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100 and 1 advice about lactation

  • if the chest does not slip out of your hands.

  • If you are sick and want to be treated herbs, you must know what plants are forbidden during breastfeeding. Many of them, penetrating into the body with milk, cause allergies, increase the excitability of the baby, lead to serious digestive disorders, which are accompanied by vomiting, breath, convulsive States, dehydration.

  • Never think badly about feeding and chest. Love and appreciate all that goes with it, thanks to breastfeeding the baby grows strong and healthy.

  • If the child is over 3 months, and he reaches to his chest very often, most likely, he needs your attention. He lacks something and he reacts differently. Not in a hurry to finish feeding mixture, the reason for the lack of peace. Help your child to feel secure, loved and desired, hug and talk to him, continue to breastfeed.

  • Friends, doctors, parents can assure that you have enough milk, so the child is not gaining weight. It is not, handing out advice is a favorite pastime of people, but only a mother knows her child better than others. If girlfriend with big experience of motherhood claims that your child is malnourished, check it yourself. It's easy, help out a regular electronic scale. Try to weigh the baby before feeding and after. If the difference is noticeable, and the weight has increased at least 50-70 grams, it's all right, your milk is enough.

  • If the child is not gaining weight, possible problems with digestion. Don't blame yourself, think that lactation was weak, and to turn to artificial feeding. Continue to feed, be sure to inspect the baby. Do the tests, it will help to identify problems with digestion and in a timely manner to eliminate them.

  • If you think that you have enough milk, saivites often. Breast milk contains an inhibitor. Accumulate in the chest, this substance reduces lactation. Avoid this, follow the timely outflow of milk.

  • To understand whether the lack ofmilk child, pay attention to the color of his urine and frequency of urination. One day renounce diapers and use the diapers. Puts them under the child and observe. Urination six times a day and colourless or pale yellow color of urine is a good sign, milk enough.

  • At the age of 3-6 weeks, as well as at 3.7, 11 and 12 months and the needs of the baby in the diet significantly increase. The organism develops, the activity of the child increases. Concerns about the fact that during these periods the milk is not enough, completely in vain. Keep breastfeeding, so you gradually adapt to the growing needs of the child.

  • The taste and smell of onions, garlic, other herbs and spices can change the taste of breast milk. To get used to the new flavors, kids need time. He refuses to take the breast, just give it half an hour, he tasted, he thought, and used.

  • To support the Breasts in the form, at least 2-3 times during the day to do exercises to strengthen the pectoral muscles.

    Each exercise is done for 20 to 25 times:

    • The palms of the hands connect in the chest. Align them to each other, and maximally with your back straight. After a few seconds relax.

    • Grasp the wrist. Without changing the position of the hands, try to stretch them to the sides.

    • Palms together straight over your head, try as hard as possible to compress them. As in the first exercise involved here chest muscles. Work the muscles of the shoulder joint.

  • If you have too much milk when feeding just one breast. Decant balances is not necessary. The second breast may swell. Loosen the tension, straining off no more than 10-15 ml of milk. During the regular feeding of the child is given already strained chest, the second rests.

  • If the child sucks a minute, and then crying off the breast, so something bothering him.

    Possible causes:

    • Stuffy nose;

    • Teething;

    • Abdominal pain, throat or head;

    • Inflammation in the mouth (possibly thrush);

    • Nervous mom;

    • Too fast the milk flows.

  • The scents of perfume or deodorant cause irritation to children. Any pungent smellrepellent. The most attractive and calming for the baby is the scent of clean skin. In the period of breast-feeding, please refrain from using perfumed means, take a shower more often.

  • Are you sure that the child refuses the breast? Do not jump to conclusions. Turn your head, distracted by sounds and movement for a growing baby is a normal phenomenon. Do not just think about the problems with milk and for reasons related to malfunctions in the body. Kid everything seems interesting, unrelated note — this is a common curiosity.

  • The baby refused the breast, try to have contact with him. Take on hands, sleep side by side, caress, kiss, eliminate pacifiers, let's breast in the night. When feeding is allowed to change poses, sometimes it attracts the attention of the baby to the breast.

  • Breastfeeding on intimacy is not affected. Men breastfeeding is not repulsive, and many men find this very sexy. You should not hide when feeding, problems in relations with your loved one is not the cause.

  • A good way to maintain breast-feeding is considered to be encouraging and understanding attitude to the second half. Compliments from her husband, kind words and smiles have a positive effect on the mood of a woman. The happy moms and wives, problems with lactation usually arise.

  • Don't let her husband respond negatively and make fun of your changing breast shape. "Compliments"like"my you're a cow" hardly anyone will like, any careless word spoils the mood and reduces lactation.

  • Reject any negative and unpleasant remarks by the grandmothers. Their opinions about breastfeeding to really should not worry you, especially those that are deprived of confidence. Welcome stories of personal experience of breastfeeding and to the advice of grandmothers, but all the information should be entirely positive.

  • If you suspect a lack of milk thing grandmothers is to support and reassure. Their stories from your life about how in such situations they solved the problem using formula or cow's milk affect you should not. How would relatives neither was convincing, remember, better breastfeeding nothing.

  • Emotional and physical fatigue reduces lactation. A nursing mother needs unloading and emotional release. Do not sit home andwalk, go shopping. Going to the hairdresser or for tea with a friend is a great way to unwind. Do not neglect the guests, love and appreciate yourself.

  • Often about the benefits of supplementary feeding say pediatricians. These "experts" to guard, it is better to choose another doctor. A good professional is not bad advise. First, he explains the reasons for the decline of lactation and by any means trying to restore breastfeeding.

  • In case of insufficient lactation pediatrician recommends to the mixture at the end of breastfeeding. On the packaging clearly indicated that such mixtures are supplementary, they cannot act as a substitute for mother's milk. Unjustified medical advice is a violation.

  • If you are going to do sports, for example fitness, be sure to wear a supportive bra. The breast during lactation increases in size, it can SAG, there is a risk of the appearance of stretch marks.

  • The most suitable sport for mothers, breast-feeding is traditionally considered yoga. Effective and safe callanetics and Pilates. During exercise drink more liquid responsible for the withdrawal of products of metabolism. They leave the body quickly, bypassing the milk.

  • After the first gym your child can refuse to take the breast. The reason for this behavior and possible sleepless nights and the appearance of intestinal colic are products of metabolism. During class they can get into the milk. Reduce the load and composition of milk normalized.

  • Intense cardio enhance lactation. The kid can not cope with large volumes of milk. The remains will begin to "burn out". For further lactation is bad, perhaps the cessation of production or the deterioration of properties and palatability of milk.

  • If you have moved and changed the situation, do not be surprised that the child often requires the chest. It adapts to new conditions, and your task — to help him. Do not withhold feeding and always be near.

  • In the summer if you want to swim, be careful with the choice of swimming. Let it be the sea or clean river. In lakes and ponds the water is stagnant, it accumulates a huge number of pathogenic bacteria. Accidental ingress of water into the oral cavity or lacteal tube often causes the infection.

  • Planning return to work, please bea reliable breast pump. The child will have to feed expressed breast milk and accustom to the bottle. The hole should be small, otherwise, after the nipple the baby will take the breast.

  • Coming to work, to depart to start for a while. The child needs to get used to expressed breast milk for your absence. Prolonged separation can provoke anxiety and stress. Let the kid get used gradually.

  • Give expressed breast milk stored in the refrigerator. After a few hours in a cool place can appear cream, you'll find dyloject milk. Don't worry, this is normal, just shake a little warm, and safely feeding your baby.

  • For the safety of expressed frozen milk use special packages. Before pumping be sure to wash your breast pump in hot water. The shelf life of milk depends largely on the conditions of collection.

  • Warm expressed milk, but do not boil. High temperatures destroy nutrients. The best option of heated — water bath.

  • Be sure to Express milk while at work. Breaks can lead to burnout milk and further weaning. Electric or manual breast pump to help you.

  • At room temperature, from 23 to 25 degrees, the milk is stored up to 5 hours. When stored in the refrigerator it does not spoil for about 2 days. Milk can be frozen, it retains its properties even in the fridge 8 days in the freezer for up to six months.

  • Feed the baby only breast milk should be up to 6 months. Additional sources of nutrition during this period not required. The child missing the mother's milk, it completely drains the breast, thereby stimulating milk supply.

  • To think about stopping breast-feeding can be by the age of 12-14 months. With proper introduction in the diet of additional products weaning will be seamless and painless for all. If the baby continues to insist on breastfeeding and constantly demands the chest, is a clear sign of increased nervous excitability.

  • The best remedy for normal lactation is a worthy self-esteem. The ability and opportunity to breastfeed my own child is not given to every woman. The mother should be confident in his indispensability for the baby, because her milk depends on a healthy and fulfilling in all respects the child's future.
