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Weaning folk remedies

The primary task for all mothers – to decide when to wean baby from the breast. To begin, a woman should focus on her own well-being – both emotional and physical.

How better to show the child that breastfeeding is over? For starters, you can wear closed clothes and give the baby so much food to eat and did not ask for the chest. We should calmly explain to him that you cannot ask for the breast; several times to smear the nipples with lemon juice or something else bitter (mustard or other products). So the kid will understand that the breast is tasteless.

Usually, the baby will wean from breast feeding from a couple of days to a couple of months. You need to be prepared that at this time he will cry and act up, so it is time to feed and distract him. Difficult to wean the baby from night feeding: when the baby wakes up and cries, you need to give him a drink of milk, tea or water. To give drink better from a Cup to the habit of the suckling reflex.

Often, after the child was weaned, the milk still continued to arrive, and the breast is stretched and sore. In this case, you need to wear a tight underwire bra made of natural fabrics until the complete cessation of lactation. When the chest starts to hurt, the milk can be removed with a breast pump. Thus, milk production will start to cease after 3-5 days. These days it is necessary to abandon soups, teas, hot liquid supply. You should try to drink less liquid as long as the milk won't burn up in the glands, and the Breasts will become soft, without any seals.

After completion of lactation need for a couple of months to give up foods that can restore milk production (especially beer). Silence should not worry about the pain during the burnout milk to protect yourself from unnecessary anxiety, it is better to consult a mammologist. During cessation of lactation is useful to drink soothing herbs (weaning baby from the breast, mothers can experience severe stress).

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Medicinal plants for the cessation of lactation

Breast milk is a valuable nutrient source for the baby from the first days of life. Studies show thatnone of the existing artificial nutrient mixtures are not able to become a full replacement for breast milk.

Yet in spite of this, in some cases, there is the need to end lactation before they are due: for the health of the mother, lack of time, etc. to achieve such a result, it is possible to access a variety of methods. One of the most effective — receive specialized drugs. However, the medicines are too radical and dangerous method of termination of lactation. Therefore the best solution will be welcome phytotherapeutic means.

Sage to stop lactation

Sage has long been firmly entrenched as a means for a relatively quick and safe stop the production of breast milk.

What are the benefits of sage as a means of lactation?

If we talk about the advantages of sage over traditional medicines — the answer is obvious. Almost all specialized drugs to stop lactation are based on sex hormones or inhibitors of production of pituitary active substances. Interference in the endocrine system are always unpredictable and could turn into unpleasant and dangerous consequences, including death. Besides any of the special drugs are poorly tolerated by patients, since it has many side effects: from the banal headache and dizzinessto bleeding and disorders of functions of organs and systems.

Drugs have a strictly limited scope and must be assigned to specialists and then only in those cases if you need to urgently and radically to stop the lactation process.

There are many folk remedies. But not all can be called safe. For example, dragging the chest with an elastic bandage, previously widespread, is dangerous and can lead to mastitis or the lactose.

Sage also relatively gentle on the mother's body and does not cause sharp changes in hormonal levels, as well as contributes to the development of adverse reactions.

How does the sage on lactation?

For the production of breast milk meets the pituitary hormone prolactin. Its level depends on blood levels of specific hormone estrogen. This is based on the effect of most hormonal drugs. However, in nature a substance is an analogue of estrogen — phytoestrogen. He, like estrogen, can reduce the production of prolactin, but it does not affect the hormonal balance. Moreone advantage is the fact that Salvia is not harmful for the baby, unlike drugs. So it can be used at the same time continuing lactation.

How to take sage for lactation?

Among the recipes are the most popular and effective:

  • Oil of sage. The duration of intake is not defined precisely, take the product until the end of lactation, but it usually just 2-4 days. To achieve maximum effect you should take the drug several times a day (at least four) of 3-5 drops. Sage oil is also useful for outdoor use. It will remove the inflammation of the mammary glands and prevent the development of lactose.
  • The infusion of sage. For preparation you need to take 1 glass of boiled water and add 1 Cana spoon herb sage. Then the infusion needs to stand for 60-90 minutes. Method of acceptance — 1/4 Cup 4 times a day before meals.
  • Herbal. Apply herb sage, hops (cones) and leaves of walnut. Proportion: 1 teaspoon, 2 tablespoons, 1 teaspoon. The mixture was placed in a thermos and pour 2 cups of hot water. Infused 60-90 minutes. Then you need to give the infusion to cool. Accepted 1/4 Cup 3 times a day. Keep the infusion should be refrigerated.

  • A decoction of sage. Teaspoon pour 2 cups of boiling water. The resulting broth is taken during the day. You must separate the broth for 5-6 servings.
  • Brewing tea bags sage. Brewed as a tea. Such a marked effect has no, therefore he has to take it within a week and a half. In day to drink 1 glass, dividing into portions.

Contraindications to the use of sage

There are a number of contraindications to the sage:

Also caution should be exercise to individuals with degenerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, acute gastritis , etc.).

Peppermint to stop lactation

Peppermint is another effective remedy to stop lactation.

This plant has a similar to sage effect, except for the fact that it acts directly onthe mammary gland. The main active ingredient of peppermint is menthol. It is important to know in what dosage to take this drug as a single dose of peppermint, but in a large dosage can lead to the opposite effect: the cessation of lactation will be replaced by more intensive production of breast milk.

In addition, menthol, accumulate in the blood out of the body including breast milk. For children this substance can be dangerous, so since the beginning of the use of phytotherapeutic means you cannot put the baby to the breast. It is known that children menthol has a pronounced hypotensive effect, can cause heart rhythm disorders, etc.

The main and most popular recipe with peppermint:

  • Two tablespoons of dry leaves of peppermint pour two cups of warm boiled water. In 60-90 minutes the mask is infused. Infusion should drain. Make the tool you need 2-3 tablespoons at a time, 3-4 times a day until the next meal. To prepare an infusion of peppermint for future use makes no sense, because it very quickly "go bad."

Cabbage leaf

There is another folk recipe designed to reduce the production of breast milk. It should be noted that it is quite controversial, and the effectiveness of its 100% not proven. The essence of the recipe is as follows.

Cabbage disassembled into individual leaves. Juicy cabbage leaf is slightly rolled with a rolling pin, to the surface came the juice. Then the sheet is applied on the mammary gland and fixed with gauze or a bandage (but it is necessary to exclude the delay). A compress of cabbage leaf to be stored until its decay.

According to herbalists, this recipe is based on the curative effect of cabbage juice and is designed to "burn" the milk. The recipe can eliminate lactation, but reduces the amount of breast milk.

Is it possible to pull the chest?

Literally 5-10 years ago among ordinary people and even some doctors, it was widely believed that the rapid and safe termination of lactation should be tightly bandaged chest with an elastic bandage. Some still believe that this method can help in the termination of lactation.

Proven in practice that this method not only is that inefficient, but also extremely dangerousto women's health. Elastic bandages or any other bandages around his chest are pinching the blood vessels that supply the mammary gland with oxygen and nutrients. Blood circulation in the body is disturbed. Moreover, the woman does not feel the amount of milk coming into the Breasts.

The only thing you can achieve, using such a "method" — the stagnation of milk and, as a consequence, lactostasis or mastitis is much more dangerous.

For reference, the lactose itself is not too dangerous. The maximum that threatens the woman with a lactose — redness of the breast, pain and discomfort. But it often happens that lactose is fraught with dangerous consequences: the development of infected or uninfected mastitis or abscess.

When abscess formation, the probability of its independent autopsy and further infection of the surrounding tissues with a possible necrotic process and sepsis. In 99% of cases abscess of the breast requires surgery in order to avoid negative consequences.

When uninfected mastitis (inflammation of mammary gland) develop very painful symptoms: pain, change in breast shape, hyperthermia. Possible loss of function in breast up to the absolute. Even more severe consequence of dragging the chest with a bandage — positive mastitis, which can cause necrosis and removal of the breast.

Thus, it is best to refrain from dubious "good old ways" and to think three times how to stop lactation safely for themselves and the baby.

Topic: How to wean a child from breastfeeding in 5 steps? 8 error mom


Weaning, and mean weaning baby from the breast — a lot of stress for both the mother and the child, both psychologically and physiologically.

To make the process of cessation of lactation safe and less traumatic for both mother and baby, should follow a few rules:

  • In any case it is impossible to wean baby from the breast abruptly and simultaneously. This should be done gradually. The first step is to replace the daily food intake. Instead of breast milk is a nutritious blend. Then replaced the morning feeding and then evening. Therefore, breast-feeding remains only at night, before bed. Each replacement should be conducted with an interval of not less than one week. Not worth itforget that the food that will be chosen instead of breast milk must be in its properties at least as good (as close to breast milk in its qualities).
  • Make weaning from the breast baby is the least "painful" from a psychological point of view, changing environment. Feed the child should be in a different place as it is not necessary to change clothes in front of the child (the fact that in the early stages of development is dominated by primary developed and formed the reflexes, and since breastfeeding is almost always preceded by dressing up the mother in the mind of the child establishes the strict reflex sequence).
  • It is impossible to wean baby from the breast abruptly. In the early stages the baby will almost certainly be worried and even scared. In this case, for sedation can be given Breasts. However, in the future it is necessary to find another effective way to calm the child.
  • Another effective way to pump breast milk into a feeding bottle with a nipple and offer the baby. The child quickly will understand that to eat from a bottle much easier, so do not want to take the breast.
  • During the period of cessation of breast feeding and weaning baby from the breast can not leave the child in the long term. This situation for a child is a huge stress, and the absence of a parent can be to the psyche of the child even more difficult. If possible you need to stay with your child as possible for a long period of time, until the stabilization of psychological States.
  • From natural feeding of the child not to wean during illness, after vaccination or supplied, when a baby starts to cut teeth.

  • It is possible that weaning from the breast is simply impossible: the child is naughty, for a long time does not calm down. This means that the child is not ready to refuse the breast, so you need to wait a while and try later.
  • Some time ago it was recommended to grease nipples something bitter (wormwood infusion, brilliant green). It is very "subversive" recommendation. Because, first, the mother takes himself very uncomfortable, and secondly it is for the child will be even more severe stress. Taking any action you need to take into account the likely psychological reaction of a baby and your own comfort.
  • To effectively reduce lactation, you need to take herbs or drugs (less preferred), to use less liquid. To reduce discomfort, it is important oftento Express milk and maintain optimal levels of physical activity.