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Treatment of menopause - a list of the best folk remedies and medicines

Dill - cheap, but effective remedy for menopause

Gripe water helps to relieve negative symptoms of menopause, to reduce the number of hot flushes and improve sleep. For its preparation you need 3 tablespoons of dried fennel seeds, pour a pint of boiling water and let stand one hour in a thermos. After that, the composition to be diluted with water, bringing to one liter. Take 3-4 times a day for 100 ml, 30 minutes after a meal. The course of treatment – 3-4 weeks.

Results: according to the reviews, the tides are reduced by 50% already after 2 weeks of regular use of infusion of fennel seeds. A month later, the number of flushes is reduced 10 times.

Attention! Fennel seeds contain substances that increase uterine tone, which can be dangerous during pregnancy. Pregnancy during menopause is possible, especially because women at this age do not lose their sexual activity, but are careless with contraceptives, counting the conception is unlikely. Dill is also contraindicated in people with pressure drops can be dangerous for people with low blood pressure.

Other effective folk remedies:

A list of non-hormonal medications for menopause:

Red clover during menopause

Red clover is rich in phytoestrogens, which in it 10 times more than in soybeans. These plant substances help the woman's body to regulate itself during menopause. In addition, the beneficial for the health of the heart muscle, respiratory system, p

predotvraschaet breast cancer.

In addition to phytoestrogens, clover contains other biologically active substances, and also has an impressive mineral composition – potassium, selenium, magnesium, chromium, phosphorus and other minerals required by the human. In the glass of infusion of red clover contains more calcium than in milk composition. Red clover also contains vitamins and antioxidants, including retinol and vitamin C.

Useful properties of cloverfor the body:

  • Diuretic, expectorant, astringent;
  • Restores sexual activity of women during menopause;
  • Normalizes sleep, and improves health;
  • Reduces dryness of the skin, restores the protective barrier of the mucous membranes;
  • Helps decrease brittleness of hair and nails.

Infusion of red clover

Two tablespoons dry grass pour a glass of boiling water and insist in a thermos for 8 hours. Then filter and take half an hour before eating 1/4 Cup daily until the normalization of condition.

Does red clover during menopause?

The effectiveness of red clover for menopause are proven by medical research. The experiment involved more than one hundred women, which was added to the food of the red clover extract in capsules. Was discovered a noticeable improvement of the skin, hair, normalization of sleep and General well-being, reducing the negative manifestations of menopause, including neurological.

Red clover has passed the test on the placebo. One group of women received daily two capsules of the drug clover, and the other a placebo. After three months of reception of the team had changed, after seven days of the period of excretion of the drug from the body. At the end of the experiment was found to improve the condition of women, their skin, nail plate and hair, increase endurance and quality of sleep, normalization of urination. The experiment participants also noted improvement in health.

Treatment menopause Royal jelly

Abyproduct or bee products have a multilateral effect on the organism, regulates functions of the digestive, endocrine, urinary and nervous systems. The operation of these systems is associated with the reproductive system of women, therefore in menopause can be broken.

What is so useful Royal jelly during menopause:

  • Apitherapy uterine milk, honey and ambrosia effectively relieves the nervous symptoms of the menopause, normalizing sleep and reducing fatigue, stabilizes mood and appetite, removes vegetative disorders.
  • Royal jelly is the constant component of the diet of the Queen bee, thanks to which the regulation of reproductive functions. Eating exclusively Royal jelly, the Queen bee lays several thousand eggs every day for 7 years. After the death of the uterus, the uterus can become every young bee, if it begin to feed Royal jelly.
  • Royal jelly is also useful for restoring the hormonal regulation of the reproductive system in women. Itused to help with PMS and painful menstruation and also during menopause to relieve hot flashes and to remove the neurological symptoms.
  • Royal jelly extract during the period of breeding bees. It can be purchased from beekeepers from mid-may until the end of July. The course is two months, carried out during the period of breeding bees to always have fresh stuff. Take it in the morning and evening for two to three capsules.

When the breeding period ends and fresh Royal jelly disappears, apitherapy, you can use the pollen and bee bread:

  • Pollen stimulates the blood, increases the hemoglobin in the blood and compensates for the deficiency of sodium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, copper and other minerals.
  • The pollen is compacted by bees in the honeycomb pollen and filled the top with honey has immunomodulating properties, rejuvenates the skin and stimulates the synthesis of collagen, which is greatly reduced during menopause.

  • Ambrosia long-term use strengthens the immune system, stimulates regeneration processes and normalizes metabolism. In addition,the pollen is rich in amino acids and fatty acids, including irreplaceable, increases resistance to stress and relieves nervousness.

For the treatment of manifestations of menopause are advised to take daily 20 grams of pollen, or pollen mixed with honey, until the disappearance of symptoms.

Topic: the Benefits and harms of Royal jelly applications

Curative tea with origanum

Tides strong intensity helps relieve the tea from oregano, which has a calming effect on the psyche and reduces bleeding. Other useful properties of oregano – stimulation of lactation, prolongation of ovarian early menopause, the normalization of the cycle. However, during pregnancy drink this tea can not be, otherwise may be a miscarriage.

Recipe. Two tablespoons of dry grass, oregano pour in a thermos and add two cups of boiling water. Four hours later, when herb infusions can also be taken orally. Drink the infusion three times a day before meals until the termination of the negative symptoms or the disappearance of the tides.

Dry oregano can be added to the mixture of medicinal teas, as well as black or green tea. With regular use, the tides will cease or will be much easier, feel better and disappear insomnia, excessive drowsiness, fastfatigue, irritability, and fatigue.

Treatment of menopause with herbs should be done under the supervision of a doctor before you begin, determine your hormonal status by a gynecologist.

Juice therapy is a great choice

Juice fresh vegetables contain vitamins and antioxidants that restore the balance of minerals in the body, and the phytoestrogens in their composition help the female body to alleviate the symptoms of menopause. Organic acids, which is rich in beetroot, carrot and cucumber juices, thin the blood, strengthen the cardiovascular system. Beets are rich in iron, necessary for the synthesis of red blood cells – red blood cells.

Cucumber juice has a mild diuretic effect, restores the acid-alkaline balance of the body. The bones of women in menopause are especially vulnerable because of the violation of calcium metabolism. Celery contains an optimum ratio of calcium to sodium, making it digestible for the body. Thus, calcium salts are not deposited on the walls of blood vessels, but reduced the strength of the musculoskeletal system.

Why juice and not fresh vegetables?

Fresh vegetables contain fiber and pectin, which stimulate the digestive system and clean the intestines, removing from it waste and toxins. But in order to fresh vegetables in large quantities were safe for the body it is essential that they are natural, do not contain nitrates and herbicides.

The vegetables grown in their own garden, can be safely consumed in food, because you can be sure in their quality. It is useful to chew fresh carrots – this contributes to the mechanical cleaning of the teeth and stimulates blood circulation in the gums, constantly prepare salads from fresh cucumbers, celery, parsley. However, the vegetables that you buy in the market, accumulate nitrates, herbicides and other substances that stimulate their growth and destroying pests. Many of these chemicals are toxic to the body and are carcinogenic, therefore, can harm the health.

If you use only the juice of fresh vegetables, the toxic substances remain in the cake, and the vitamins, minerals, volatile and phytoestrogens persist. In addition, juice can drink more, getting nutrients in high concentrations. In the juice of biologically valuable components more easily absorbed by the digestive system, so vegetable juices can be consumed even frail people.

But what about fruit?

Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, antioxidants, micro - and microelements, and other biologically active substances required for biochemical processes in the body. Daily usefresh fruit helps to clean vessels, normalize blood pressure, remove the tides and normalize sleep during menopause.

However, the use of fruit sokoterapii at menopause is not desirable due to the high content of the sugars fructose and glucose. Exceeding the daily intake of sugar is threatened by a dysfunction of the pancreas can cause diabetes and obesity. In addition, sweet juice damages the enamel and makes teeth vulnerable to tooth decay. Eating fresh fruit is not so dangerous, as to eat so many of them at once is impossible. But fruit juice you can drink infinitely, which can cause indigestion, fermentation processes in the intestine and allergies.

Recipes juices during menopause

  • Recipe 1. Take 7 pieces of carrot, 4 pieces of celery, 3 pieces of spinach and 2 pieces of parsley, rinse well and load in the juicer. The resulting mixture was spread on the whole day: need to drink the juice twenty minutes before eating half a Cup. To get used to this juice must gradually – without concerns for health can drink up to a liter a day, but only if during the first appointment you do not feel the stomach discomfort or ill health. To increase the dose a single intake to one Cup need not less than a week. The duration of the course – a month, then you need to do a two-week break and, if necessary, to continue treatment.
  • Recipe 2. Mix the fresh juices of kiwi, cucumber, carrots and beets in the ratio 1:3:10:3 respectively. Make the tool you need to three tablespoons twenty minutes before meals, gradually increasing the dose one-time admission to half glass three times a day. If you experience discomfort, nausea or dizziness even after a small amount of the mixture, start with 1 tablespoon at a time. You can also reduce the amount of beet juice in the proportion of one part.

Tincture of peony during menopause

Tincture of peony reduces such symptoms of menopause like hot flashes, sweating, frequent mood swings and insomnia. Regular intake of tinctures, healthy eating and physical activity contribute to the disappearance of the tides and easing other symptoms of menopause. Peony has a calming effect and also works as an analgesic.

Receive mode: 20 drops of tincture three times a day before meals (sold at the pharmacy). The average course of treatment – 2-4 weeks, but may be adjusted depending on individual characteristics and can last for several months.

List of foods with phytoestrogens

Phytoestrogens are substances of plant origin that are nothormones, but increased their concentration in the body is able to bind to the same recipes as estrogen. Their effect is thus similar to natural hormones of the person, but about a thousand times weaker. This allows you to use them to correct the negative effects of menopause, as well as in the treatment of hormone-dependent tumors because, unlike natural estrogen, they do not stimulate and inhibit their growth.

According to researchers from Japan, the diet with lots of soy helps to mitigate the negative manifestations of menopause. So, Japanese women traditionally eat dishes based on soybeans, so they have menopause is easier than women in America and Europe.

Phytoestrogens are contained in the following products:

  • Soy. In soy contains the phytoestrogens isoflavones – daidzein and genistein, and glycitein, which accumulates in soybean seedlings. Isoflavones are presented in the form of glycoside compounds in the hindgut ressalat sugar and non-sugary component (aglycone). It is the aglycone and exhibit estrogenic activity that can cause the response of the cells. The most active component of soy, providing its estrogenic action – equol, which is formed as a result of transformations of the isoflavone daidzein and the effect is like estradiol.
  • Red clover. Red clover contains isoflavones, formononetin and biochanin, as well As phytoestrogen coumestrol group coumestans. Clover, along with soy is often used for the correction of the negative manifestations of menopause in women. But its use may be unsafe, since, unlike soy, red clover does not apply to foods, and is classified as a medicinal plant. This means that there is no reliable data on the consequences of its long and regular use. Additionally, using clover in hormone replacement therapy is estrogen not supported by scientific research.
  • Lucerne. Lucerne, like its sister red clover contains coumestrol and formononetin. The presence of phytoestrogens in this plant was found on the effects on the sheep that used alfalfa meal on pasture. They had found violations of the reproductive system, increasing the number of miscarriages. The effect of phytoestrogens alfalfa on humans are not well studied.
  • Len. Phytoestrogens flax – lignans are contained in its seeds and in the process of metabolic transformations produce enterodiol and enterolactone with estrogenic action. Lignans mechanism of action is similar to isoflavone.
  • Licorice. The phytoestrogen of licorice root, glabridin refers to the groupisoflavones. Glabridin has a dual action in high concentrations it inhibits the growth of cancer cells, and in small quantities, in contrast, stimulates their growth.
  • The red grapes. The phytoestrogen resveratrol, found in wine and red grapes when ingested, works as a powerful antioxidant, preventing cell damage by free radicals.
  • Hops. On the basis of hops made so popular a drink as beer. But the structure of this plant is a powerful phytoestrogen – prenylnaringenin. Its estrogenic activity is so great that in the old days pregnant women were not allowed to harvest hops, as they could open the bleeding. The ability of phytoestrogens hops influence on the menstrual cycle and reproductive system of women makes us cautious to refer to products based on it. However, beer contains trace amounts of these substances, so it is moderate consumption is not harmful to health.

Non-hormonal medications during menopause

To alleviate the situation of women in menopause, doctors often prescribe hormone replacement therapy. However, hormonal drugs are not suitable for everyone, moreover, can pose a serious health hazard, causing the growth of cancerous tumors. Among the non-hormonal treatment of menopause emit anticonvulsant drugs, homeopathic medicines and antidepressants as well as medications and supplements to lower blood pressure.

Antidepressants for menopause

Antidepressants not only can improve the mental state of women and to alleviate the neurological manifestations of menopause, but have a kind of side effect, reducing the intensity of the tides. Effect of antidepressants and sedatives on blood vessels in women in menopause discovered by researchers from Prisilia. 60% of the women taking depressants in menopause, a decrease in the frequency of hot flashes and improvement in health – normal sleep patterns a balanced mood and good appetite.

Sedative drugs based on the active substance venlafaxine:

  • Efevelone
  • Velofax
  • Fluoxetine(Prozac, Prilosec, Fluval)
  • Velaxin
  • Paroxetin(Adepress, Actaparoxetine, Rexetin, Paxil, Plasil).

Scottish scientists have discovered that modern medicines usedto treat depression have this side effect, which in the climax turns into a kind of positive impact. These drugs normalize the condition of blood vessels, thereby preventing or reducing the incidence of hot flashes, 60% of women taking antidepressants at the time of menopause, much better.

Antiepileptic drugs

Drugs with anticonvulsant properties are also able to reduce the intensity of hot flashes. Antihypertensive drugs also effectively handle the treatment of menopause, since many women at this age are the first symptoms of hypertension, significantly impair health.

Antiepileptic drugs gabapentin is on the basis of:

  • The Katen
  • Gabagamma
  • Convalis
  • Neurontin.

Preparations with phytoestrogens

Food Supplement with biologically active plant substances – phytoestrogens – are able to normalize hormonal regulation of the reproductive system. This is due to their ability to induce a hormonal response of cells, like natural hormones, in particular estradiol.

  • Estrovel. Contains extract of black cohosh, wild Yam root, soy isoflavones, indole-3 carbinol, organic form of boron (fruktbarhet), nettle leaf extract, vitamins E, B6, folic acid, amino acids 5-hydroxytryptophan, DL-phenylalanine.

    Benefits of the drug. The benefits of the drug relates to its safety with constant use, the prevention of cancer of the breast, osteoporosis, complex influence on all symptoms of menopause.

  • Klimadinon, and Klimadinon UNO. Contains extract of the rhizomes of ziziphi racemose, excipients cellulose, silica colloidal anhydrous, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, corn starch, calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sodium carboximetilkrahmal.

    Benefits of the drug. The advantage of this drug is its safety in application even women who are contraindicated for hormone-replacement therapy, effective treatment of manifestations of menopause. 30% of women who have Klimadinon in mastitis, disappear the symptoms of the disease, and another 40% the disease ceases to progress. Thus, the tool can be used not only to relieve climacteric syndrome, but also for the treatment of mastitis. Improved formdrug, Klimadynon UNO more convenient to use, one tablet is enough in a day to remove the tide and improve health.

  • Feminology. Stargazerherman, magnezium fosforikum, Pulsatilla, pratensis and excipients – lactose monohydrate, cellulose and magnesium stearate.

    Benefits of the drug. To help reduce the intensity of menopausal symptoms, improves mental state, is also applied to an irregular cycle and painful periods. Well as with hormonal therapy and other homeopathic remedies. Contraindicated for pregnant or lactating, people with lactose intolerance should be taken with caution and under medical supervision.

  • Was feminal. The dry red clover extract 40% isoflavones and auxiliary components – cellulose, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, gelatin, titanium dioxide.

    Benefits of the drug. Isoflavones – is phytoestrogens, which in large quantities contained in red clover and soybeans, and in large concentrations has an effect similar to the natural estrogen estradiol. Clover isoflavones relieve hot flashes, reduce sweating, tachycardia, and nervousness. The drug also reduces the likelihood of breast cancer with prolonged use. However, it should be taken under medical supervision and with caution because it can trigger the growth of estrogen-dependent tumors.

  • Femicaps. Chaste berry Vitex extract, grass extract Passiflora incarnated, alpha tocopherol, magnesium oxide, evening primrose oil, evening primrose oil, pyridoxine hydrochloride.

    Benefits of the drug. This drug is hypoallergenic, well compatible with other drugs. Successfully cope with the negative symptoms of menopause – hot flashes, sweating, nervousness and tachycardia. Also used to treat gynecological diseases such as cyst, endometriosis, hypermenorrhea, uterine myoma and mastopathy.

  • Chi-Klim. Contains black cohosh extract dry, auxiliary components – cellulose, starch, calcium stearate, silicon dioxide, hypromellose, titanium dioxide (E 171), Polysorbate-80, macrogol-400, dye iron oxide red, pigment iron oxide brown.

    Benefits of the drug. Has a sedative effect on the nervous system, removes mental symptoms of menopause, relievesvegetososudistye violations and rejuvenating effect on the skin due to estrogen-like actions of isoflavones.

  • Red brush. It contains the root and Rhodiola Koreneva chetyrehmagnitnoy.

    Benefits of the drug. Relieves spasm of blood vessels, reduces the intensity of hot flashes, anti-inflammatory effect on the urogenital system.

  • Inokom. Contains soybean extract 40% isoflavones, sunflower oil, soybean oil hydrogenated, soy lecithin, fish gelatin, glycerin, starch, titanium dioxide, iron oxide red.

    Benefits of the drug. The isoflavones contained in the product can contact the receptors and cause estrogen response of the cells, thus restoring the self regulation of the reproductive system in women during menopause. The isoflavones do not encourage the growth of hormone-dependent tumors, drugs like hormone replacement therapy.

  • Tribestan. The dry grass of Tribulus terrestris (250 mg per tablet), auxiliary substances – cellulose, silicon dioxide, povidone, crospovidon, magnesium stearate, Opadry, talc.

    Benefits of the drug. Relieves climacteric syndrome in women helps to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, cure erectile dysfunction in men.

  • Menopaus. Composition: retinol, tocopherol acetate, cholecalciferol, thiamine monohydrate, pyridoxine chloride, Riboflavin, cyanocobalamin, Biotin, zinc sulfate monohydrate, folic acid, Niacin, ascorbic acid, calcium Pantothenate, para-aminobenzoic acid, ferrous fumarate, magnesium oxide, manganese sulphate monohydrate, potassium iodide, copper sulfate monohydrate, chromium, sodium selenate, sodium borate.

    Benefits of the drug. A vitamin preparation to support the body during menopause. Contains B vitamins necessary for healthy nervous system that helps to reduce neurological symptoms of menopause. Pantothenic acid and minerals to stimulate the synthesis of estrogens, and antioxidants tocopherol and ascorbic acid to protect cells from premature ageing under the influence of free radicals.

  • Bonnisan. Ingredients: extract of Solgen soy isoflavones, active ingredients: isoflavones (daidzein, genistein, glycitein) - 58,0 %.

    Benefits of the drug. Has a complex effect on all symptoms of menopause, removing the flushes and tachycardia, sweating, irritability, mood swings and insomnia. In addition, stimulates the synthesis of collagen that promotes skin rejuvenation andis the prevention of osteoporosis in menopause. Analogues are drugs such as limaland and feiwell

  • Klimadinon. Each tablet of Klimadinon is 20 mg of active substance – dry extract of black cohosh rhizome (BNO 1055). In the extract contains a highly specific and organosilicone phytoestrogens that have clinically proven pronounced estrogen-like and dopaminergic properties.

    Benefits of the drug. The lack of stimulation of cell proliferation and for estrogen-endometrial carcinoma is a huge advantage of Klimadinon.The drug is contraindicated in the manifestation of allergic reactions.

  • Ledis the formula for the Menopause

    The product contains a complex of vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances:

    • Boron, magnesium, selenium, chromium, manganese;
    • Tocopherol, nicotinic acid;
    • Spirulina, Pantothenic acid, Angelica.

    Benefits of the drug. Regular intake of 1 tablet a day helps to overcome the pronounced symptoms of menopause: fever, headache, pressure fluctuations, insomnia, swelling, etc.

  • Klimaktoplan

    Complex homeopathic medicine containing:

    • Extract of black cohosh in dilution D2;
    • Sanguinaria in razvedeniiD2;
    • Sepia (the contents of ink SAC of the cuttlefish) in D2 dilution;
    • Ignatius breeding D3;
    • Poison snake Lachesis in D5 dilution;

    Benefits of the drug. Is comprehensive: first, because the estrogen-modulating activity and sedative effect on the hypothalamus then stimulates the production of estrogen and release them from the fatty tissues.

    In the absence of clinical effect in the first two weeks of admission possible deterioration of health. In this case, you must stop using the drug.

  • Climaxer

    Packaging of 20 tablets, each of which contains:

    • Cimicifuga, breeding S200;
    • APIs (bee poison), breeding S200;
    • Lachesis (snake venom), dilution C50.

    Widely used by gynecologists for the attenuation of menopausal syndrome. There is the possibility of combining with other pharmaceutical products.

    Among the excipients include lactose, therefore patients with her intolerance to take the drug is not recommended. Possible allergic reaction to components of the medication.

  • Climact-Hel

    Active substances:

    • Potentilla canadian drug D3 30 mg;
    • Ink cuttlefish drug D4 30 mg;
    • Sulphur drug D4 30 mg;
    • Tin drug D4 60 mg;
    • Snake venom to surucucu (Lachesismutus) drug D12 – 90 mg.

    Benefits of the drug. Menopause means compensate for the functional insufficiency in ovarian and other neurohormonal disorders, including depression, melancholia, vertigo, neuroses, migraine etc.

    Patients during pregnancy and breastfeeding admission climact-Hel contraindicated. Diseases of the liver the drug can be taken only after consulting a doctor. In connection with the presence of lactose, not recommended for use in patients with lactose or galactose.

  • Ovarian. BAD produced tablets weighing 155 mg, 10 mg citamin each.The main active ingredient – citamin, is a set of vitamins, proteins, nucleic acids and trace elements, extracted from the ovaries of cattle. Non-hormonal way able to slow down the synthesis of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), is an analogue of estrogen.

    Benefits of the drug. The drug helps to normalize the menstrual cycle and to smooth out the symptoms of menopause.

    The exact regimen only appoint a doctor. Treatment avariation not recommended during pregnancy and during breast-feeding and stops when it detects an individual allergic reactions.

  • Epitamy. Powder Epifania is produced from the pineal gland of pigs and cattle. A complex of nucleic acids and poliproteinov needed to prevent and correct violations of the functioning of the pineal gland that occurs due to various diseases. 1 tablet contains 10 mg of powder Epifania.Not recommended for use during pregnancy, during breastfeeding and in the presence of individual allergic reactions to the drug components.
  • Altera Plus. Contains 100 mg of the root extract racemose, roots of Chinese Angelica, and roots of Japanese Yam, and 15 mg of soy isoflavones.

    Benefits of the drug. Can facilitate a state of hormonal imbalance in periods before, during and after menopause without the use of hormone pharmaceuticals. Regulating the work of the reproductive system, helps to improve the condition of skin and hair.