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How to wean a child from breastfeeding in 5 steps? 8 error mom

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How to wean baby from the breast in 5 steps?

To wean from breastfeeding an older child, you need patience, because you are to act consistently.

Before the start of the process, it is important to consider a few things:

  • First, it will not work without the correct mental attitude of the mother. This is a difficult time and the mother will need a fair share determination.
  • Secondly, not a small role to support the entire family of grandparents, father, child, etc.
  • Thirdly, you need to be patient and not force things. Weaning should occur gradually, so the process has become traumatic for the child. Otherwise there is a risk that it will achieve the opposite effect. You need to keep friendly and not angry at the child, at the same time insisting on his own.

Abbreviated day of applying

The first step on the path to weaning from breastfeeding — reducing day of applying. It is important to create a "soft"psychological atmosphere for a child. No need to provoke in his mind the images of, or otherwise associated with feeding: this means that if the child is not necessary to change, to walk in his underwear, it is better to wear t-shirts instead of clothes with snap fasteners, etc.

In the presence of a child is also not a long time to sit doing nothing. In the mind of any baby (and older child) the mother is sitting or laying around is a direct signal to start feeding. If a woman is constantly in motion (engaged in some business, etc.), the incentive is much weaker. This feature of the child's mind based technique is the so-called"moving target". The active mother of the child asks for the breast less often. At this stage it is important to show determination, if the child ask for the breast, you need to answer that now is not the time, and kiss you at the end of the business. After just a week or two it will become habitual, and he stops often to ask the chest.

The child up to 3-5 years the basis of consciousness are congenital or acquired reflexes. It is therefore important to avoid all situations somehow reminiscent of feeding. So, if the child is used, for example, that during phone calls the mother is feeding, better go answer the phone in another room, either to end the conversation as soon as possible.

If a child persistently to ask to be put to the breast,first, the mother should pretend she didn't understand. If that does not work, you should distract the child's attention, to switch it to something interesting. For example, to look out the window, read a book. If it didn't, so to deny a child in this moment you should not.

Day your child you need to plan so that there was no time for breastfeeding. It needs to be filled with games, walks, etc. With the child it is necessary to maintain the physical contact no of feedings: massage, hugs. It may happen that the child asks for the breast on the street or at a party. In this case it is better to offer him favorite food: biscuits, fruits, etc.

If we are talking about one and a half-two-year-old child, is not only possible but also need to agree that feeding occur only at home and only at certain times. This will help to avoid situations when the child asks his chest at the guests in the store. Still not necessary to put the child in extremely difficult conditions: long hours of walking or trips to the store will lead to the fact that the child will get tired. Tired the child is, of course, to comply with the agreement will not.

NAPs without the breast

The first step is passed, erratic lactation day discontinued. The next step on the road to success — putting the child to NAP without feeding. The easiest way this can be achieved if the mother will be away for a while out of the house until someone from the family puts the baby to sleep. The main thing is to remain calm. It will be easier and the child and the mother. If the person who stays with the child to show gentleness and kindness, the child very quickly get used to the new "scheme".

The next step should be putting the child of the mother. As practice shows, effective method of increasing time intervals. In this case, the mother promises to go back right now and leaves for a short period of time outside the room. Then, after a few tens of seconds comes back and puts the child to sleep with breast. Gradually, time intervals should grow.

You need to tell the child where the mother leaves, and the reason for leaving the room should be substantial, for example, to cook food, to wash clothes. If the child is not waiting, he goes to his mother, swearing not to be. You need to explain to the child that he was awaiting the return of the mother in her bed.

In this way the child learns to fall asleep without a mother.

When awakened, the child may require chest. In this case, we must act as well as in the first step, something to distract the child. Eating, drinking, interesting but irrelevant.

How to remove eveningfeeding?

The goal is achieved, the child falls asleep and wakes up a day without feedings. Once this scheme has acquired a stability, you can start weaning from the night feedings. And this should be done on the same circuit. To stopping from feeding at night has become as effective, you need to develop a kind of "ritual" action before bed (it can include brushing teeth, telling fairy-tales in bed, etc. Last in this chain should be the process of breastfeeding). Over time, this number of evening feeding will fall out by itself, and the child will no longer ask for the breast.

If to speak about readiness of the mother's body for the cessation of lactation, need to be based on subjective feelings. If the mother is quite feels good during the day without feeding (breast is not filled, there is no discomfort, pain etc.) so that lactation can be eliminated without any harm.

8 mistakes you should be aware of all nursing moms

It is possible that the process of weaning from the breast will be smooth, but at the same time effective. But it may happen that the process of weaning at some point stand on one point and the child will begin to resist. This happens if the mother is forcing events and leads process too fast.

If you continue to use the same methods, the risk of the opposite effect. If suddenly the child is a strong resistance, it is best to wait, to bide their time and then to continue the process of weaning.

Bring 8 popular mistakes made by nursing mothers when weaning from the breast:

  1. It is impossible to put a specific time frame of weaning from the breast. No one knows in advance what the terms will be weaning from the breast and how fast the end result will be achieved. Therefore, you should not rush things. Everything should go smoothly and seamlessly.

  2. It is not necessary to wean baby from the breast if he is sick or recovering from illness. Illness — stress to the child's body. To aggravate it even more should not be. It is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

  3. It is also impossible to wean the baby from breast to bright transition periods. Or on the eve of these events: the release of mothers work, admission to the children'sgarden, etc. it is Important to start weaning a few months before or several months after important events. Otherwise, a series of changes can be to the psyche of the child is too heavy.

  4. If the child is under stress: fright, if he's hit, was without a mother to deny the child attachment to breast is not necessary. Besides the fact that the baby gets the nutrients this way he also calms down.

  5. Often, inexperienced mother practiced a fairly common means of weaning from the breast — a sharp departure. Besides the fact that it is quite unwise, even dangerous for children's psyche. The departure of the mother for a long time becomes for the child a serious stress. The result is likely to be that on my return mother of an imaginary trip, the child will begin to demand the breast more actively and frequently.

  6. In any case, you cannot spread breast bitter substances (mustard green). Nothing good comes from such practice should not expect either the mother or the child. The breast skin is soft. Mustard or Zelenka can cause chemical burns. For a child, the consequences would be and heavier. The mother's breast for a child — a symbol of peace, confidence and security. So if a child suddenly realize that with your Breasts is something wrong, his confidence in the security of your home world will be shattered. It may be fraught with unpredictable consequences, and they occur with high probability, in adulthood.

  7. The idea that supplementation and reduction of lactation contribute to the weaning of the child from the mother's breast is wrong. In a year or two, the child no longer needs breast milk. For him, breastfeeding is a way of communication and way to obtain parent attention. Therefore, even if the breast milk will not be — the child would still require applying. However, the feeling from the application of the child to "milk" the chest for the mother is much more uncomfortable. So there is no sense to take special medications that suppress lactation.

  8. Do not replace the night feeding breast feeding bottle feeding. If you use sweetened water (as it usually does), the child is likely to develop caries. To avoid this, the night of the child can be given water only.

The process of weaning baby from the breast should be watching very carefully and closely. If suddenly the child begins to show clear signsstress, for example, restless sleep, problems with speech (stuttering), bites (if this was not before), does not depart from the mother on a step, this means that the weaning is too rapid pace. If the mother starts, problems with the nervous system (poor sleep, anxiety, etc.), then the process is too rapid for her.

If at least one of the participants in the process, he speaks the unpleasant feelings and consequences, it is necessary to reduce the pace and some time to wait. Speech can go about a week or two, but their own nerves of the mother and child are much more expensive than this little period of time.

Therefore, vigorously carry out weaning from the breast in any case not worth it. If you have any need for weaning from breastfeeding, this should be done cautiously, at a moderate pace, paying attention to the General condition of the child and their own. The only way to achieve effective and painless weaning from the breast.