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Causes and symptoms of urticaria

What is urticaria?

Urticaria is a skin disease in which portions of the skin there is itchingand then the blisters. Blisters at first are any specific areas of the skin and are located separately from each other, and then merge, and get the whole area of inflammation. If this space is too large, the body temperature rises, there is vomiting, possible failures in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The symptoms of urticaria

Symptom of urticaria, which distinguishes it from different skin diseases and cosmetic defects with obscure Latin names, is the appearance of blisters and a red rash that itches and itches. It can appear around the lips, cheeks, and other parts of the body.

In General, these rashes and blisters are not so dangerous – mostly they are small and quickly disappear. But the trouble is that they appear not in a single instance: after some disappear, on their place there are others. For this reason, urticaria is delayed long enough on the skin, can bother for a few hours or a few days.

Urticaria is an allergic reaction, which may occur for example due to insect bites. Blisters disappear in three hours. Urticaria also occurs if the skin were affected in any chemical. Urticaria may be a consequence of certain diseases, for example, a malfunction of the thyroid gland or kidneys, liver. But mostly urticaria happens due to the effect of any products on the body – for example, if a person ate a lot of citrus, fish, chocolate.

Types of urticaria

There is a form of urticariawhich occurs when man first stood in the cold and abruptly became warm. Sometimes hives from sunlight. Sometimes the disease arises from the fact that people suffered stress, depression. Urticaria may develop into angioedemawhen the skin is strong the swelling, located on large areas.

Also urticaria can be acute or chronic. In chronic disease the itching can stay more than six months. This leads to sleep disorders, to reduce the overall health of the body. A case of acute hives itching goes away within a few hours.

Causes of urticaria

To cure hives, you need to identify the reason for whichhave any disease. Possible cause of urticaria could be any food, then they should be excluded from the diet. Hives may occur due to severe stress. This disease is treated with special ointments that are should prescribe the doctor.

A problem found someone who wants to get rid of hives using conventional cosmetic products, assuming that this is a common irritation of the skin. In fact, the real cause of hives is allergies. Allergic reactions can cause food products, medicines, chemicals, plant pollen, as well as the influence of heat or cold, besides, and even cosmetics. For this reason, the desire to mask night cream hives could exacerbate the situation.

Treatment of urticaria

Thus, to treat hives it is necessary so, how to treat an Allergy, you have to get rid of the allergen (an allergen is something that causes a reaction of the body). If, nevertheless, the standard treatment for allergies is not helping, and the cause is not clear, you should see a doctor-an allergist. The specialist will conduct the necessary tests and determine the factor of occurrence of urticaria. Proof that you do have hives, improvement of the patient after application of antihistamine (antiallergic) drugs or drugs that reduce sensitivity. In some cases, the relief brings salt-free diet with plenty of fluids. The localization of the rash can lubricate corticosteroid ointments, home remedies relief can bring soaked vinegar rag.

Self-treatment of Allergy (and its manifestations – urticaria) can be only when the sign of personal treatment. For someone easier to take a pill, and someone prefers ointments and creams. For someone who prefers folk remedies, can help tar, suet, weak solution of vinegar. But still not forget that urticaria is a disease, though not heavy, but quite unpleasant and tedious. And for the treatment of any disease it is useful to consult with a specialist.

Also do not forget that if there is an allergic reaction, it's a reason to pay attention to your immune system and, consequently, it is necessary to visit the right specialist.