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Signs of diabetic coma and emergency

What is diabetic coma?

Diabetic coma – extremely heavy the degree of decompensated diabetes. It leads to disruption of all metabolic processes in the body. In the presence of certain predisposing factors coma may develop, as in insulin-dependent and insulin-independent diabetes. No matter, they are treated or not even diagnosed.

Signs of diabetic coma

Diabetic coma develops not momentary, it is a forerunner prekomatosnoe condition. The patient increased thirst, appear headaches and weakness, discomfort in the abdomen, accompanied with nausea and often, vomiting. Blood pressure drops, body temperature below normal. The pulse is rapid and thready.

Over time the appeared fatigue and sleepiness are increasing, there are disorders of the Central nervous system in the form of full or partial loss of consciousness, the skin loses its normal turgor, muscle tone is reduced. Blood pressure can drop to very low numbers.

Specific feature of development of diabetic coma is the odor of acetone (overripe apples) mouth. If at this stage the patient does not provide adequate support, after some time there was complete loss of consciousness, and he could die. All these symptoms can manifest themselves, to grow and to worsen for several hours or even days.

Causes of diabetic coma

Causes of diabetic coma can late introduction of regular doses of insulin or the refusal of his application, the error in the appointment of insulin – improper dose, the replacement of one type of insulin to another, to which the patient was insensitive.

To the development of coma can also result in gross violation of the diet in diabetes, if the patient has consumed more sugar than they need; various serious diseases (including infectious diseases), nervous shock, pregnancy and childbirth, surgery.

Symptoms of diabetic coma

At the initial stage of development of diabetic coma patients there diabetic ketoacidosis, characteristic features of which are: severe dry mouth and unbearable thirst, polyuria, gradually turning into anuria, sometimesnoted skin itching. Show signs of General intoxication in the form of increasing General weakness, fatigue, worse headaches, nausea, and vomiting.

If treatment is not started in time, dyspeptic syndrome worsens vomiting becomes repetitive and does not bring relief, there is abdominal pain of varying intensity may be diarrhea or constipation. Increases drowsiness, lethargy, apathy, patients become disoriented in time and space, consciousness is confused. Breath smell of acetone, the skin is dry, your blood pressure falls, develops tachycardia, noisy breathing Kussmaul. Stupor, and stupor alternate with coma.

The effects of diabetic coma

A significant increase in the level of glucose in the blood and, as a consequence, the developing tissue hunger cause pathological changes in the body. Developing diabetic polyuria (increase daily amount of urine) leads to severe dehydration, despite the fact that the amount of liquid patients increases. Volume of blood circulating in the vessels, thereby decreases, and pressure drops sharply, leading to disruption of the trophic all tissues and organs, including the brain.

Along with the water from the body, as a rule, are removed and electrolytes. First, such macro elements as potassium and magnesium, which leads to serious violations of all organs and systems. To compensate for the excess glucose in the tissues, the body begins to metabolize reserves of fat and glycogen. In this regard, significantly increases the number of ketone bodies and lactic acid in the blood develops piperazines.

Emergency treatment of diabetic coma

Knowing the initial symptoms of a diabetic coma, you can prevent its development and to stabilize the situation by the introduction of insulin. Typically, patients with diabetes advised of the possibility of development of complications and treatment. It is recommended to limit the consumption of carbohydrates, to start the supplementation of potassium and magnesium, drinking alkaline mineral water – all this will help to eliminate piperazines.

If the patient's condition is already severe and is close to fainting, it is necessary to call an ambulance. In this situation, help can only the time to provide skilled care, hospitalization in a medical facility.