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Treatment of mastitis folk remedies

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Treatment of mastitis with linseed oil

Len is the record of the plant world on the content of phytoestrogens – hormone-like substances that help to adjust the body's condition with hormonal imbalance. The lignans contained in flax seeds and extracted from them the oil, improves hormonal background of women as it has estrogen-like effect.

Flax seeds drink when the negative manifestations of menopause to alleviate its symptoms in the course of one month. Take 1-2 tablespoons of seeds per day, drank plenty of fluids to avoid constipation. At the end of the course there is a decrease in the intensity of the tides, lost nervousness, anxiety and insomnia, significantly improving the health of women. The first effects can be observed already after two weeks application.

For prevention of intestinal disorders and to improve digestion flax seeds whole or in powdered form added to salads, snacks, pastries, following the dosage instructions no more than two tablespoons a day. The composition of Flaxseed rich in essential fatty acids omega 3 that regular intake with food is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases, especially atherosclerosis. Omega-3 essential to maintain the functionality of natural anti-cancer defence of the body, so taking them in the composition of flax seed oil or in pure form or in the form of capsules helps to prevent mastitis.

Read more: how useful flax seed oil? (linseed oil)

The elderberry juice in mastitis and apricot seed

Most remedies for treatment of mastitis only temporarily eliminate the negative manifestations of the disease, and at the end of the reception, the problem returns. Effective natural way to treat mastitis is the juice of the elderberry, which take twice a day for 1 tablespoon. To use the product on an empty stomach, to not drink in one gulp, but slowly and gradually. For tangible results, you need a few months of daily use the funds within six months of receiving all the symptoms disappear, and the recovery occurs. Inpreventive purposes is recommended every six months to make the elderberry juice course two to three months.

The juice from the berries of the elderberry is used in recipes of treatment of oncological diseases at an early stage, benign formations in Breasts, mastitis. They help excrete toxins, salts of heavy metals and radionuclides. Elderberry is rich in biologically active substances, contain rutin, carotene, vitamin C and B vitamins, malic acid, glycosides, tannins, sambucin, anthocyanin pigments, the amino acid tyrosine and sugar – fructose and glucose. The juice of elderberry helps activate the body's antioxidant system, which helps fight cancer cells and slows the growth of tumors.

Read more: Useful properties and application of black elderberry in folk medicine

Apricot seed in the fight against breast

Effective tool for the treatment of mastitis are apricot pits, or rather, their heart, which is behind a hard shell. They should take the number from five (but not more than 10) per day until improvement occurs. For the therapeutic effect of apricot seeds is responsible, first and foremost, amygdalin or vitamin B17, which they contain in large quantity.

Discovered this substance for the first time biochemist Ernst Krebs in the mid-twentieth century. Amygdalin is purified and concentrated form of vitamin B17 and apricot kernels, in addition also contains the seeds of cherries, grapes, apples and plums. Amygdalin is also present in peaches, corn beans, millet and sorghum, in bitter almonds and flax seeds.

Krebs not only discovered and described the amygdalin and its natural sources and clinically proved the effectiveness of this substance in the treatment of cancer, discovering its impact on abnormal growths in the body. About the effectiveness of amygdalin in cancer treatment discussion in scientific circles there is still, however, it is prescribed for severe cases of cancer in different hospitals. Treatment with amygdalin was developed by the oncologist from Mexico Ernesto Contreras that applies the vitamin B17 in the treatment of patients for over 30 years. In the early stages of the disease the drug shows high efficacy in 70% of cancer patients, in advanced pathology of the improvement comes in 50% of patients.

The research of Dr. Morrone showed that intramuscular injection of amygdalin lead to a significant improvement in the health of patients within a month, even severe cases of cancer. After a ten-month course of treatment with amygdalin observed regression of the tumor, stopping its growth. Italian Professor Guidetti claims thatamygdalin promotes the recovery of people with tumors of different etymologies, helps with ekoobrazovanie in breast, lung, abdominal cavity.

In the complex treatment of cancer amygdalin is used together with multivitamin complexes, nutrients. The patient's diet should be present foods rich in amygdalin – almonds, celery, apricots and peaches. However, in the case of the use of amygdalin in high concentrations these products should be consumed moderately to experience side effects – nausea, dizziness, muscle weakness and low blood pressure.

An integrated approach to herbal medicine

Hormonal failure and a violation of the metabolism of estrogen lead to the emergence of mastitis. Therefore, for the treatment of mastitis in the first place, you must restore the hormonal balance of women, what can help phytotherapy. Herbal medicine is not the only solution to fight hormonal disorders, but is part of a complex therapy. The phytohormones contained in vegetable drugs have on the body is not such a strong influence, as hormones, and therefore are a gentle method of treatment. This reduces the number and severity of possible side effects.

Plants rich in phytoestrogens, which are often used in the treatment of hormonal imbalance in herbal medicine: peppermint, lemon balm, fennel, grassy part of the strawberry, Valerian root, Linden flowers, red brush, wormwood and sage.

In phytotherapy of diseases of the female reproductive system it is important to consider the phase of the menstrual cycle, since some plants with phytohormones to be taken strictly on certain days, so as not to disturb the hormonal balance.

  • 1 to day 5 of the menstrual cycle take wormwood, other days cannot be used. A decoction of herbaceous parts of wormwood stimulates bleeding when menstruation, therefore under normal or heavy menstruation to take it is not recommended.
  • S6-15 the daybefore ovulation you can take an infusion or decoction of sage. The infusion is prepared in one teaspoon of dry plant material, pour him a glass of hot water and fifteen minutes is kept in a thermos. Drink three times a day for fifteen minutes before eating.
  • With 16 for 25 day, that is, in the second phase of the cycle after ovulation use an infusion of the red brush or upland uterus. It is also prepared with one teaspoon of raw, filled a glassof boiling water, and drink twice a day for half a Cup.

A course of herbal medicine is three months, after which it is possible to draw preliminary conclusions about the effectiveness of the treatment.

The plant-based decoctions and infusions can be combined with selenium and folic acid.

Use the red brush in mastitis

The root part of the plant red brush or Rhodiola cold – an effective tool against mastitis, which has been proven.Red brush contains biologically active ingredient is salidroside, which has potent anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic properties. Drugs based on red brush also possess immunomodulatory properties, increasing the body's resistance to infectious agents.

Red brush has a rich mineral composition – copper, cobalt, chromium, manganese, Nickel, silver, essential oil and bioflavonoids.

Useful properties of red brush prolonged use in the complex therapy:

  • Normalization of estrogen metabolism – a violation of these processes leads to excessive proliferation of breast tissue, which provokes the breast. Estrogen-like substances, phytohormones contained in the root of the plant, normalize hormonal balance in women and prevent the development of pathologies of the reproductive system.
  • The normalization of the processes of production of progesterone. Therapeutic agents based on the red brush not only improve the synthesis of this hormone and the receptors on which it acts, more sensitive. The result is reduced swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands, prevents their engorgement. The balance of estrogen and progesterone in the female body is necessary for health and normal functioning of all organs and systems, especially reproductive system. Preparations red brush contribute to bringing the ratio of these hormones to normal, preventing breast disease and several other pathologies.
  • Restoring hormonal balance and endocrine glands after a course of treatment red brush is also due to its rich trace elements composition. The iodine necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, digested better, which helps prevent mastitis and hormonal disorders associated with hypothyroidism.
  • Red brush removes toxic substances from the bodythat gives a significant result, which is reflected, primarily, on the skin – allergic rashes disappear, faster heal abrasions and damage, decreases the risk of stretch marks, and alreadyexisting stretch marks are invisible.
  • The positive effects of red brushes on the cardiovascular system. Biologically active substances in the composition of this plant tone blood vessels, improve them, increasing blood flow in the capillaries. This is especially important for the normalization of cerebral circulation blood supply of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus – parts of the brain responsible for hormonal regulation of the organism. Due to this, there is a stabilization of the level of prolactin, excess of which provokes the breast.

Positive results observed after one or more full courses of treatment infusion or decoction of red brush. Reduction or nodes in the Breasts, soreness, and swelling, stops discharge from the nipple.

Red brush is used to correct the hormonal status of women during menopause, when the menstrual cycle (dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, irregular cycle, PMS) for the treatment of infertility and diseases of the uterus, with its erosion of the cervix and benign tumors, fibroids and fibroids. In inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system as oophoritis and adnexitis, treatment with red brush or Rhodiola cold gives good results.

Read more: Red brush – medicinal properties, application and contraindications

Treatment of mastitis celandine

Collect the upper herbaceous part of the plant in the morning, as soon as the dew disappears by cutting it at the root. Then plant material was dried in white matter and collect in bundles. Dry celandine purchased at a pharmacy, has a low efficiency, as it breaks off and crushed during packaging, is not recommended. Keep dry the grass plants in rag bags.

To prepare the tincture of celandine, applied in the treatment of mastitis, take a sprig of dried plants and crushed her, immersed in half-liter jar and pour vodka. After fifteen days of steeping in a dark place contents of the jar is filtered through a thick cloth so that there is only liquid without solid particles. This is very important, as in the herbaceous parts of the plant contain poisonous substances. A percolated tincture is poured into a glass container with tinted walls and left for storage in the refrigerator. Beforethe application of the tincture is poured into a container with a spout (suitable bottle of pills) to make it easier to measure the drops.

Regimen:morning fasting drink a drop, dissolved in half a glass of water. Gradually, incrementally, bring the number up to 15 drops a day (every day increasing the amount to one drop). Course duration is 1.5 months, then you need to do a two-month break. To avoid recurrence, repeat the course annually.

Read more: Celandine – properties, application and treatment celandine

What medication will help?


Good results in the treatment of mastitis show enzyme preparations, one of the most popular drugs in this group – Wobenzym.

Clinical trials Wobenzyme was conducted in Germany, the study involved 100 women with breast. Women were divided into two groups, half of the patients given enzyme preparation, the second group took a placebo. At the end, the study found a significant reduction in the size of cysts in the patients of the first group decreased the negative symptoms of the disease. This preparation not only eliminates the symptoms of the disease and improves the health of patients, but also directly affect the cause of mastitis, preventing the pathological changes in the tissues of the breast.

Wobenzym is an excellent tool for the treatment of mastitis, as it goes well with other drugs, enhancing the effect of antibiotics that are often prescribed for concomitant diseases of the reproductive system. The effectiveness of the drug is not reduced, there is no risk of complications. In addition, when combined Wobenzyme and hormonal drugs reduces the likelihood of side effects and complications from taking hormones.

Wobenzyma the composition includes complex of enzymes of vegetable and animal origin. It provides anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. The drug has fibrinolytic effect, helps to relieve swelling. Wobenzym helps to normalize the metabolism and excretion of toxic products of metabolism, eliminates swelling and bruising, increasing the permeability of blood vessels for nutrients and medicines. Immunomodulatory effect is manifested in the ability Wobenzyme activate cellular immunity, phagocytic activity of cells, and the natural antitumor protection of the organism. This helps not only to cure mastitis, but also its prevention in the future, preventing the growth of cysts and pathologicaltumors.

In many countries, Wobenzym is officially considered a dietary Supplement, while in Russia the drug is registered as a drug and taken only as directed by your doctor.

Side effects and contraindications for use Wobenzyme a little, but there is a possibility of allergic reactions in patients sensitive to any component funds. That is why before taking this drug it is necessary to consult the doctor. Available in the form of tablets which should be taken on an empty stomach, drinking plenty of water.

Topic: List of drugs for the treatment of mastitis


Mastodinon – a homeopathic preparation based on vegetable raw materials, which is appointed with mastitis, hormonal imbalances in women, menstrual irregularities and PMS. It is composed of extracts of Alpine violets, tiger lilies, prutnyaka, gradeshnica bitter, tablelist cohosh and other active components.

Contraindications for treatment with Mastodynon are diseases of the liver, also it should be used with caution in people who have undergone treatment for alcohol addiction because of the content of ethanol in the composition.

Angus castus or extract of prutnyaka in the composition of the product ensures its dopaminergic effect, contributing to reduce prolactin production. This increased concentration of prolactin is a major cause of proliferative processes in the breast, which leads to pathological growths.

After six months from the start of reception of Mastodinon the severity of negative symptoms of mastitis, in particular its fibro-cystic forms, reduced, normal menstrual cycle and mental state of the patient. Disappear such negative manifestations as headaches, edema, breast swelling, insomnia, swollen lymph nodes, dizziness.

Among the side effects of the drug, which are pretty rare, there are nausea, skin rashes, allergic reactions, acne and headaches, and excess weight.

Mastodinon not apply under the age of 12 years, during pregnancy and lactation, it does not take in malignant tumors in the mammary glands. The drug is contraindicated to people with hypersensitivity to any of its ingredients. Drinking alcohol and Smoking reduces the effectiveness in the treatment of Mastodynia.

okolova Nina Vladimirovna, doctor-naturopath,phytotherapist