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Colic in newborns

Very often young parents are faced with the disturbing and exciting behavior of the newborn baby: he cries and twists the legs. This probably means that the child is experiencing severe pain, and often cause her to become intestinal colic. The majority of babies under six months of age suffering from this disease. What is anxiety symptoms? It is mostly a sharp cry and cry after eating: kid blushes and pulls legs to the stomach. This behavior may last as long as the pain in the intestine will not pass.

Causes colic in newborns

That becomes causes of intestinal colic in infants? First of all, remember that a newborn child has not yet fully developed gastrointestinal tract, and this means that he is unable to fully absorb and utilize the mother's milk. Due to the lack of beneficial bacteria the intestines of the child becomes a favorable environment for development of pathogenic microflora and E. coli, obtained in the hospital, children's hospital or home. These factors cause excessive gassing and the appearance of sharp pain in the intestine.

Also, the cause may be overfeeding the child: if daily to increase the amount of food the child is not strong enough to cope with its processing.

Affect the occurrence of intestinal colic, aerophagia, when the baby is taking the breast, swallows too much air. This phenomenon often occurs when an incorrect position of the baby when feeding. It is also necessary after eating to hold a newborn upright: the air depart and the likelihood of colic will be less.

To avoid intestinal spasms in a child, a breastfeeding mother should respect the lactation diet. Do not eat foods that contribute to gas production: pears, apples, nuts, beans, radish and so on. The cause of colic can become lactose intolerant when the body of a child contains an insufficient amount of lactase enzyme necessary to process lactose. Adversely affect digestion and the wrong formula milk.

Symptomatic for intestinal colic and similar children's migraines, but for colic baby's belly becomes hard and elastic.

Treatment of colic in newborns

It is not easy to move frequent shouts and cries of a newborn baby, because it bothers both him and parents. How to save a child from painful spasms, without harming fragile and delicate body? Proven and effective means has always been considered teas for medicinal herbs (fennel, chamomile or fennel), plantex, dill water and drugs to combat excess gas (simethicone, espumizan). You should also do baby massage tummy: this will reduce the pain and will calm the baby. Massage is quite simple: you need just to produce a light circular motion and stroking the baby's stomach. To relieve the pain and help warmed soft diaper: its iron iron and put on the baby's stomach.

In some cases, parents use a special tube to drain gases. It is abundantly smeared with vaseline and inserted into the anus of the child.

You should always carefully monitor the behavior of the baby during feeding. If he's cranky, crying or twists the legs, most likely adequate food, something interferes. This may be a wrong posture or ill-chosen diet. Adjust the position of the feeding, eliminate from the diet foods that promote gas formation, poite baby dill water or add to food dill. Do not forget also about parental love and care: take the child in his arms and ukazyvaete it. This will soothe a frantic baby and help him sleep.