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Corset for the spine when intervertebral hernia

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Hernia of the spine is not the problem, learning about which to get depressed. Modern medicine has made in terms of treatment of this pathology significant heights. Developed both conservative and operative techniques that allow the patient to cope with the disease. Among non-surgical methods of intervention – admission medications, performing physical therapy, course passage physical therapy. Typically, this is in 90% of cases is enough to not to resort to surgery. The treatment duration is usually several weeks after that, behind the need will be to properly care. To help strengthen the muscle corset back, remove the spine and intervertebral discs, improve circulation will help: proper diet, limiting overload, daily charging and other exercises.

In addition, an important preventive measure of the disease is the wearing orthopedic corset. It allows you to take pressure off the spine and discs, to eliminate pain, maintain your back in correct position. That is why the product is popular among patients with herniated discs.

Varieties of corsets for back

The corset can not be purchased blindly, because there are several varieties of them. They have their own features and are used in a particular disease. It is therefore an important preliminary expert advice that will help you choose a corset in each case.

There are two main types of these products:

  • Corsets that support a specific Department of the spinal (sacral and thoracolumbar corset);
  • Corsets of various degrees of rigidity (rigid and semi-rigid corset).

Often to maintain back people buy corsets for warm up. However, they do not belong to this classification, as their main purpose the provision of a thermal effect. They are more heat back than lift her load. Therefore, the assigned individual readings.

What corsets are used when herniated

To achieve maximum effect from the exerted treatment, doctors are assigned the use of specific corsets.

Each of these has certainfeatures and produces a specific therapeutic effect:

  • Semi-rigid corsets help to relieve stress from the spine, still fix the affected area. In addition, wearing the product to prevent muscle spasm, feel the effect of micro-massage, without visiting massage service. This product is recommended for use not only with detection of a herniated disc, but also with radiculitis and osteochondrosis. The aim is both therapy and prevention of diseases of the spine. Fixation of the vertebrae in the correct position especially required during driving, while doing sports, during heavy physical exertion. This will prevent fatigue of the spinal muscles, and therefore will not give the possibility of disease progression.
  • Hard corsets strictly prohibited for independent use. Their purchase and possession is possible only after obtaining specific medical recommendations. Most often the indication for the use of a period of rehabilitation after injury or after surgery on the spine. The product allows you to remove the load from the spinal column, to eliminate spazmirovannah muscles, to prevent the displacement of the damaged vertebrae. The effect is achieved due to the fact that the corset implements a reference and support function for the spine. Thus, the maximum time of use of the product – 2 hours a day. This corset is strictly forbidden to wear all the time. Otherwise, it will lead to the loss of the intrinsic muscles of the back supports. As a result, overloading of the spine, a new protrusion and hernia.

  • Corsets warming. They also recommend the use of a herniated spine. Products are able to provide the warming, analgesic and micromassage effect. As a heater can serve as the coat of one of the animals: camel, sheep or dog. However, the supporting function of the corset is minimal, he is not able to remove the load neither from the back nor from the intervertebral discs or the muscles surrounding the affected area. In addition to intervertebral hernia, the indication for the use of hot corset may become radiculitis and rheumatism.

It is important to understand that it is impossible to stop the progression of a herniated disc or get rid of pain, due only to the use of the corset. An important component of treatment schemes is the exercise, and the avoidance of heavy labour, and adequate physical activity, and the use of high-quality orthopedic bedding, and most importantly, regular visits to the doctor.