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The treatment of radiation disease folk remedies

Radiation sickness is a disease, appearing under the influence of different types of ionizing radiation, and has symptoms depending on the dose of damaging radiation, localization of the radiation source, its type, dose distribution in time and body. The nature of the spatial distribution of dose emit radiation sickness provoked by the uniform, nonuniform, and total irradiation, depending on dose distribution in time distinguish between chronic and acute radiation sickness.

Driven by the development of the disease as external irradiation and the influence penetrated into the body of radionuclides. The treatment of this disease is done only by qualified doctors and involves the prevention of infectious complications, the appointment of symptomatic drugs and to ensure aseptic mode.

The treatment of such diseases as radiation sickness must be performed by a qualified doctor. However, traditional medicine also has certain tools that can assist the body help in combating this disease. Folk methods of treatment of radiation sickness can be used nettles, garlic, sea buckthorn, black currant, citrus, grapes, rose hips, seaweed and propolis and other natural ingredients.

In addition, traditional medicine recommends to use apples. Their healing effect is determined by incoming in their composition of organic acids and pectin. Pectin binds and removes from the human body cesium, lead, mercury and other harmful substances to the body.

Plants and herbs used in the preparation of medicines, should be cut away from civilization (due to possible contamination) stainless steel knife. The expediency of application and dosage of traditional medicine should be discussed with the doctor.

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Treatment of radiation sickness yarrow

To prepare you should chop and mix the herb yarrow (two tablespoons), teaspoon primrose and nettle mixture pour boiling water (one glass), then infuse for sixty minutes in a warm room under the lid, strain and drink thirty minutes before meals three times a day for 100 ml. Each day should be prepared fresh infusion. Traditional medicine considers this tool is effective in radiation sickness.

Also, when radiation sickness throughout the year it is necessary to regularly eat the berries of black chokeberry and use tincture of yarrow. Dry grass plants (about 100 g) is poured in two liters of vodka, insist in a dark place for two weeks, filtered and pressed. Before eating it is necessary to drink two tablespoons of tincture diluted with water.

Treatment of radiation sickness with the help of needles

Five tablespoons of needles of fir, spruce, pine needles or pine should pour half a liter of water for five minutes to boil and to insist night in heat. During the day give the patient to drink this infusion instead of water. Followed by day break, after which treatment continues. To produce the alternation of coniferous drinking broth and water necessary to carry out a month. The best effect is achieved if the patient is contaminated water from the water supply is to drink melted water.

The needles have a coating effect, promotes the removal of radionuclides from the body and relieves the cells from intoxication.

Other folk remedies for the treatment of radiation sickness

Traditional methods can be used as a Supplement to the designated competent doctor treatment, but in any case not to replace it. The human body is different, and in each case the use of certain non-traditional funds can harm the health. To resolve unintended consequences before their use should consult a doctor.