Home / Treatment / What is dangerous and how to treat uterine fibroids? Causes and symptoms

What is dangerous and how to treat uterine fibroids? Causes and symptoms

One of the most urgent problems is that of gynecological disease, like uterine fibroids.

However, do not panic, if you are exposed to the diagnosis:

  • Firstly, you should calm down and understand that fibroids are not malignant tumor, and that there are reliable methods of treatment;
  • Secondly, it is important to have a thorough examination using hardware techniques. Then the diagnosis will be either refuted or confirmed for sure.

Here we will discuss the most important questions about uterine fibroids, will tell about the probable causes, symptoms and treatments.

The content of the article:

Uterine fibroids – a disease of the female sexual sphere, characterized by the formation and growth of benign tumors in the myometrium – the muscular layer of the uterus. The most common problem of uterine fibroids experienced by women aged between 30 to 40 years of age and older. Currently, however, fibroids has become considerably younger, and there are cases of the disease in young women 20-25 years.

Uterine cancer is called the tumor (education, node) located inside the body of the uterus (in 95% of cases, rarely in the cervix – 5%). Fibroids may develop from cells like muscle and connective tissue.

Obstetrician-gynecologists indicate the size of the fibroids or in centimeters (the size of the node), or in weeks. The phrase "fibroids 12 weeks" means the increase of the uterus with myoma node to the same magnitude as in the period of 12 weeks of pregnancy.

The location relative to muscular layer – the myometrium – myoma klassificeret as follows:

  • Intermuscular (or intramuscular, or interstitial, or intramural) – the node is inside the myometrium;
  • Podbryushinnye (or subserous) – node is under the mucous membrane of the external layer of the uterus, near the peritoneum;
  • The submucosal (or submucous) – node is under the inner lining of the uterus, in the cavity of the body;
  • Missesota (or intraligamentary) – node is between the broad uterine ligaments.

There are fibroids on a stalk, but their localization is exactly the same as we listed above.

Sometimes diagnosed diffuse form of myoma, in which the node itself is absent, but there is diffuse overgrowth of the myometrium.

What distinguishes a fibroid from a uterine fibroid?

All types of fibroids are formed from two types of tissue: muscle and connective. The predominant part of the tumor determines its belonging to the type of fibroid. If it is dominated by muscle fibers, it is fibroids. If is dominated by connective fibers that are mixed with the muscle, it fibroids. And if the tumor consists of connective tissue, it is called a fibroma.

Symptoms of uterine fibroids

Symptoms of uterine fibroids depend on prescription of the appearance of the host, age of the woman, the size and location of the tumor, growth rate of myoma node, and the presence of other chronic diseases. Sometimes fibroids occur with little or no symptoms and are detected only when the next medical examination.

The most frequent and characteristic symptoms of uterine fibroids:

  • Pain in the intermenstrual period, different in duration that occur in the abdomen, sometimes radiating to the lumbar region, upper abdomen or legs;
  • Menstrual function. It can be changing the length of the cycle to reduce or increase, the increased pain of menstruation, increase blood loss during menstruation (menstrual uterine bleeding), intermenstrual spotting;

  • Problems in the reproductive sphere (the possible development of infertility).

With the rapid growth of uterine fibroids or for large sizes of myomatous node can increase the volume of the stomach without adding body mass, as well as feel the discomfort and constant aching and dragging pain in the abdomen, which is increased by physical activity and emotional and psychological experiences.

When compression of nearby organs myoma node occur persistent constipation, and frequent, sometimes painful urination.

When torsion legs myoma node develops necrosis (gangrene) of the body of the fibroids, and then there is clinical picture of acute abdomen: sharp pain in the lower part of the peritoneum, palpitations, cold clammy sweat, fainting. This situation requires urgent surgical care.

Other symptoms of uterine fibroids mayto be in violation of the functions directly affected by the pathogenesis of bodies:

  • The development of anemia (frequent bleeding);

  • Dizziness;

  • Frequently occurring headaches;

  • Pain behind the breastbone;
  • Neuroses and neurosis-like States as a result of thinking about the growth of the tumor, the risk of the disease.

Symptoms of uterine fibroids in the early stages

The first signs of uterine fibroids occur usually when a woman has myoma node with a size of 2-6 cm and more:

  • Appearance is not related to menstruation sharp pain cramping in nature in the lower part of the abdomen;
  • Painful menstruation, although this was not before;
  • The increased menstrual bleeding;
  • The bleeding in the intermenstrual period.
  • Heavy bleeding between menstruation;

  • The elongation or contraction of the menstrual cycle;
  • The inability to conceive a child.

The causes of uterine fibroids

Research in the field of medicine highlight several possible causes of fibroids of the uterus:

  • Genetic factors (hereditary predisposition);
  • An imbalance in the hormonal field;
  • Pathological proliferation of the endometrium (inner lining of the uterus);
  • The consequences of multiple or frequent abortion and use of intrauterine devices;
  • Infectious and inflammatory processes of female genital sphere;
  • Chronic stress;

  • Diabetes mellitus and other endocrine diseases, including obesity;

  • The presence of chronic diseases of various organs and organ systems of the body;
  • Lack of exercise;
  • The lack of a regular sex life and sexual satisfaction.

Consider some of the reasons in more detail.

An excess of estrogen, lack of progesterone. Uterine fibroids is considered a hormone – dependent disease is a tumor is formed due to imbalance of female hormones. Therefore, the development of fibroidsit is characteristic for women of childbearing age. Fibroids do not occur in girls before the first menstruation and in women in the menopausal and postmenopausal periods. Studies have proven that the emergence, growth and development of tumors is affected by an imbalance of the production of female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone.

The menstrual cycle, in which increased estrogen production can lead to the development of uterine fibroids. Obesity exacerbates the risk of disease, because fat tissue also produces estrogen. The rise in estrogen leads to violation of the ratio of the hormones estrogen – progesterone in a woman's body.

In addition to the increased production of estrogen often observed in metabolic disorders of synthesis and the balance of its fractions (estrone and estriol) in different phases of the menstrual cycle. So if you suspect fibroids, it is important to conduct a study of hormonal status.

The number of pregnancies, abortions. An important factor in the examination is to ascertain the total number of pregnancies in women and their outcomes – childbirth, miscarriage (abortion). Abortions and miscarriages increase the risk of developing fibroids. The pregnancy ended in childbirth, especially with subsequent breastfeeding reduces.

Traumatic, difficult birth, diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity, frequent and multiple medical abortions (including "mini-abortions") can be the root cause of fibroids.

A woman's diet. The hormonal imbalance leads to improper nutrition. The predominance in the diet of refined foods, TRANS fats, lack of fiber can cause increased formation of female sex hormones and their imbalance. Unhealthy eating leads to obesity, which, as we have pointed out, is a risk factor for the development of fibroids (read More that can and can't eat with uterine fibroids).

If the woman's diet is balanced, contains a large number of plant products, seafood, complex carbohydrates (cereals), low in fat and sugars – the risk of fibroids is significantly reduced. Externally, women are eating right, they look young and attractive, they are full of health, strength and energy.

Lack of orgasm during sexual intercourse. On the occurrence of uterine fibroids affects the usefulness of the intimate life of a woman. Irregular or infrequent sex, absence of orgasms leads to stagnation of venous blood in the pelvis. Chronic venous congestion can cause hormonal instability and the appearance of the tumor.

Diabetes mellitus and hypertension. The risk of developing fibroids increases diseases such as diabetesdiabetes (violation of the hormone insulin) and hypertension. The risk increases if a woman fell ill at a young age to 35 years.

Other possible causes of uterine fibroids:

  • Obesity the type of "Yabloko";
  • Oral contraception, hormonal therapy;
  • Injuries and diseases of female sexual sphere;
  • Long stay under the influence of ultraviolet direct sunlight and in tanning salons.

What is the danger of uterine fibroids?

Uterine fibroids poses a risk to the health of women in terms of complications of the disease. With regular monitoring of her treating gynecologist and careful attention to their health, women can greatly reduce the risk of complications.

Therefore, you should be aware of the potential problems:

  • Massive uterine bleeding – dangerous in themselves a threat to life and to the development of anemia;
  • Torsion of myomatous node on a thin stalk. Fraught with the development of the picture of "acute abdomen". Requires immediate surgical care;
  • Necrosis of myoma node. Tissue death of fibroids. Often occurs during involution (contraction) of the uterus after childbirth, until the 40th day. Also requires immediate surgical aid;

  • Malignant transformation of myoma node – rebirth of a tumor from benign to malignant. According to studies, is found 1.5 – 3% of all cases that did not lessen the dangers of complications;
  • The birth of myoma node, myoma with submucous occurs with inversion of the uterus;
  • Reproductive activities of women – the development of ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortions, premature and obstructed labour, infertility;
  • The development of purulent processes in the myoma node and the surrounding tissues. Inflammation without medical care can lead to severe septic complications.

Women with a diagnosis of "uterine fibroids" should have regular visits with a gynecologist. At the slightest change in your health you need to seek medical help to avoid all these complications.

On topic: uterine Fibroids during pregnancy - what is dangerous? How to treat?

How to treat uterine fibroids?

There are two main methods of treatment of uterine fibroids:

  • Conservative treatment with medication and non-invasive procedures.
  • Surgical treatment – surgically.

The choice of treatment depends on the severity of the clinical symptoms of uterine fibroids, size of myoma node, age of the woman, intentions to have children in the future.

The basis of the conservative the method allowed the use of hormonal drugs into and injection, as well as symptomatic therapy (pain relief, treatment of anemia, decrease blood loss, etc.).

Conservative therapy is effective only to curb the growth of the tumor. To eliminate uterine fibroids conservatively impossible. Therefore, non-surgical method of treatment is used mainly in women in the older childbearing age. In this constrained the increase of the tumor before the onset of the menopausal period. At this time, the probability of self-absorption of the tumor.

The main principles of conservative therapy of fibroids

Non-surgical treatment of uterine fibroids is a complex of measures, including compliance with appropriate diet, use of immunomodulators, herbal medicine, allowed physiotherapy treatments, hormonal drugs.

The course of treatment consists of the following steps:

  • Anti-inflammatory therapy of infectious processes of the gynecologic sphere;
  • Activation of the immune system with special drugs;
  • Adjustment of diet and diet;
  • Normalization of the endocrine system;
  • The formation of a smooth psycho-emotional background;
  • Elimination of bleeding;
  • Treatment of anemia;
  • Reduction in the rate of the menstrual cycle.

When is surgery indicated to remove the uterus with the fibroids?

Indications for radical surgical treatment of uterine fibroids:

On topic: Surgery to remove fibroids of the uterus – whether it is necessary? Complications and consequences

Uterine artery embolization – a modern and unique method of treatment of fibroids

The method consists in the overlap of the blood flow in the arteries supplying the myoma node. This non-invasive operation is done in x-ray operating room. In the femoral artery catheter under special Ambleteuse (plugging of arteries) drug. The operation is performed under local anesthesia and control of a radiopaque substance. For women painless.

In the future, without a blood supply, the tumor decreases in size and disappears completely. Of relapses after this treatment was observed.


FUZZ-ablation fibroids under control MRI is a noninvasive method of treating uterine fibroids. The method: heat the cells of the myoma node using directional ultrasonic pulse with the purpose of their death.

In the first stage of treatment the physician plans the whole process in the study using MRI. In the second stage, continuing to monitor the process through an MRI, the doctor sends ULTRASONIC pulses to the tumor site. Host cells are heated to a certain temperature, resulting in die. After that, the doctor performs a targeted cooling of tissue. These short sessions of ultrasound exposure will be few, depending on the tumor size. MRI allows to monitor the degree of destruction of tissue and adjust the power of impact of the ultrasonic beam.

In General, the FUZZ-ablation may take up to 4 hours. The third step is a control MRI with the use of radiopaque substances.

Advantages of the method FUZZ-ablation:

  • Non-invasive;
  • No need for anesthesia, postoperative care, intensive infusion therapy;
  • Lack of side effects and complications – blood loss, temperature increase, intoxication;

  • Preservation of the uterus and reproductive activities respectively.
  • Short term rehabilitation;
  • The absence of recurrence of development of fibroids;
  • The high efficiency of the method even in the presence of multiple and large knots;
  • A significant reduction in the size of fibroids immediately after treatment;
  • Quick relief from unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

During the procedure, the woman must lie still. Due to a long stay in the prone position can occur uncomfortable phenomena in the region of neck, feet, knees. All changes in your condition you need to inform the nurse and doctor conducting the treatment.

We can not tolerate these symptoms:

  • Burning pain or pricking in nature abdominal;
  • Stitching and shooting pains in the back, loin, rump and legs.

On topic: the Treatment of uterine fibroids without surgery – 3 modern methods

Drugs used in treatment of fibroids

When conservative therapy is used several groups of drugs. Let's consider each in more detail.

Combined oral contraceptives

The combination of ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel:

  • Mercilon;

  • Marvelon;

  • Novinet.

The combination of ethinyl estradiol with norgestrel:

  • Ovidon;

  • Rigevidon.

Treatment contraceptive preparations containing combination of 2 hormones, effective to reduce the severity of pain and reduce bleeding. Of therapy such drugs can be expected to be reduced to only those tumors which originally had a size of 1.5 cm (read more: COC (combined oral contraceptives)).

Agonists gonadotropin-releasing hormone

The action of these drugs is based on creating a temporary "artificial menopause" in the body of a woman. Under the influence of hormones is suppressed ovarian function.Drugs-agonists (analogs) of natural gonadotropin-releasing hormones (AGRG) inhibit the production of sex hormones of the pituitary gland that affect the ovaries.

Drugs in this group:

  • Buserelin;
  • Triptorelin (Diphereline, Decapeptyl, Decapeptyl depot);
  • Leuprorelin (Lucrin depot);
  • Goserelin (Zoladex).

Under the action of ARG the ovaries "go to sleep" does not occur with ovulation, the endometrium is not changed in cycles – menstruation ceases. This process is completely reversible, after cessation of treatment, all functions are restored. The treatment lasts no more than 6 months. Over this period, the tumor size may decrease up to 50%, the symptoms of fibroids become less pronounced.

Cons of using drugs:

  • Possible full restoration of the size of the tumor after stopping treatment;

  • Prohibited long-term (longer than 6 months) administration of drugs because of high risk of osteoporosis and other complications of lack of estrogen level.

Appropriate destination AGRG before surgery when the uterine fibroids to reduce the size of the tumor.

Full list of agonists of gonadotropin-releasing hormones


As agonists of GRG, this group of drugs used prior to surgery to remove uterine fibroids. Typically used drug is Mifepristone (RU-486).

Under the influence of hormone therapy fibroids decrease in size, the symptoms of uterine fibroids weak.


Drugs used:

  • The Danazol (Danogen, Danoval, Danol, Vero-Danazol).
  • Semestral (active ingredient – gestrinone).

The effect of antigonadotropins is reduced to reduce the intensity of symptoms without reducing the size of the tumor. Often, when applied, result in undesirable side effects (increased hair growth on the face and body, change of voice, appearance of rash).

Antigonadotropin used to treat fibroids of the uterus rarely, only in the absence of effect from treatment with other hormonal drugs.


Todaythe use of Progestogens is becoming less justified. Some gynecologists believe the use of Progestogens is effective because with a lack of progesterone and the growth of the tumor. Many doctors, on the contrary, speak strongly against the use of any of the progestins for the treatment of fibroids. The mechanism of tumour formation is not based on the amount of a certain hormone, and the imbalance of the entire hormonal system of the woman.

At present, the use of progestins prescribed for combination of fibroids and endometrial hyperplasia.

Drugs used:

  • Lynestrenol (Orgametril, Exclution);
  • Nor-ethisterone (Monitor, Primolut nor);
  • Medroxyprogesterone acetate (provera, Depo-provera).

Recent studies of medical treatment of fibroids

Brussels University scientists conducted the study in the hospital of St. Luke, to understand how it acts on uterine fibroids contraceptive esmya. In the pills Esme the main active ingredient – ulipristal acetate. And as in the process of development and growth of myomas is important not only estrogen, but also progesterone, the decision was made to investigate the effects of esmya and blockers progestins.

In the experiment, was attended by 550 women who had operative treatment of uterine fibroids. All studied were divided into two groups. One group within 3 months was given as "treatment" placebo, other tablets Esme.

Simultaneously conducted another study: comparison of the action of esmya and the injection of blockers of the hormone progestogen.

The results of two experiments revealed the following:

  • After application of esmya the size of the fibroids are reduced, the intensity of symptoms is reduced;
  • 90% of the examined patients noted a positive effect from taking the pills Esme;
  • In 50% of patients taking esmya, lost the need for surgical treatment (the effect is similar to using injections blockers progestins);
  • After taking the pills ASME no side effects such as injection blocker hormones – hot flashes, degeneration of bone tissue;
  • After treatment for 6 months, there was no resumption of tumor growth, whereas after the cessation of injection blockers hormones fibroids started to grow again.

It is likely that due to the efforts of scientists soon the problem of uterine fibroids will be solved much faster and easier thannow.

Topic: upland uterus and red brush with uterine fibroids / Homeopathic medicines

Prevention of uterine fibroids

Since uterine fibroids is a pressing concern, should pay due attention to prevention of this disease from a young age. Although a unified theory of the origin of fibroids are not, you should try to prevent all possible causes of the tumor.

Stress. Cultivate within yourself a psychological comfort – that's why should seek every woman. To completely avoid stress, of course, will not work. However, you need to learn how to respond to conflict situations, do not wear in the shower resentments, unspoken claim and years of experience.

A healthy way of life. Balanced diet and optimum physical activity, sufficient exposure to fresh air, carrying out of tempering procedures, adherence to work and rest is at first glance a banal truth can really help in preserving women's health.

Control body weight to avoid obesity which, as we pointed out, is a risk factor for development of uterine fibroids. Every extra 10 kg of weight increase the likelihood of disease by 20%.

The diet should include plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grain products, replace simple carbohydrates complex. You should drink enough clean water, especially in the hot season.

Regular exercise improves the activities of the endocrine system in General and of the sex glands in particular. Acceleration of blood flow improves the supply of the pelvic organs with oxygen, improves metabolic processes in the gynecological field.

After exercise, the optimum conducting water tempering events – showers, douches, rubdowns.

Medical surveillance. Every woman should at least once a year, preferably every six months to pass inspection at the gynecologist. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe ultrasound examination of the pelvis. In any case, you cannot ignore such a survey, based on the fact that "nothing bothers". Identifying fibroids in the early stages will allow to do non-invasive or conservative treatment.

Contraception, family planning. It is extremely important to manage contraception to avoid unwanted interruptionpregnancy. The issues of contraception should be discussed with the gynecologist. Often, the best choice would be the use of oral contraceptives, which is another preventive factor against occurrence of uterine fibroids. It is only necessary to find a suitable drug.

When the genetic predisposition to the development of uterine fibroids in young women should keep the first pregnancy.

Childbirth in optimal age (before 22 years, the second – up to 25 subsequent up to 35 years) with subsequent breastfeeding reduces the risk of tumor development, and sometimes contribute to the resorption of existing fibroids. The condition of maternity, lactation not only provides a harmonious psychological state of women, but also normalizes the level of sex hormones in the body.

Harmonious sex life. Regular, full sex life with a mandatory achieving orgasm during every sexual act significantly reduces the risk of any gynaecological tumors, including fibroids. This is due to the acceleration of blood flow throughout the body and in the pelvis in particular, a comfortable psychological state, strengthening of the endocrine system.

"Climate control". All women should remember about prevention, both General and local (in the pelvic area, thighs, buttocks, feet) hypothermia. You need to avoid a long stay in a wet bathing suit and sitting on the wet earth, stone and other cold surfaces, even in the summer hot days.

Underwear should be natural, because synthetic fabrics in the cold to promote rapid freezing, and in the heat sweating. Too tight, compressing the body clothes can also disturb the heat transfer.

If you experience symptoms of inflammation (pain, discharge, fever), you should immediately consult a gynecologist for the purpose of timely treatment. If you do not pay attention and wait for that "all gone", can contribute to the development of foci of chronic inflammatory process.

Ultraviolet rays. Women should not be abused by exposure to the sun and in tanning beds, under the direct rays of the ultraviolet spectrum. Before sunbathing, apply to the skin with a special protective cream.

Vitamins and minerals. In addition to eating healthy foods for women important periodic supplementation of vitamin-mineral complex preparations. Specifically, this step is better to discuss with your doctor, who will prescribe a complex containing iodine, iron, magnesium, copper, selenium, zinc, and vitamins a, C, E with antioxidant properties.

Answers to popular questions

  • whether it is Possible pregnancy with uterine fibroids? Yes, if you have fibroids pregnancy possible. It all depends on the size of myoma node and its location. If the node does not prevent a fertilized egg pass through the fallopian tube and implanted in the wall of the uterus – pregnancy. The development of the pregnancy should occur with regular monitoring women at obstetrician-gynecologist.
  • Is it possible to give birth with a myoma? It is possible, but each case is individual. Question about the conduct of birth (the natural way or through caesarean section) should solve your obstetrician-gynecologist.
  • The pill with uterine fibroids. As fibroids become "younger", and the disease affects young sexually active women, the issue of contraception is very relevant. When fibroids in the absence of individual contraindications you can apply monophasic combined hormonal contraceptives. Oral contraceptives help regulate the menstrual cycle and reduce the amount of bleeding.

  • Is it possible to do massage for uterine fibroids? When fibroids complicated by bleeding, constant pain in the abdomen, the rapid growth of the tumor with suspected malignant transformation – a massage is absolutely contraindicated! Uncomplicated fibroids possible massage, but excluding the following body areas: abdomen, lumbar region, thighs, buttocks. Pelvic massage is also contraindicated when any of the uterine fibroids.
  • Can I sunbathe with uterine fibroids? No, you can not sunbathe or under direct sunlight or under a tanning lamp. It is impossible to prevent overheating as a local region in the lower abdomen and body in General – in order to avoid the growth and degeneration of the tumor.
  • Can you exercise with uterine fibroids? In the absence of pain and intermenstrual bleeding is possible, but if you follow several rules.

    Should refrain from:

    1. Exercises for lifting weights;

    2. Swirl Hoop with weighted (sand, suction cups);

    3. Belly dance;

    4. Use the warming zones.

  • Is it possible contraception using spirals with uterine fibroids? No, just a regular spiral with the fibroids the uterus can not be applied. In the absence of contraindications possible contraception special spiral Mirena to treat fibroids. Conventional spiral increases bleeding during menstruation. When applying spiral Mirena painsensations during menstruation is completely absent, and bleeding be scanty.
  • How to confirm the diagnosis of "uterine myoma"? Should undergo gynecological bimanual examination with palpation and ultrasound with vaginal probe. Usually these two methods is enough. Be administered if necessary computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, biopsy samples is implemented diagnostic, hysteroscopy.
  • Whether you want to be treated if you have a small subserous myoma node in 2 cm? Yes. In any case, the treatment of fibroids is needed. In such a situation shows conservative methods (without surgery).

  • Does fibroid grow during pregnancy? In the first two trimesters, there is a slight growth of the tumor. In the third trimester of pregnancy the growth of fibroids is stopped.