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The treatment of obesity folk remedies

Obesity is a very common gynecological disease in women of reproductive age. Despite the protective acidity of the vaginal and sticks Doderlein, mucosal barriers is often overcome allergic reactions, infections, diseases of the genital organs, mechanical and chemical injuries.

Despite the prevalence of specific therapy of obesity medicine is not developed, because the causes of the disease can be so different that it requires a complex analysis. Depending on what triggered the inflammation, the doctor designs a system to combat vaginitis for each patient individually.

First colpitis arises in an acute form, with unusual discharge, pain upon penetration, burning when urinating and other symptoms. If left without treatment or therapy does not bring result, obesity becomes chronic, which often concerned about pain in the bottom abdomen. Intensity discharge adapts to a monthly cycle and itching and burning become permanent.

The content of the article:

Bath with chamomile

The use of decoction of chamomile – the easiest way to fight obesity. Symptoms such as dryness, swelling and burning sensation are removed with the help of the baths after two or three treatments. This is due to the pronounced anti-inflammatory properties medicinal chamomile flowers, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Chamomile essential oil, in addition to conventional and other medicinal plants constituents, contains a unique component chamazulene, characteristic pronounced sedative, anti-inflammatory and mestnoanesteziruyuschim properties.

Recipes chamomile baths

Bath with chamomile. Prepare the bath with chamomile is easy enough: 10 grams of dried chamomile flowers (2 tablespoons) pour one liter of boiling water, and heated on a water bath for 10 minutes, then remove from the heat and leave to cool to 37-38 degrees. When the thermometer shows this temperature, pour the broth into a convenient capacity (for example, a small pelvis) and take a sitz bath for 15-20 minutes.

Douching decoction of chamomile. The same decoction is used for douching. Douchingproduced a syringe without a needle. Decoction of chamomile is typed into the syringe, then inserted into the vagina. After douching chamomile there is no dryness or irritation – it is hypoallergenic.

Bath with chamomile. To obtain the integrated effect prepare a bath with chamomile. 200 g the flowers are filled with two liters of cold water, boiled in a water bath for 10 minutes. The resulting broth infused for 2 hours, filtered and poured into a full bath of warm water. Taking bath with decoction of chamomile is permitted no more than half an hour, occasionally adding hot water to maintain the temperature of 37-39 degrees.

Remember that chamomile is not recommended to boil, as boiling chamazulene is partially decomposed, which may reduce the effectiveness of the infusion half to two times.

Using a chamomile bath can not only cure obesity, but also greatly improve the condition of the skin and respiratory system. Nutrients, steaming, into the lungs while taking a bath, that creates the effect of inhalation, and penetrating through the skin to help fight a variety of inflammatory problems, irritation and peeling of the whole body. After such water treatment calm irritation, brightens epidermis and also improves blood circulation that helps fight cellulite.

An effective method for masters

Medical treatment of obesity often gives almost no results – talking about this many patients gynecologists, and some suffer even years and are unable to find an effective remedy. However, one of the most effective remedies most called (who used this method) method douching own urine. Despite its "nuisance", this method is very effective and can remove all symptoms of vaginitis in a week.

The very essence of vaginitis – reaction to the change in the normal vaginal flora. Douching urine fight off pathogenic organisms that are not allowed to develop opportunistic, the majority of the beneficial bacteria. Thus, the microflora is restored and disease disappears.

How is the treatment?

In order to recover from vaginitis this method, you need to follow a few rules:

  • Use treatment urine the middle portion as a starting portion too clogged with waste products, and the end portion opposite too weak. Therefore, the first and last third of the urine must be drained.
  • For douching, it is desirable to use fresh morning urine; the procedure is carried out also in the morning 14 consecutive days;
  • The procedure to use only clean syringe without the needle.

In order to produce the morning douching, urination collect the middle portion of urine, a syringe pump in about 10 cubes. Then enter the syringe into the vagina and rinse it. After the procedure safely continue normal life, not forgetting to leave in the vagina urine soaked cotton swab at night. The night is also important to make tampons!

Other popular recipes treatment of obesity

Other recipes of traditional medicine include:

  • If the main symptom of vaginitis is dry, apply daily to lubricate the sea buckthorn oil. It happens in liquid and solid form as lubricant better to use liquid oil. Sea buckthorn oil is a very effective tool, especially in cervical erosion.

  • Take the leaves of lemon balm and nettle, and Valerian root. These ingredients must be mixed in a ratio of 1:1:1. Dial two tablespoons of this mixture, chop in blender or coffee grinder, then pour 500 ml of boiling water in a thermos. The solution should stand the whole night. The resulting infusion is taken a quarter Cup (about 50 g) for half an hour before meals month without interruption. If progress is not observed, the remedy is to drink an extra month.
  • When it is detected that the vaginitis provoked by the unicellular parasite Trichomonas, to cure it will help a decoction of Pimpernel. 15 g dried Pimpernel, you need 15 minutes to boil 300 ml of water on low heat. Don't forget to add the broth a tablespoon of honey, and how should her stir. The resulting remedy should be taken every three hours a spoonful. As you know, the Pimpernel helps purulent inflammation, acting gently and securely.

  • Perforatum St. John's wort and common centaury are the best remedy for itching and burning. To prepare the remedy, take a tablespoon of both herbs and pour a glasswater, then boil on low heat and allow to stand for 15 minutes. Infusion drink a tablespoon before eating.

Various recipes for irrigation need to be applied in different ways:

  • The allocations will help the infusion of the bark of oak. Tablespoon of bark pour 300 ml of boiling water and boil for another 15 minutes in a water bath. Broth to insist in a thermos 12 hours. Received a means to douche daily before bedtime for 10 days.

  • In the ratio of one-to-one mix goose bloodroot and pharmacy chamomile. The mixture is poured boiling water and infused for about 20 minutes. The cooled medium to be used for douching every day.

  • A decoction of rose hips is a proven remedy against edemaprovoked by obesity. Pour a pint of boiling water 100 g dried rose hips and wait to cool infusion. They need to douche in the morning and evening.

In conclusion

After complete disappearance of symptoms and external manifestations of vaginitis need at least a month to treat the method that gave the result. Next, you should take care of prevention.

Regardless of age, to maintain the health of the external genitalia will help:

  • Careful care personal hygiene: required cleaning twice a day, by using detergents with a neutral pH, daily change of linen, personal towels and care of instruments;
  • Maintaining a stable condition of the immune system: hardening, beneficial physical activity, the use of fresh and quality ingredients with vitamins, respect the sleep mode;
  • Dairy products in the diet;
  • Use during sexual intercourse condoms. This gives you the opportunity to not only avoid unwanted pregnancy but also prevent sexually transmitted diseases and also avoids potentially harmful hormonal and mechanical contraceptives (all kinds of pills, caps, coils and the like contraceptives, influencing the microflora of the genital organs).

okolova Nina Vladimirovna, doctor-naturopath, herbalist