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Hot flashes at menopause

  • The lifestyle that is led by a woman. Some of them climacteric syndrome is quite intensively, while others, on the contrary, runs very quietly.
  • Medication. To have a pronounced effect on the frequency of attacks and their intensity can be a means for the treatment of cancer patients. For example, Tamoxifen will contribute to the increase in attacks until, until the adaptation of the organism to its components.
  • What is the mechanism of occurrence of tides? It is known that during normal sleep, maintaining body temperature, appetite and the production of hormones responsible the hypothalamus. Lowering the amount of estrogen in the blood exerts a significant influence. To date, science has not found an exact explanation of why the hypothalamus at menopause begins to perceive the actual body temperature is high. However, it is known that it causes an increase in heart rate, increases the amount of capillaries. Thus it prepares the body to cope with a sharp jump and release the excess heat.

    The hypothalamus, through regulation of the nervous system. To the tissues signals deliver mediators of the hypothalamus – serotonin, epinephrine and prostaglandin. For this reason, and there is a tide, with all its attendant symptoms: uchenymi heart rate, increased sweating, enlargement of the capillaries.

    Disorders associated with inadequate secretion of estrogen, affect not only the hypothalamus but also the urinary system, skin, bones, all mucous membranes, brain, mammary glands and vagina. Changes of the neuro-autonomic regulation, increased risk of development of atherosclerosis and ischemic diseases of vessels and heart, skin undergoes changes of degenerative character. Increases the frequency of visits to doctor about disease of the joints that is caused by the formation of osteoporosis. Unchanged remains the psychological background of the women.

    Which reinforces the tides?

    There are certain factors affecting the gain of unpleasant symptoms, including:

    • The use of alcohol beverages, Smoking tobacco. This leads to the expansion of all blood vessels, increases the intensity of the symptoms of the disease state. Bad habits have a negative effect on all the cells of the female body in General.
    • Poor nutrition with a predominance in the menu of fatty, fried, spicy or toohot food speeds up the occurrence of tides. Therefore, in this period, it is important to adhere to dietary menu. If it does not reduce the number of unpleasant manifestations of menopause, then at least reduce their intensity.
    • Time maloprivlekatelen areas with low oxygen content. Stuffiness contributes to the tides. Therefore when the tendency to it should be possible to avoid visiting saunas, baths, rooms with a working fireplace or heaters. In summer it is desirable to use air conditioning.
    • As for the exclusion of certain foods, is a hard restriction gets sugar.

    • Should refrain from wearing underwear that causes the discomfort. It should be loose and not hamper movement, without pinching the vessels.
    • Enhance menopausal syndrome can nervous strain, fatigue and depression. It should be possible to avoid stressful situations. The negative impact may in this respect provide the experience of positive emotions.

    • Drinks such as tea and coffee are not recommended for use for women with menopausal syndrome.
    • Adversely affected too intense exercise. This does not mean that the activity of this kind must be abandoned. But all you need to know the measure.

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    How to deal with the tides without drugs?

    When undesirable manifestations of menopause bothering and often have an impact on normal life of women, it must be combated.

    To cope with the tides of the following tips will help:

    • To follow the breath. As soon as you start the next attack, it is important not to panic and to try to practice slow breaths not a diaphragm, and stomach. The breath should be deep and slow, and you can consider (in minute 8 breaths). To achieve this interval, you should inhale deeply and hold the air in for six seconds. After a few workouts,such breathing exercises will not pose a difficulty. This will relieve the nervous system, it is easier to move the tide, to delay the onset of the next attack.
    • To increase the flow of fresh and cool air. Do not miss the possibility to ventilate the room. To create a comfortable indoor climate, it is necessary to use humidifiers with purification function. The air in the bedroom is to keep cool, it is better to use a warmer blanket than sleeping in a hot stuffy room.
    • Cold pillow. Before you go to sleep, you can try to cool the pillow. You need to take a water bottle and keep it in the freezer. Just before bedtime bottle lay on the pillow, and then put her under it. This will allow you to spend the night without seizures. As an option – the cooling pillow in the freezer, in the presence of suitable sizes.
    • Food of vegetable origin should be a priority. Proper nutrition can not only reduce the frequency and strength of the tides, but also to improve the overall well-being. It's enough to cut meat and protein dishes to 20%, and priority should be given to foods of plant origin. Among the useful and tasty ingredients, nuts, fruits, grains, soy, legumes. Grain can also be sprouted, but in the solid form, they, like nuts, contain a much-needed woman vitamin E. the Body is particularly in dire need of it during menopause.

    • Outerwear. Properly chosen outerwear will allow a woman at high tide to feel comfortable. Natural materials better absorb moisture, increase ventilation, do not stimulate the formation of unpleasant odors. Cut should not be restricting your movement, it is not necessary to wear shapeless robes. Because of the psychological comfort, which gives a beautiful, stylish and fashionable outfit depends on the health of women. Another tip that will help you to cope with the rising tide, to put on two thin coats instead of one thick. So, if there is a sensation of heat, you can remove one of them, and not to suffer in a warm jacket.
    • Should active lifestyle by choosing attractive sports. It can be swimming or fitness, dance or body Flex, the most important thing was not contraindications. As a rule. The safest in menopause with exercise is swimming. It improves muscle tone, relieves stress on the spine, promotes recovery of the organism as a whole. In the absence of opportunities to do sports, you just need to walk more. Walk better to do in the Park, away fromroads and factories. If allows the state of the heart and blood vessels, you should forget about the Elevator.
    • Drinking regime. When comes menopause, it is important to choose a competent drinking regime. After the age of 40, a woman should drink no less than 2000 ml per day, in the absence of any contraindications. Primarily, this is due to the need of replenishment fluid that is lost during the process of sweating. When the tides don't bother, the water will just allow you to avoid dryness of the skin and improve health.
    • Emotional tension has a negative impact on climacteric symptom, amplifying it. Life dictates its own rules, which do not allow you to avoid stressful situations, regardless of the desires of women. Affects the health of all: financial problems, troubles in the family, difficulties at work. To strengthen and maintain the nervous system, you should tune in a positive way, every day to speak positive moods, believe in the good and not focus on failures. The less a woman worries, the less from not having hot flashes. It happens that even if all these recommendations to cope with the attacks is not obtained. In this case, you must consult a doctor. When necessary, will prescribe special drugs to fight the manifestations of menopause.

    A few more tips

    • Practicing gynaecologists agree that a woman after 40, you need to please yourself. It is important to satisfy their desires, even the most insignificant. If there is a need to eat ice cream, you should not deny yourself this. I want to buy a new thing, why not. This gives the moments of joy, though not very long, but they allow you to tune in to a positive.
    • It is not necessary too to rely on the help of men. As a rule, they take all of women's problems, as something undeserving of attention. Because only positive thoughts and independent attitude for the good start of the day, will allow you to cope with all adversities.
    • Techniques of neuro-linguistic programming can come in this case to help. Pronunciation of the phrases: "I'm smart", "I am the most beautiful", "I Have no health problems", "I'll be great," bring positive results. Similar affirmations can be many, it is important to come up with the most meaningful for myself.

    On topic: the list of the most effective folk remedies for menopause

    Funds, drugs, medications at menopause from the tides


    Sometimes a woman needs hormonal therapy, the use of which is impossible without medical advice. It is important to understand that these funds have a lot of contraindications:

    • If there is a risk of development of oncological diseases, of hormonal therapy should be discontinued.

    • You can't take this group of drugs in diseases of the liver, with embolism, if there are problems with blood clotting.
    • Assign hormone treatment alone is strictly prohibited. Before you pick up the drug, the doctor examines the woman to send her to breast ultrasound, pelvic, mammography, take the blood biochemistry, swab for Cytology, realize koagulogrammou.
    • There are drugs of non-hormonal origin, allowing to reduce the symptoms of hot flashes, among them dietary supplements, phytoestrogens herbs. (Full list of non-hormonal medications for menopause)

    • During the onset of menopause should not stop taking vitamins, even with a balanced diet.
    • Calm the nervous system will allow sedatives. It can be Corvalol, tincture of a peony, Valerian and motherwort.

    • Taking anti-depressants also can't be uncontrolled. They may assign only with pathological course of menopause. Among such funds, fluoxetine, citalopram, paroxetine, venlafaxine, and others.

    • Homeopathic remedies are also able to reduce the negative manifestations of the tides. For example, are often used Sepia, Lachesis, Climate Hel, Pulsatilla, Klimadinon, Klimaktoplan.

    It should be clearly understood that even if not identified threat of developing cancer, hormonal therapy may be an agent provocateur of the disease. Hormones give start cancerous diseases located at the zero phase of development. Modern medicine indicates that tensions are high in the cancer plan among the categories of women older than 45 years. Therefore, it is possible, you should refuse to accept additional medications provocateurs. If menopausal hot flashes tolerable, it is better to avoid unnecessary stress on the body.