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How to stop uterine bleeding? Causes, types and treatment

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What is uterine bleeding?

Uterine bleeding is a discharge of blood from the uterus. Most often it is a severe symptom of diseases of the female organism. Any uterine bleeding should be diagnosed, and the woman provided with medical care Ignoring such symptoms can lead to serious consequences, including death. It is important to know what normal uterine bleeding are only menstruation, the duration of which is up to 5 days, with a stable breaks up to 28 days. All other bleeding are pathological and require medical supervision.

According to statistics, uterine bleeding, bearing abnormal in 25% of cases are associated with organic diseases of that organ or of the ovaries. The remaining 75% have bleedingrelated to hormonal disorders and diseases of the sexual sphere.

Menstruation (period) is the only physiologically normal appearance of uterine bleeding. Usually its duration is from three to five days, and the interval between periods (menstrual cycle) normally lasts from 21 to 35 days. Often the first couple of days of menstruation the discharge is not abundant, the next two are amplified and finally again become scarce; the hemorrhage in these days should be no more than 80 ml. otherwise develops iron deficiency anemia.

Healthy women have painless periods. In the case of pain, weakness and dizziness woman should consult doctor.

The beginning of menstruation usually occurs in 11-15 years and lasts until the end of the reproductive period (menopause). During pregnancy and breastfeeding, menstruation is absent, however, is a temporary phenomenon.

It is important to remember that early onset of vaginal bleeding in girls (10 years) and in women after the menopause (45-55 years) isan alarming sign of serious disease.

Sometimes a normal variant can be spotting in mid-cycle (10-15 day after the end of the month). Their cause may be hormonal fluctuations after ovulation: wall of uterine blood vessels become too permeable, so vaginal discharge may have blood impurities. Such allocation should not last more than two days. Sometimes the cause of vaginal bleeding becomes inflammatory process, therefore, a woman must consult a gynecologist.

A normal variant is also implantation bleeding, which occurs as a result of the introduction of the embryo into the uterine wall. This process occurs a week after conception.

What is dangerous uterine bleeding?

Uterine bleeding have the ability to grow rapidly, not stop for a long time is bad to give in and stop.

So, depending on what type of bleeding in women, it can be dangerous such consequences as:

  • At a moderate, but regular blood loss may develop anemia of varying severity. It begins, if the volume of released blood is 80 ml. Although under such conditions there is no direct threat of a woman's life, however, this process can not leave.

  • Large blood loss can be due to a momentary heavy bleeding that is difficult to stop. Most often surgical intervention is required, with replacement of lost blood and the removal of the uterus.
  • The risk of progression of the underlying disease. In this case we are talking about a small blood loss that the woman is not paying attention and not sent for medical assistance. The blood loss even a small amount can lead to either bleeding profusely, or to the fact that the disease caused it will go into running form.
  • The risk of bleeding in pregnant women or women in postpartum period is that it can result in shock. The intensity and severity of this condition is caused by the fact that the uterus is not able to fully shrink and to stop bleeding.

Causes of uterine bleeding

Reasons that can cause uterine bleeding can find many. In order to systematize them, you should understand that caused byblood loss may be a malfunction in the organ systems, as well as violations in the sexual sphere.

To extragenital causes of uterine bleeding, that is, those which are caused by disorders in the asexual bodies include:

Causes of uterine bleeding genital, in turn, may be associated with carrying a female child.

During pregnancy there are the following causes of bleeding from the uterus:

  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Pathology of the ovum.
  • The presence of uterine scar.
  • Placenta previa, low location or early detachment.
  • Various processes of destruction of tissues of the uterus.
  • Uterine rupture during labor.
  • Injuries of the birth canal (vagina or vulva).
  • Denial or delay of the detached placenta.
  • Anomeric.
  • Trofoblasticskie disease.
  • Uterine fibroids.

  • A cesarean.
  • Horionepitelioma.

Genital bleeding may occur in women not bearing a child. The reasons for their callers include:

  • Discirculatory bleeding, which, in turn, can be klimatolechenie, reproductive and juvenile.
  • Tumors of the ovaries or uterus, wearing both benign and malignant in nature, such as fibroids.

  • Adenomyosis, characterized by the introduction of the uterine lining in its wall.

  • Cyst rupture or rupture of the ovary.
  • Any injury of the uterus.
  • Disease wearinginflammatory in nature, they include cervicitis, vaginitis, endometritis, erosion, endocervicoses.

  • Injuries of the external genitalia.
  • Reception with an oral contraceptives.
  • Sexual violence.

Uterine bleeding during menopause

It is a mistake to assume that during menopause women have no discharge. However, in premenopausal she needs to pay attention to their nature and quantity. Sometimes menstruation may be absent for several months, and sometimes go to regularly. This is due to the fact that ovulation has a different frequency, fluctuations in hormone levels. Such changes are the norm and should not cause women anxiety.

Guard her and be the reason for going to the doctor, has the following:

  • Heavy bleeding not addressed by hygienic means.
  • Allocation accompanying clots.
  • Bleeding that occurs between menstrual periods.
  • Duration of blood discharge more than three days, than usual.

You cannot leave such uterine bleeding during menopause, because they can indicate hormonal imbalance, polyps or uterine fibroids, endocrine disorders, ovarian tumors and other serious diseases.

Find out more: Menopause and hot flashes in women treatments

Uterine bleeding during hormonal failure

Uterine bleeding can occur in women with hormonal failure that occurred in the body. This is a problem for the fairer sex at any age. This happens in violation of a number of hormones, or changing their ratio.

Hormonal failure can be caused by several reasons:

  • Violations occur due to the fact that the brain improperly regulates their production, for example, when abnormalities of the pituitary gland.
  • Sometimes bleeding open because of the pathology of the gonads. This can occur due to inflammatory processes in the ovaries, tumors, cysts.

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome, especially amplified starvation and exhaustion can alsocause of bleeding.
  • Pronounced hormonal changes occur during puberty girls during pregnancy and after childbirth, after abortion.
  • Can sometimes be affected by genetic predisposition and the intake of some hormonal tablets.
  • Prolonged bleeding may develop on the background of conducted medical abortion, which has recently been gaining popularity.

To treat bleeding caused by hormonal disruptions requires an individual approach. It will depend on the cause of bleeding from the uterus.

Uterine bleeding after cesarean

After cesarean section, the woman should be under medical supervision. Most often the bleeding lasts longer than after giving birth naturally. This is due to the fact that the uterus formed scar, which complicates its reduction. Normally, the bleeding stops completely after a couple of months. If it continues, she should report the problem to the doctor.

Cause abnormal bleeding after surgery is often hemostasis. So to resolve this problem, doctors must carefully but thoroughly scrape the uterine wall. If the bleeding fails to stop requires its extirpation.

If hypotonic bleeding, is not always possible to stop it as it occurs once the uterus begins to shrink. Abundant blood loss can lead to hypotonic shock. Necessary replenishment of blood through transfusion and manual examination of the uterus, in order to detect possible remnants of the placenta, determine the contractile function of the uterus and to establish the existing gap.

A critical measure, used by doctors to save the woman's life is the removal of the uterus. Use this method if bleeding after cesarean section in other ways (electrical stimulation of the uterus, ligation of vessels, the introduction of uterotonics) were unable to stop.

The kinds of abnormal uterine bleeding

Uterine bleeding gynecologists are divided into many types. But there are those that occur most frequently:

  • Juvenile bleeding. Are characteristic of the onset of puberty girls. They can be triggered by a number of factors, for example, frequent illnesses, increased physical activity, poor diet, etcdepending on the amount of blood lost, such bleeding may lead to anemia of varying severity.
  • On profuse vaginal bleeding should speak in the case if it is not accompanied by pain. In this case, the volume of fluid lost can vary. The reasons are manifold, it can be moved and abortion, and vaginal infections, and receiving hormonotherapy drugs, etc.
  • Acyclic bleeding is characterized by the fact that it appears in between menstrual cycles. Can be caused by fibroids, cysts, endometriosis and other pathologies. If acyclic bleeding regularly, you need to consult a doctor. Although not always, this view is a symptom of any pathology.

  • Anovulatory bleeding is characteristic for women during menopause and for teenagers going through puberty. It is because the disturbed maturation of the follicles and the production of progesterone, lack of ovulation. Threat this species is the fact that without treatment can provoke the development of malignant tumors.
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding occurs when disrupted ovarian. The distinguishing feature is that it occurs after menstruation was absent for a long time, and blood loss when it is abundant.
  • Hypotonic bleeding occurs due to the low tone of the myometrium, post abortion, etc. often appears after childbirth.

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding

To dysfunctional uterine bleeding include those associated with impaired production of sex hormones, produced by glands of internal secretion. They can occur at almost any age, as in puberty and during menopause and reproductive period of a woman's life. This pathology is widespread.

Expressed this type of bleeding, the fact that the period of menstruation extends, and the amount of fluid lose increases. Without treatment always leads to the development of anemia. The main feature is a long absence of menstruation, sometimes up to six months, and then the occurrence of bleeding with different force.

Dysfunctional bleeding can be ovulatory (concerned women of reproductive age) and anovulatory (more common in adolescents and in women in the premenopausal). Breaking the loop in this case is expressed in a rich and irregular menstruation, with a long(over 35 days) and short term (less than 21 days) intervals, in the absence of menstruation for more than six months.

Tactics of treatment depends on the age of the patient and her comorbidities. It can be both medical and surgical. However, in adolescence, surgery is resorted to only in cases of emergency. Conservative therapy consists of steroid. If you leave dysfunctional uterine bleeding without treatment, they can lead to infertility, miscarriages, anemia of a chronic nature, cancer of the endometrium, as shock and even death.

Atonic uterine bleeding

Atonic bleeding is characterized in that it is formed when the uterus is unable to contract. The lack of contractility in obstetric practice called the uterus Cavalera. A characteristic feature of atonic bleeding – null tone and a similar reaction to the introduction of uterotonics.

When there is no possibility to stop the bleeding with the help of specialized drugs, on the rear lip of the cervix is superimposed a thick seam, optionally overlap the clips, with the aim of cross-clamping of the uterine artery.

If these methods proved ineffective, and the bleeding could not be stopped, they are regarded as preparation for surgery to remove the uterus. Mass is considered a blood loss of 1200 ml. Before you completely remove the uterus, attempt the ligation of the vessels by the method of Tsitsishvili, electrical stimulation (this method is becoming less popular, and doctors gradually refuse it), acupuncture. It is important to replenish lost blood.

Hypotonic uterine bleeding

This species is characterized by the fact that decreases the tone of the myometrium. Occur such as bleeding in case of delay in the uterus of the ovum, while the placenta after its release. The reason lies in the hypotonia of the uterus after childbirth, when contractions are rare and spontaneous nature. A critical degree of this condition known as atony, when the cuts are missing completely.

The challenges facing doctors in the first place, are:

  • Speedy stop bleeding.
  • Fill the deficit otsk.
  • Preventing blood loss more than 1200 ml.
  • Tracking blood pressure and prevent it from falling to a criticallevel.

Treatment is directed to the motor function of the uterus as soon as possible recovered. If there are remnants of the ovum, then it must be removed either by hand or curette. When hypotonic bleeding occurs after childbirth, you need to squeeze the placenta, if not, then it is removed manually. More often it is the removal of the placenta helps to restore motor function of the uterus. If necessary, place her gentle massage on the fist.

As medicines shows the introduction of pituitrin or of oxytocin. Effective in some cases is imposing on the belly bladder containing ice or irritation of the uterus with air. To this end, in the posterior vaginal vault is entered moistened swab. If hypotension is not amenable to this treatment, then made the events characteristic of atony of the uterus.

Acyclic uterine bleeding

Acyclic uterine bleeding is called metrorrhagia. It is not related to the menstrual cycle occurring in normal, is characterized by complete absence of any periodicity.

This condition can occur suddenly and be associated with pregnancy women, abortion has not been fully implemented, with placenta previa, the development of ectopic pregnancy, delayed parts of the placenta etc.

Acyclic bleeding, if a woman bears a child, can be observed in pathologies such as uterine fibroids, benign tumors. If the tumor is malignant, metrorrhagia occurs at the stage of its decay.

To describe the degree of intensity of blood loss is not possible as selection may be spotting, is abundant, with admixtures of blood clots.

On acyclic bleeding, it is important to pay close attention to women in menopause, as a first stage, and a few years later, after the permanent cessation of menstruation. In any case they should not be construed as resumption of ovulation. Metrorrhagia in this period require careful examination, as they often are signs of malignancy, for example, of sarcoma.

Breakthrough uterine bleeding

His development of the breakthrough uterine bleeding getting on the background of violations hormonal sphere. They are characterized by the imbalance between estrogen and progesterone. Sometimes bleeding of this type arise on the background of the prima woman of oral contraceptives. In this case, breakthrough bleeding is a reaction of adaptation to the drug. If after receiving written means there is bleeding that does not match the menstrual cycle, then you should consult with your doctor about dose adjustment orthe replacement funds.

More breakthrough bleeding can occur when damage to the uterine wall in a spiral. To ignore this is impossible, the spiral is subject to immediate removal.

Often blood loss when breakthrough bleeding is minor, however, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed.

Anovulatory uterine bleeding

These bleeding arise during the break between periods, its causes are varied, including they can be a manifestation of any disease. Most often anovulatory bleeding long time, lasts more than 10 days, is acyclic in nature. Women suffer such blood loss either at the time of the extinction of the reproductive function, or in the period of its formation.

This bleeding is called a single-phase, at the time of its opening is not formed a yellow body, development of the follicle occurs with disorders, ovulation is absent.

This bleeding can be hyperestrogenism when the follicle Matures, but not broken and hypoestrogenism when there is the maturation of several follicles, but they do not ripen completely.

Rarely, but anovular uterine bleeding observed during the reproductive period of a woman's life. These phenomena are associated with impaired work gipofizarnoj zone, after undergoing stress, poisonings, infections.

Among teenagers, according to statistics, this type of bleeding quite often. For such violations falls to 12% of all gynecological diseases. In this case the decisive factor may be poor nutrition, trauma, physiological overload.

Disorder-induced uterine bleeding

The emergence of disorder-induced uterine bleeding caused by the dysfunction of the ovaries. Sometimes the impetus to serve on external factors such as viral infection, stress, and so blood Loss is not great, there after my period was absent for a long time.

Uterine bleeding with clots

Women often observed in uterine bleeding presence of clots. Most often doctors explain their appearance is the fact that the uterus during fetal development, there have been some anomalies. Therefore, the blood stagnates in its cavity, forming clumps.

Most often, the menstruation cause these women are more pronounced the discomfort, especially when occur atelevated hormonal background. Sometimes it is this congenital anomaly may cause intensification of bleeding and the presence in the secretions of numerous clots.

Besides the fact that anomalies are congenital in nature, they can be acquired during life. Similar phenomena associated with the professional characteristics of women with bad habits. Often when menstruation with blood clots, women experience severe cutting pains. In order to exclude the presence of pathological process, it is important to seek the advice of a gynecologist.

Sometimes abnormalities in the hormonal background can also lead to the formation of clots. To clarify the reasons you need to pass a number of tests, including for thyroid hormones, and adrenal hormones, to investigate the levels of progesterone and estrogen.

The presence of clots, severe abdominal pain, heavy blood loss during menstruation, acyclic mini bleeding – all this is most likely evidence of endometriosis. Such a diagnosis is established after a thorough diagnosis and requires appropriate treatment.

Sometimes the cause can be poor blood clotting and some complications that arose after childbirth.

Learn more: Strong and heavy bleeding during menses with clots, what to do?

Uterine bleeding during pregnancy

Causes of uterine bleeding in pregnancy is more likely to be miscarriage, diseases of the uterus, ectopic pregnancy and damage to the placenta.

Miscarriage is accompanied by severe cramping pain in lower abdomen, bleeding heavily, the color of the blood from bright scarlet to dark. Ectopic pregnancy bleeding is accompanied by deterioration of General condition, malaise, nausea, vomiting, sweating and fainting. The blood is dark in color, usually comes out with clots.

Damage to blood vessels of the cervix during pregnancy can occur during intercourse or gynecological examination. Such bleeding usually is not abundant and long.

In case of damage or placenta previa uterine bleeding may occur in the second or third trimester. The bleeding is usually very strong. It poses a serious threat to the life and health of the expectant mother and her child.

It should be remembered that uterine bleeding in pregnant women is very dangerous, so the woman should be a medical team that will provide immediate assistance.

First aid for uterine bleeding

First aid for uterine bleeding is to as quickly as possible to call an ambulance. This is especially true in the case when a woman bears a child, her copious blood loss, the condition worsens. In this case, every minute counts. If it is not possible to call the medical team, it is necessary to deliver the woman to the hospital on their own.

Any uterine bleeding is a serious threat to life and health, so the reaction should be appropriate.

Categorically in dysfunctional bleeding, it is prohibited to apply to the abdomen hot or warm water bottle to carry out any irrigation structures, take a bath, use medications that promote uterine contraction.

Independently at home until the arrival of the ambulance, the woman can help by:

  • The woman needs to lie down, preferably on your back, and legs placed on any elevation. To do this, put a pillow or roll of blankets. This will keep the mind of the patient, especially if the blood loss are impressive.
  • The belly need to make something cold. If the hand was not warmer, the ice can be wrapped in plain cloth. Replace the ice can be an ordinary bottle filled with cold water. The time of exposure to cold 15 min, then break for 5 minutes. This will be able to achieve vasoconstriction, and thus reduce some of the bleeding.
  • Woman need to drink. As a drip at home to put not possible, to offer the patient drink plenty of liquids. Suitable conventional water and sweet tea. This will facilitate the loss of fluid with the blood, glucose will give food nerve cells of the brain.

To receive medication should be treated with extreme caution, especially if a woman bears a child. Before their reception it is necessary to consult with the doctor, but sometimes it happens that such a possibility does not exist. Therefore, it is necessary to know the names krovoostanavlivajushchim funds and their minimum dosage. These include Menadione (taken 3 times daily, at a dosage of 0.015 g), ascorbic acid (maximum daily dose 1G), Dition (to take 4 times a day in a dosage of 0.25), calcium gluconate (1 tablet up to 4 times per day). Before applying it is important to remember that all medicines have side effects.

How to stop uterine bleeding?

When into place there will arrive the ambulance, herthe following actions will be:

  • On the abdomen of the female overlaps with the bladder containing ice.
  • If bleeding abundant, it is to the car a woman should be delivered on a stretcher.
  • Hospitalization of the patient with the transfer directly to the specialist.
  • Introduction of a solution of sulphate of magnesia, with the threat or beginning of miscarriage. Or if there is a spontaneous abortion, the woman is injected calcium chloride, and ascorbic acid soluble glucose. Can be made by injection Etamzilata.

The doctors in the hospital to stop the bleeding using hormonal drugs, in that case, if the woman did not give birth, she had no suspicion of the presence of the tumor. To hormonal remedies include Jeannine Regulon, etc. In the first day give a higher dose (6 tablets), in the following days, one tablet less, leading to 1 thing. Sometimes use gestageny, but it can be used only in the absence of severe anemia.

Can also be used to somehow prevent disease or means, for example, Dicynone, Menadione, Ascorutinum, Aminocaproic acid.

Sometimes used surgical intervention such as a curettage of the uterus (an effective method of stopping blood loss), cryodestruction method (without contraindications) laser endometrial ablation (used for those women who do not plan to have any more children).

Find out more: Styptic in uterine bleeding

Treatment of uterine bleeding

Treatment of uterine bleeding depends on its cause and the patient's age.

Adolescents are often prescribed to reduce the uterus preparations, means of stopping the blood and strengthen blood vessels. Also consider taking vitamins, herbal medicine, at least – the hormones regulating the menstrual cycle. Women of reproductive age prescribed hormonal drugs, and occasionally surgery (when fibroids, endometriosis of the uterus, etc.). After menopause uterine bleeding often indicate oncological pathologies of the uterus and ovaries, therefore, the treatment mostly requires surgical intervention, including removal of the uterus and its appendages.

In the treatment is most important to diagnose the cause of the bleeding, so patients women without delayto seek medical help.