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Strabismus in children

Moms worried about the appearance of a child with strabismus, forgetting that it is not just a cosmetic problem. When you cross-eyed baby's eyes cannot focus on a single object. Then one eye becomes active and the other is less involved in the vision process. As a result, deteriorating eyesight and the ability to depth perception of objects. That's why strabismus needs to be treated the sooner the better.

It is worth noting that a slight squint is celebrated in almost all babies. Two to three months of age a baby does not know how to fix their eye. Besides, all babies are born with hyperopia and keep this feature up to eight years. Farsighted eye the kid needs a few seconds to focus vision on a near object, then one eye can "go" to the side. Coordination of the eye muscles is finally formed only by the third year of life. Thus, in periodic squint, there is nothing abnormal. If in two or three years the problem has not been reduced, in this case it is better to consult an eye specialist.

Sometimes while drawing or playing with small objects the eyes quickly get tired and start to mow. In this case it makes sense to talk about a hidden predisposition to strabismus. You should pay attention, is rejected if the eye in the moments when the child is tired, upset or sleepy. If such symptoms are observed, it is better to proactively go to the doctor to latent strabismus had not become apparent.

The cause of the children of strabismus

Causes of child strabismus much. In some children the disease develops due to weakness of the eye muscles. Sometimes strabismus is the result of hyperopia or myopia. Bad seeing objects close or from a distance, baby overstraining of the eyes, which over time can cause a disease. Sometimes strabismus can be a consequence of the astigmatism (impaired focusing of the image on the retina).

To the development of the strabismus may result in psychological trauma, severe stress and neurological disease child.

Congenital strabismus in a child can cause severe pregnancy or childbirth expectant mother, when in the brain stem of the kid from broken blood vessels microscopic hemorrhages occur.

The factor of heredity plays a role. If parents have observed strabismus, the probability of occurrence of this disease in the child increases.

Treatment of strabismus in children

The sooner you start the treatment of strabismus, the more chances to restore vision.

In the initial stages strabismus treated with special eye drops. Sometimes this is not enough. To force the squinting eye to look harder and in the right direction, a healthy eye for a long time closed. Gradually the "lazy"will be forced to actively participate in the vision process and will begin to look in the correct position. Meanwhile, you need to take care of a healthy eye from time to time allowing him to see the light.

To normalize the function of the retina, the children who have closed one eye, offer to play with small objects (designer, mosaic, puzzles).

If the strabismus has arisen as a result of astigmatism, farsightedness or nearsightedness, the eye doctor will suggest the kid glasses. Some children they are appointed to carry, already in half a year. But no need to worry that your child so early has become a"four-eyes". Modern fashionable eyeglasses, most are going to face. Yes, and this is likely a temporary phenomenon.

To organize the work of weakened eye muscles will help of special training courses. It is worth remembering that the different types of strabismus require different exercises. Wrong course can harm the unformed child's vision. Exercises that are useful for one type of strabismus, can harm the other.

If the squint angle is too large, one occupation is not enough. Perhaps in this case you need surgery. Postponing surgery will lead to the progression of the disease, so to make it should when prescribed by a doctor. In rare cases (with a strong strabismus) it is carried out in 2-3 years, often in 4-6 years.

Prevention of strabismus in children

A few simple rules will help to protect the eyes of your child from strabismus.

  • Do not hang near the crib items that attract too much attention, otherwise his eyes will be directed to one point. For this reason, try to position the crib so that relatives could come to the baby from different angles.
  • Hang rattles in the stroller within arm's reach of the baby.
  • Next to the child, refrain from sudden movements.
  • Make sure that when lying down the baby in a crib with both eyes receive approximately the same load. Otherwise there is a risk that the brain adapts to receive signals from only one eye.
  • Start to familiarize your child with the TV at least three years. Limit the time of his stay at the screen.
  • Notallow him to watch TV lying: let him take poluciaetsea position, tucked under the back cushion.
  • Develop the child's correct posture, especially at your Desk. Children that are low lean when you're drawing or reading, risking strabismus is doubled.
  • Be careful, that little schoolboy font in the books was large.
  • Familiarity with the computer is better to start with eight. Small images and font on the screen stressing the eye muscles of the child.
  • If there is a risk of development of hereditary strabismus, you should periodically go for a visit to the ophthalmologist. To detect strabismus will be prompt.
  • Protect the baby from stress and trauma. - Known cases of strabismus in children begins to develop after stress or intense fear.

Strabismus cannot be run. It is best to start the treatment up to seven years. The earlier they are started, the better the chances of recovery.