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Causes of flatulence in adults

What to do if you have flatulence?

To understand what to do if you have flatulence, you must determine the reason for its triggering. This will eliminate flatulence in the intestine, to restore the quality of life.

  • If it is determined that the flatulence is the result of irrational approach to nutrition, then the existing errors to be corrected. It is important to eat regularly, even snacks between Breakfast, lunch and dinner should be in a relaxed environment. Doctors recommend to include in the diet dairy products. If their application is regular, the metabolic activity of the microflora, normalizes, restores motor function of the intestine.
  • If flatulence is a consequence of any disease, it is necessary to direct efforts at its elimination. Treatment of diseases do should solely specialist.
  • If lactase deficiency it is important to observe appropriate diet low in calories and with the exception of milk sugar.
  • At the time you need to reduce the number of products containing crude fiber, if flatulence is triggered by irritable bowel syndrome. Important to consult a psychologist and a neurologist. To reduce pain caused by bloating, you can apply antispasmodics, for example, Duspatalin.
  • When dysbacteriosis appointed probiotiki. It can be Linex, Zoflora Immuno, hilak Forte, Bifidumbacterin, etc. These drugs contribute to the normalization of microbial balance of the intestine.
  • To get rid of symptoms of flatulence, he can be recommended drugs belonging to the group of the antifoams. They contain such active ingredient, as simethicone. It has no side effects and has no age restrictions. For drugs with simethicone include: Meteospazmil, Gestid, Maalox plus, Displacer, Espumizan.
  • Additional tools that will help to alleviate the patient's condition, are adsorbents. It can be: Polifepan, preparations containing bismuth, aluminum phosphate, Activated carbon. However, the effect of Activated charcoal delayed in time and very short, and other means contribute to slowing of the passagethe stool on to the large intestine. Together with the gases they also excrete vitamins, beneficial microflora and mineral compounds.
  • Also advisable is the intake of pancreatic enzymes, as the flatulence is almost always occurs on the background of digestive disorders. Such preparations may be: CREON, Pancreatin, Pancreatin (enzymes in combination with simethicone).