hold the feet of a small object;

  • Raise the right and left legs, it is necessary to lie;

  • Raise the pelvis of "lying" and to drag the anus;

  • Sit back and raise your knees.

If you have already started the process of genital prolapse, a woman should proceed with the more radical exercises. In this case, the assistance may come from exercise, Yoga or gymnasium complex Bodyflex. They will improve the tone and strengthen the pelvic muscles and lift the drooping organs.

It should be noted that a decisive role in the appointment of substitution therapy plays the severity of the symptoms of menopause. If it is possible to migrate without the use of medicines, it will be the best option for any woman. This is due to a significant increase in the risk of oncological diseases, in that case, if she decides to receive hormone replacement therapy.

There is also non-hormonalfunds. These include various supplements and homeopathic remedies. They, unlike the drugs do not pose the same threat in terms of cancer diseases, more secure, different natural composition and provide little side effects.

If the choice fell on phytoestrogensis necessary to remember that they have a cumulative effect. That is, do not expect immediate improvement, immediately after administration of one ampoule or tablet. They should drink at least a month, and sometimes two, to feel a positive effect. The first signs of normalization of state of health woman will be able to experience three weeks after the first dose.

No less important is a comprehensive approach to treatment. With proper combination of several therapeutic interventions, often can not do without receiving hormone replacement therapy. The woman begins to feel better, most importantly not be ashamed of the natural processes occurring in the body, and promptly seek medical assistance.

On topic: the list of the most effective folk remedies for menopause

Diet during menopause

  • Potassium. Potassium is found in almost all foods. A lot of it in potatoes, prunes, beans, oatmeal, pumpkin and so on.

  • Calcium. A lot of calcium in canned fish, asparagus, cheeses, dairy products.

  • Sodium. It is desirable to limit the use of salt containing sodium. Excess affects heart function, metabolism.
  • Phosphorus. The lack of evident fragility of bones, decrease in mental, physical activity. Phosphorus is rich in many foods of animal and vegetable origin.
  • Boron, magnesium, zinc, and others. The disadvantage is manifested in violation of many processes in the body. They are necessary for the normalization of hormonal status of the organism, to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and normalize heart function. Many prunes, almonds, wheat porridge, asparagus, strawberries, peaches.
  • Deficiency of vitamins (E, A, D, C), it is recommended to Supplement with vitamin-mineral complex, or a sufficient amount of vegetables, fruits, fresh juices.

  • Balanced demand of nutrients, it is not difficult to calculate yourself (focusing onthe daily need and the amount of nutrients in the product) on the basis of special tables. It is advisable to use the recommendations of dietitian.

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